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About eos1001

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  1. Im trying to mod the vendors to where they sell a rediculous amount of potions for people who dont like messing around with alchemy. Is there a way to make where if u select a potion you only buy one without being asked how much because its awkward and anoyying to have to slide to how much u want every single time -_- I set the item count to like 9000 and its based on the leveled item object so it would be like 400to500 potions of each kind T_T. " do you want 5423 potions?" wtf >..>"
  2. omfg if you cant upload mods made with this to nexus and have to use steam to download mods n install them then fml lol
  3. like to where at certain levels crafting only that perk levels equipment will raise it to negate the iron dagger exploit, for example lets say you leveled up smithery to 30...this would mean that iron and steel weapons would yield little or no xp this would make the game feel more rewarding seeing how ingots get a lot more expensive as the type changes..im not saying decrease the level speed just set it to the same speed just that you would have to craft that levels armor to get the same speed Also would it be possible to close off mining areas untill ur smithing reached a certain level?
  4. does anyone know the value that changes the werewolf form attack speed or the name of it, do werewolf attacks count as unarmed attacks?
  5. theres waaaaay to many female mods its kinda wierd lol it would be nice if someone did make male mods (i would like body mods 2 cuz their way 2 bulky)
  6. is there already a mod like this, where when u turn back to human form ur not naked cuz it gets really tedious and makes me not even want to use werewolf form anymore -_- and woul be totally badass it would seem as if ur changing back and forth at will XD
  7. lol who knows then they will actually release it it was supposed to be released a loong time ago
  8. i notice how theres a lot of scriptmods/scriptdragon mods is there some guide on how to make scripts for script dragon?
  9. whenever i raise them their unarmed -_-
  10. is there a mod that does this cuz its really anoyying :I
  11. i recently downloaded a custom soundtrack with aphex twin,drumnbass ect and the music keeps glitching for example whenever i get into a battle when the battles over the battle music doesnt stop playing so its like a nonstop battle 0o when i first start the background music works well no matter where i go but sometimes the music doesnt play at all like ill get in a battle and no battle music or when i go anywhere no music all i hear is the wind >.< does the latest patch fix the music bug, cuz i havent updated yet
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