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Posts posted by DemocraticAlliance15

  1. When you've got the "dialogue" tab of the quest open, find the topic you want to have a disappear and click in the "conditions" box. Once there, select "GetStage" and set it to whatever stage the quest is set to when you accept it. Now, where is says "comparison" set that to "<". That ought to do it for you! Just be sure to have it actually change stage, otherwise this won't work. :smile:


    Thanks it works now :)




    You should make a youtube video of this instead of it being in text. Or I could help with the video.

    I'll make videos as well. The only problem is that my microphone isn't working. I would appreciate the help.



    Are you going to be adding more to this Thread ? I would like to see more.


    Yes. I had some problems with my desktop but I'll update the post in a few hour


    Can you show me how to make a terminal add an item I have to a container. I am trying to do a storage box thing in my mod and I want a terminal to place an item I have it it.

  3. Of course, thank you!!! :biggrin: but yeah thats what I'm looking for, I'm not expecting everyone to meet all of those requirements, so long as, there really good at one of the things on the list, but if I get a Jack of all trades, so to speak, well, I'll be damned, I lucked out then, hahaha.

    I saw in the list "Lip Syncing" I can help you with that its a pain to begin but once you get the hang of it your fine. Everything else can be done in a good amount of time. Except the 3d modeling as you would have to make the mesh then texture it then put it in nifskope to make it a .NIF, if its a weapon then you would have to rig it. That would take some time. I recommend starting with the quest and write your ideas out. Once your quest is written up this will be the backbone for your mod. Good word of advice anything that comes into mind write it down(or type) because most likely you will forget. Like with me I wanted to do a radio station but know I have added quests, locations and NPC's so the most simple ideas bloom into more advanced and more in-depth story driven mods. Like I said earlier Stuck on anything I will go through it with you on here or If you need small things done like texturing or Dialogue I can chip in.

  4. What you should do is when you have your "crew" assign them different tasks to do. For example "Crew Member 1" does quests and so on when that person does the quest others can work on something else. I would help you but I am kind of tied down to my mod and helping someone else with their mod. But If you are stuck with anything give me a PM and I will be glad to help you.

  5. Yes, I can do interior and exterior navmeshing proficiently.


    The sort of scripts I want should be pretty simple:


    - minor dialogue/actor/quest scripts. Moving actors at specific times, primarily. A couple simple companions, maybe more, with little or no side quests.


    - a group meeting with one or multiple speakers, followed by an assassination.


    - small object scripts. Maybe triggered events, Easter eggs, and/or quest objects.


    Nothing that would end up being laborious and overwhelming, I think. (I hope!)


    I could pm you with ideas I have for the story, if you'd like. Or text, even.


    Yeah pm me your ideas. Just tell me when you need me to help and I will. Unless you would rather speak on skype or something when we can both work on the mod.


    I may be able to help I have gained some knowledge of scripting and dialogue since I am doing this in my mod.

    Is your mod finished/available for play or play testing? I don't doubt that you know a lot, but I'd like to see what sort of style and function you're capable of doing.


    I'm sorry if I sound sarcastic, I do mean all that genuinely.




    My Mod is at 60% Completion I should have it done at the end of the month. Aye you're right I don't know a lot about scripting but with Dialogue and Radio stations I can help you there. I do love to texture and I m skilled in that. Dialogue is pretty simple when you get the hang of it. You need to make certain files to lip sync and for it to say the audio. I know how to do that as well so when you have recorded your voice actors I can help with he lip syncing. I know a lot more but I don't want to cluster F**k this thread. It's just scripting where I am lacking skill in. But I will be glad to help as helping you will also teach the both of us how to be more skilled at the GECK. Oh just forgot are you any good at navmeshing? Interior navmeshing is pretty simple but exterior navmeshing on inclines is a pain in the ass (Almost screwed up the entire area of jacobstown)


    Done that ^^ No luck.

    Sorry that's as far as I can trace the forms, I don't have a custom faction to test. Let us know hwen you figure it out.


    I think you have to get reputation of that faction before you can see it. When you first met the NCR their reputation came up on the pipboy

  8. I found out How to do it and here it is. "In order for tunes to be heard through a custom vintage radio or jukebox, .ogg files of the track with the same name and flagged with "_mono" at the end have to be placed within the same folder as your music". Just placing this here for anyone stuck on how to do this.

