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Everything posted by MizerD

  1. Right! they'd proably stick to the lore then as well. Only problem is right.... if they had $75M and made the most awesome game, where you could play the full continent of Tamriel my life would actually be over! Skyrim is going to steal god knows how many months of my life. If i had the whole damn continent to expolre, that would be it. Live over! lol
  2. Or maybe someone's lover lol. Indeed :thumbsup:
  3. The best part of that article for me was: "Babies are like that. They'll try to charm you, despite being completely rubbish at everything." Not to diminish the Skyrim parts too. Yeah that made me laugh too! I also found this friggin hilarious "...he likes you now, and doesn't mind you manhandling his apples" hahaha
  4. I know I watched it tonight to see what you were talking about and i dont need to comment on it lol everything you say, i agree with lol and whats that $75M !! How the hell.... no way! the doller must have been f*cking worthless when they made that lol
  5. Dont know if this has been posted already but here you go! http://www.oxm.co.uk/33391/features/skyrim-nine-things-to-do-first/
  6. Signed up, but havent gone through boot camp/ basic training/officer candidate school yet One of the foreigners here! From the uk Fresh into the Royal Air Force. RAF 2622 (Highland) Reserves.
  7. My bad, try this one: http://store.steampowered.com/app/92500/?cc=us And, it has 2Gb. Ah, now this one is doin it. Cheers Lv!!
  8. http://store.steampowered.com/app/92500/ Thanks Lv! but when i click it Im getting Site Error now, not my day today lol
  9. Can you post a link to it? i cant find it on steam :/
  10. Todd said that it's a great way to begin the roleplaying experience. Immediately, the player comes up with an excuse as to why their character is in that prison, whether they murdered someone or they were framed or something like that. EDIT: Oops, pressed post by mistake. Being a prisoner also allows the game to start you off with nothing more than the clothes on your back, because obviously, they wouldn't let convicts carry weapons around in prison, if your character gets released officially (Like in Morrowind.) they can always not return your possessions to you, and if you escape (Like in Oblivion.) then it's pretty easy to justify you not getting your items back, in the end, though, the game lets you start off with only what you can aquire at the beginning. I think its a good reason to start in prison.
  11. Yeah your right it does. glad im not goin mad lol I thing it'll be awesome, the sliders in Oblivion would always changed other slider bars i had just set, used to make me so mad! :tongue:
  12. did you notice as well that when they were choosing diffrent noses and such like, that they were fixed options not like Oblivions slider bars? Or am i just imagining things?!?!
  13. How do you pronounce "Dorfl"? is it Door-Fell ? or Door-Full? Door-fell... wasn't expecting a quick quiz on the phonetics of my imaginary characters imaginary name... :laugh: Haha just curious :) i think its a cool name.
  14. Haha that guys character looks like hes going "Oh Damn, that better only be a hawk i can see over there!"
  15. How do you pronounce "Dorfl"? is it Door-Fell ? or Door-Full?
  16. If he was wearing a helmet made with croissants he'd have been fine! :tongue:
  17. I never played Daggerfall, i tryed to but after morrowind and oblivion daggerfall was too... Meh, to play. I do like the sound of having swamps, deserts and jungles tho! that would be good to see. :)
  18. lol i know! i wouldnt have wanted to wait 20 damn years, it feels like ive waited that long already tho!
  19. hahaha i was thinking the same, i want a wolf too! not calling it fluffy tho i'm gonna call him Buzz :teehee:
  20. Ok, so I was just wondering who out there actually wanted Skyrim to be the next place we visit in Tamriel. Me and my best mate have been discussing (arguing) about where we wanted the next game to be, ever since we both finished Oblivion. I have always played as a Nord and naturally wanted the game to go to Skyrim, however my friend really wanted the next game to take place in Blackmarsh. SO i'm super happy about it and he.. well isnt :tongue: So my question is, Were you happy with it being Skyrim? if not where would you have liked it to be?
  21. I cant tell. are you saying you know that its possible to block with one hand? or not? at 2.02 you see the guy block with a one handed wepon.
  22. Is it just me or do these walls look a bit..... Bland?!?! http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/img/gmw/docs/477/793/html/sky05.jpg.html
  23. Yeah the giant is big but in that pic look also at the floating NPC in the background :wallbash: http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/img/gmw/docs/477/793/html/sky65.jpg.html EDIT: Awwww man! same in this one too! http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/img/gmw/docs/477/793/html/sky54.jpg.html Thanks for posting the pick !
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