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Everything posted by MizerD

  1. That's nice and all, but I'm disappointed that we never got a shot of it open. I yeah i know right! but at the same time i dont wanna lose my eyesight! :ermm:
  2. I thought so :D
  3. ....so i let buddha know that he was a selfimportant ignorant a**hole that clearly had lot grips with the real world,so turns to chat rooms storming around trying to assert what little wimpish power he has banning people for having appropriate intelligent debates.

    Needless to say I was banned from the forum completely within five minutes hahaha

  4. ah see thats where you went wrong lol thats how i got banned the first time too! i messaged buddha because he kicked me and blocked me from the forum chat. because me and this other fella were having an argument. i replied asking why i got kicked. and he told me that i started the argument. ....
  5. Yeah makes you proud dont it! haha
  6. http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h332/ImMizerD/IMG_0731.jpg I think in Skyrim my character will sleep with teddy bears too! Someone has to watch hs back when hes sleeping :happy:
  7. I know :laugh: but shhhhh.... I wont tell if you dont! :devil:
  8. and you can have a kudos for pissing Buddha off! haha
  9. Have your first comment on me! (Again) :D
  10. http://www.bethblog.com/index.php/2011/06/07/e3-2011-behold-an-elder-scroll/ EDIT: Guess i should give you guy's a reason to click on the link..... Well... im not gonna. but put it this way... if you dont click it you'll never know what its hiding :devil:
  11. Oh.... and how come I never see you on the ps3 man????? lol
  12. Mate i saw your NOOO PLEASE NOOO! thread before it was locked. and i saw what it was closed for "F*uckMYLIFE" haha i've said worse on these forums! anyways... you'll be fine, you wont have to wait untill the 12th. even getting it from the store they'll be open during the normal working hours at the very worst. and hell if gamestop does shut just get it from a super store
  13. I think i'm a bit jealous, because at about 6 mins in he says: " I'm a little bit disappointed I didn't get the collectors edition " at that point I shouted at my screen: " F*ck you and your disappointment, you have it two weeks early a**hole! " Then I realised I was talking to my screen haha
  14. Mmmmm tongue eh? well... I think we'll just leave that there... :sweat:
  15. Yeah that is awesome!! Good gob man! I mean Way to go Girl!
  16. it still seems like the world will feel really unpopulated again :confused:
  17. sounds like the blue version of my pc lol :thumbsup:
  18. haha safe bet as long as you dont keep it on top like i do. if it blows up it might take it out with the blast lol
  19. Yeah i know :D love green! most of the options i was given when i was trying to source bits for my rig where either blue or red, but i wanted bloody green! so thats what i got..... (eventually) lol haha im not the only one with odd lucky charms then.... phew! ur's might be a bit better than mine, mine is a 1T external. i bet you got something bigger?!Yes sound cards do help a lot!!! and mine is standard nothing fancy. Illiad pretty much covered the sound card talk :D
  20. http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h332/ImMizerD/MyRig.png Before anyone says anything...... Thats a lucky cuddly toy hanging on my wall..... :armscrossed: lol Inside the computer I have: Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K 3.30GHz Memory: Corsair Vengeance Blue 8GB DDR3 1600MHz Motherboard: Gigabyte Z68A-D3 Intel Z68 Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 560 1024MB Sound card: Realtek ALC889 Monitor Size: 22" LCD UMC
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