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About TieflingRogue

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    United States

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  1. I have no idea how to do any modding or porting. I just play the mods, I don't make them. :-p
  2. Can it be done? I think that would make a awesome mod. The helmet, armor and blaster he uses would be nice. Not sure how you could do a actual working jetpack though. IS there a mod like this already btw?
  3. That didn't seem to work. What I did was I took the objects I wanted to clone or give to another character and put them into a container and then used showinventory command and it showed me the object IDs.
  4. I'm unsure if giving solutions/advice would go here or not but I managed to figure out the answer to my problem earlier and wanted to pass it on: One way you can find out what the item code for any particular weapon or armor is to put it into a container and then hit the ~key and click on the container. Then type showinventory. It will show the items and the code for them. Of course this idea only works if you already went and got the items in your world but you can then at least write them down for future characters.
  5. Good enough idea, it got answered didn't it?
  6. I'd love a mod like that. So I could have a sword on my back and a gun in my hands. I'd love to see scabbards for swords though.
  7. I could see some people in the wastes turning to old ideas and trying to bring them back. Ceasar is trying to do a whole Roman thing, why not a group of Templars or Samurai or Ninja or whatever else people could think of? I've been thinking of a whole Samurai of the Wastes type group that might have a small community of mostly asian peoples living under a fedual system with a self styled "daimyo" who employs "Samurai" and "Ninja" types to do various tasks. Heck I had one idea of having that Samurai from Mothership Zeta show up in the wastes and bring back the way of the sword for some people and teach them things, while possibly learning firearms himself.
  8. Ugh for some reason the guy isn't allowing people to see his mod to download it. Why the random Dbag move?
  9. Could someone make some Japanese clothes? Like Hakama, tabi, Kimoni and things like that? Samurai Armor maybe like what the guy in Mothership Zeta had? I'd love to see some really good ninja clothes, like something more ancient Japan looking. I didn't like the ninja clothes I've seen so far.
  10. lol so I guess anything not in the first game can't be added later on? Fail logic. Bows are very fallout for tribal types. So would a crossbow. Bows would be cheaper to make I'd think and ammo cheaper as well. Bows and Crossbows sound fine for a post apocolyptic world that got nuked and probably lost a bit of tech.
  11. How do you figure out an item code for a mod? Like to use the console commands to spawn that item?
  12. Anyone know at all how to find this out? Can it even be found out?
  13. How do I find out the item codes for mods I download? Like I downloaded some katana mods but how do I find out the code for the items so I can just give them to my character via console command of player.additem? I tried dropping the items and looking at them by pressing the ~ key and clicking on them and it gives some kind of number and letters but that doesn't seem to be the item code.
  14. Any of you guys know a mod where I can look like a Dremora or a D&D style "Tiefling" with the cool dark skin and the red tats and have a tail and horns? The Tiefling mod works for how I want to look but I HATE the forced transforming into a big scary demon when I get too hurt.. I just want to look like a "Tiefling" with the dark skin, red tats, tail and horns. No weird powers really needed. OR is there a command I could use with the Tiefling mod to basically turn off the transformation permanently? As if I had completed that weird quest? I also hate that you can't be a Tiefling Vampire since in that mod Tieflings cannot become Vamps. I liked having to feed and all the Vampire stuff. I'd also like to find a mod that gives me +5 to any stat whenever I level. Always. I had one like that ages ago but I cannot remember the name of it. It worked great. Some of these new ones end up where you don't always get a +5.
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