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Everything posted by MizerD

  1. 22 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. All that quality merchandise and you go and put kingston in there? :facepalm:
  3. I hope there is a mod that will disable the hud if it cant already be done. I heard a while ago that you could get rid of the hud as far as your health stamina etc meters but not the compass. Well I want to get rid of it all! nothing on my screen no compass no quest markers no nothing. I want this game to take me frickin ages to finish lol I don't care if i spend most of the time frustrated because i dont know what im doing or where im going, because in my opinion its better than having a journal the knows everything already and a character that knows exactly where this supposed "hidden cave" is. If i cant get rid of the compass and quest markers i'm just gonna have to stick some tape on my screen so i cant see it lol
  4. lol its only just turned 12.15pm for me
  5. oh yeah i forgot about the clairvoyance spell. and i agree with the fast travel. i dont want that either but i just know i'll be tempted with it like crazy (no self control)
  6. Ok i just wanted to share a thought and see if anyone feels the same way. When I eventually get to the end of the tutorial dungeon/cave or whatever, I plan on disabling the hud if I can. Now I mean all of it, I think I heard a while ago that you could get rid of the hud as far as your health stamina etc meters but not the compass. Well I want to get rid of it all! nothing on my screen no compass no quest markers no nothing. I want this game to take me frickin ages to finish lol I don't care if i spend most of the time frustrated because i dont know what im doing or where im going, because in my opinion its better than having a journal the knows everything already and a character that knows exactly where this supposed "hidden cave" is. If i cant get rid of the compass and quest markers i'm just gonna have to stick some tape on my screen so i cant see it lol at least until a mod comes out that will sort it out. Anyways my views aside.. what do you guys think?
  7. Awww but i want info NOW!!!! :P
  8. Its the manual that is supplied with the game disk.
  9. Please describe it as best you can!! :D
  10. Better? ;) sorry, didn't think of leaving spaces... <snip> Much! :thumbsup:
  11. haha right i know me too! :facepalm:
  12. Yes you ARE a bad person! But you have a f*cking good sense of humour! :thumbsup:
  13. I'd hope there is some type of Rapier like weapons because they were effective for finding small gaps in an opponents armour and i like that kind of play style. where i wait for the opponent to strike and then deliver a devastating counter :D
  14. Skyrim is right now keeping me from writing technical reports! I have two to do, and 6 to do them in :wallbash: damn my search for knowledge regarding Skyrim!!!
  15. would have been cool though lol
  16. You should really post this question here http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/388498-the-thread-of-computers-aka-will-my-computer-run-skyrim/ intsead of making new topics. Just saying....... :armscrossed: EDIT: to answer your question tho your system specs seem ok (as far as Ram and processor speed) but i'd say you coud do with a far better graphics card for sure. A Radeon HD 6750 at the very least. however i dont know how easy it is to change graphics cards in laptops. Btw.. Welcom to the Nexus do pardon the first part of my post, I should have read it before posting.
  17. Nice find! hmmmm, I wonder what the little church/monastery looking symbols on the map are for? Anyone know or care to guess? Maybe Priories?!
  18. My personal opinion is that your system as it is should be fine for Skyrim (but we'll see when they release the official system requirements) My advice would be that it isn't necessary to upgrade to win 7 unless you like I am sick to death with Vista lol My other piece of advice would be about your RAM. If you are going to upgrade that then i'll pass on some advice that a friend of mine gave me, and that is that before you choose the RAM you want you should first check what kind works best with your motherboard. EDIT: (This is because not all Ram is compatable) I have a Gigabyte motherboard so I checked their website and found that a brand called “Corsair” works best with my motherboard. Yeah man, thanks. The thing is, I have 32 bit operative system, which only recognizes like max 4GB of RAM, that's why I thought of Windows 7 64 bit operative system, because then I can upgrade my RAM easily. Oh i see lol well in that case its a MUST! ha that was the same problem my friend has with vista. he pluged in two 4GB sticks and couldnt understand why he was only getting 3.86GB's worth. what size of hard drive do you have?
  19. My personal opinion is that your system as it is should be fine for Skyrim (but we'll see when they release the official system requirements) My advice would be that it isn't necessary to upgrade to win 7 unless you like I am sick to death with Vista lol My other piece of advice would be about your RAM. If you are going to upgrade that then i'll pass on some advice that a friend of mine gave me, and that is that before you choose the RAM you want you should first check what kind works best with your motherboard. EDIT: (This is because not all Ram is compatable) I have a Gigabyte motherboard so I checked their website and found that a brand called “Corsair” works best with my motherboard.
  20. I have this case here. and it has x3 120mm fans but i wouldn't say they were big. What is concidered a big fan? 120mm is about standard size for case and cpu fans. My Case has a 200mm fan built into it (Antec 900), which I would say is big. haha yeah i would say so two its nearly double the size of mine, dont think i could fit that into my case! :P
  21. I have this case here. and it has x3 120mm fans but i wouldn't say they were big. What is concidered a big fan?
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