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About lilgamefreek

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  1. The mean hunters sell strange meat. It tastes strangely familiar.
  2. Aye, I feel "GNR-more where that came from" is a must for anyone too lazy to compile their own playlist. :P Most of my mods are aiming towards small gameplay tweaks that keep the vanilla FO3 flavor. But for my favorites: All of PuceMoose's quests Darnified User Interface + extras Project Beauty Enhanced Weather Fellout Streetlights in DC AutoAim fix Burnification <----- definately this one Have a nice bus home mod Flesh Burning Plasma Better Grenade Physics and Tossed Mines Hundred Fists VATS Perk Workaround Super Sledge Beatdown Tag! Sprint Mod <------ another must have Reanimated <------ goes great with sprint mod Molotov <-------- with personal craftable molotov mod Rebalanced Fire <--------- Own mod
  3. I wouldn't be surprised if most weapon mods worked with MMM. An easy way to check for any mod is to load them in FO3edit. FO3edit finds and highlights all shared records between two different files and even highlights differences in each individual data point so that you can modify it yourself. It's very easy to use and you should use it to check for compatibility problems in any mod.
  4. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v217/lilgamefreek/firesig.jpg Hi, I'm Burnie Burns Lee. And I like burning things. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v217/lilgamefreek/Inventory.jpg I go around the wasteland with an assortment of items. Most of them are flammable. I'm not an alcoholic I swear. I'm a pyromaniac. I'm not sure which is worse, as both make me devolve into a cackling mess. Okay, I'm an alcoholic too, but I take my position as a pyromaniac much more seriously. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v217/lilgamefreek/firesig3.jpg I mostly go around the wasteland, saying high to its inhabitants. I like to think I'm a nice guy. I engage in trade. I have small talk. I wish everyone were as nice as me. That way I wouldn't have to burn everyone I meet. I only burn the mean people who try and hurt me physically. I normally just spike the beer of mean people who try and hurt me emotionally. And then I steal their stuff. They don't tend to like that. But if your nice to me, I'll generally be nice back. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v217/lilgamefreek/firesig2.jpg Sometimes I'll just burn you anyway.
  5. Indeed. Awesomeness distilled. I wish all fan fictions were as good as your comedy.
  6. Who needs a trashcan when you have an office desk owned by a company that barely pays you enough money to buy those 3 bottles of nuka cola you just chugged? I know I don't. :D
  7. Alternatively, you can nab a reduced skill point mod. The problem isn't that you're leveling too fast, it's that you're skills are growing to fast. You can handicap yourself to make the game more difficult. It's what I do.
  8. Drop item. Look at item. Press Z. ???????????? Profit!
  9. Problem is there is no function to modify armor health. I've tried but there's no good way to do it aside from adding epoxy to every armor repair list in the game, which just screws up a lot of other mods.
  10. They don't lead to bad karma, but they will likely give you the option to do something bad, at worst give you the option to do something good with no karma change, and NEVER give you good karma, and that's really the goal of evil characters. It's not to do something bad, but rather to not do good. And merc responses is the name I give to responses that are just like "I <3 caps, give me caps, I want a reward preferably in caps if you want me to save your but". These generally lead to no karma change, which means your karma changes are driven by the people you kill, the things you steal, or how much water you give those beggars.
  11. It'd be interesting if Bethesda took a Valve approach and tried to be more involved with the community, actively looking at mods and mentioning ones they like or even compiling packs of them to distribute for free, etc. It'd be a bit more unfair of course because of the sheer volume of mods and how many many of them are minuscule gems that deserve a download as much as the larger ones. Active promotion could blind people to a lot of these smaller ones which isn't fair really. I would say Bethesda shouldn't hire modders unless they can demonstrate their skills in an actual application process. It's just not reliable or efficient. Nonetheless, I think Bethesda should be more involved in the modding community. Not actively promote certain mods but rather promote the process of modding. They've released amazing toolsets. However I think they can do better at supporting this process. Again citing Valve, or TF2 more specifically, in the past patches they have implemented an extraordinary amount of small, technical changes requested by the community. Almost all of these have been done not to please players but mappers. They even went so far as to create an entirely new HUD for a custom gametype competition one mapping site was hosting. The amount of changes and patches they have made in this vein is extraordinary and WAAAAAAAAY above the norm, and most of it is unnoticeable to the common player. Bethesda isn't lacking when compared to other companies, but it'd be really REALLY cool if they could do something similar to Valve.
  12. Neutral is harder since you have to balance the two out. There's no real "walkthrough" for it, it's all situational. If you're evil, do some good stuff. If you're good do some evil stuff. To avoid excess karma fluctuations, choose all the mercenary responses since those rarely lead to any karma change. But evil is much easier. You just have to be an buttmunch and be a jerk to everyone you might. Choose the obviously evil choices, and when ever you do a job, demand caps. NEVER do anything for free. Rather rip people off as much as you can. You'll likely have to skip some quests to.
  13. Indeed it does. Like I said, the hardest part would be the effects. A glass texture for the jar would probably be difficult as well. But otherwise it's a short and sweet request I think. Totally worth it for the lols of throwing jars of urine. Totally worth it.
  14. http://www.teamfortress.com/images/posts/peejar.jpg http://www.teamfortress.com/sniper_vs_spy/day07_english.htm http://tf2wiki.net/wiki/Jarate It really shouldn't be too hard. The hardest would be some custom particle effects, but those might be able to be adapted from a recolor of existing particles. But a glass jar, grenade animation and behaviors, and a simple object enchantment that modifies damage resistance or something similar. BOOM. Also maybe some visual effects that are applied similar to fire but that would be even harder. JARATE. Also, if you don't know what game this is, for shame. For shame. Also, if someone makes this, I will be more than happy to make a quest that involves the aquirement of Saxton Hale Jarate Pills and Pain Tonic and upon ingestion allow Jarate to regenerate every 10 seconds. :D
  15. Prima is based on an earlier version of the game. There is no father's books. Prima also has outdated descriptions of a lot of the perks, enemies, etc.
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