  9. Here are the scripts to the Vocaloid Radio Mod





    scn VRTitleToggleScript


    begin onequip


    if vocaloidRadioQuest.showtitle == 0

    set vocaloidRadioQuest.showtitle to 1

    player.unequipitem VrTitleToggler1 1

    showMessage VRMsgTitlesOn


    elseif vocaloidRadioQuest.showtitle == 1

    set vocaloidRadioQuest.showtitle to 0

    player.unequipitem VrTitleToggler1 1

    showMessage VRMsgTitlesOFF






    Radio Script


    scn VocaloidRadioScript


    short SongsPlayed


    short AlreadyPlayed

    short AlreadyPlayed2

    short AlreadyPlayed3

    short AlreadyPlayed4

    short AlreadyPlayed5

    short AlreadyPlayed6


    short AlreadySaid

    short AlreadySaid2

    short AlreadySaid3

    short AlreadySaid4

    short AlreadySaid5


    short IntroSaid

    short IntroSaid2

    short IntroSaid3

    short IntroSaid4

    short IntroSaid5


    short ShowTitle


    short Debug


    short DoOnce

    float StartTimer



    BEGIN GameMode


    if player.getitemcount VRTitleToggler1 == 0

    player.additem VRTitleToggler1 1



    if ( DoOnce == 0 )


    if ( RadioEnclaveRef.GetDisabled == 0 )

    set DoOnce to 1

    set StartTimer to 10

    elseif ( GetStage MQ09 >= 0 )

    Set DoOnce to 1

    Set StartTimer to 5



    elseif ( DoOnce == 1 )

    if ( StartTimer <= 0 )


    set DoOnce to 1



    Set DoOnce to -1


    set StartTimer to ( StartTimer - GetSecondsPassed )






    Now Playing Script (result script begin)


    if VocaloidRadioQuest.showtitle == 1

    showmessage VRMsgAiKotoba (Place message in here)



    Result Script End


    set VocaloidRadioQuest.Debug to 2

    set VocaloidRadioQuest.AlreadyPlayed6 to VocaloidRadioQuest.AlreadyPlayed5

    set VocaloidRadioQuest.AlreadyPlayed5 to VocaloidRadioQuest.AlreadyPlayed4

    set VocaloidRadioQuest.AlreadyPlayed4 to VocaloidRadioQuest.AlreadyPlayed3

    set VocaloidRadioQuest.AlreadyPlayed3 to VocaloidRadioQuest.AlreadyPlayed2

    set VocaloidRadioQuest.AlreadyPlayed2 to VocaloidRadioQuest.AlreadyPlayed

    set VocaloidRadioQuest.AlreadyPlayed to 1

    set VocaloidRadioQuest.SongsPlayed to ( VocaloidRadioQuest.SongsPlayed + 1 )

  10. What I am trying to do is when a song starts on the radio station I am creating I would like it to display a message with the song title. I remember seeing a mod in Fallout 3 when you equip an item and it would tell you that song titles are on. When the radiostation was on it displayed the song as a message. This mod was Vocaloid Radio. I need help because I am trying to re-write the code so I could use it but I have no Luck with it.


    You should make a youtube video of this instead of it being in text. Or I could help with the video.

    I'll make videos as well. The only problem is that my microphone isn't working. I would appreciate the help.



    Are you going to be adding more to this Thread ? I would like to see more.

  12. Create a new script and use this code:

    scn	HealingWeaponScript
    ref	rTarget
    begin OnFire
    	set rTarget to player.GetCombatTarget
    	if rTarget
    		rTarget.RestoreActorValue Health 10
    		player.DamageActorValue Health 10

    Then set your weapon to use this script.


    Is this an effect or object script?

  13. The simplest way is to use an "OnFire" block, this will allow you to damage the player, with "Damage Actor Value Health", and restore the NPC's health using an "OnHit" block, "Restore Actor Value" and "GetOwnerLastTarget" (Sorry there's no link for this one, no-one's made the page for it. I'm happy to explain how to use it if you're unsure though!). Good luck! :smile:

    Yes can you explain what you said was complete chinese to me lol.

  14. I am a bit stuck here an do not know what to do. I am trying to make a weapon that can heal NPC's when shot with it but it drains health from the Player. How would I go about doing this? I do not know much scripting so I am asking for some help.

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