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Everything posted by livipup

  1. In response to post #75838928. #75843148 is also a reply to the same post. Emrek, time zones exist. If you see the 20th that means you live behind Termin8rSmurf.
  2. So there's like a million mods out there that make humanoid races with animal ears and tails, but I could never find one with wolf parts, so I'm trying to make my own. I followed the guide for using Race Compatibility for Skyrim and Dawnguard to make sure the race would be compatible with other mods and I set up all of the stats, abilities, and data for the race I'm working on, but any time I try to add the ears and tail they turn out glitchy in game. Well, they look the same in game as they do in the Creation Kit for the most part. I've found tutorials for adding a Khajiit tail to custom races and they helped me figure out most of what I need to do, but I can't get things to look right. I even tried different sets of ears and tails. Everything always looks right when I import the model in CK, but then when I apply it to the character it looks different. I've had textures get misaligned, models become a couple of thin flat squares, and some other more complicated issues. The one time I got a tail to show up that didn't appear as a a pure white spiral the tail didn't have a texture despite me assigning one to it, was not positioned the same as in the CK (actually a good thing because in CK it was vertical and by the feet), and it wasn't attached to the body so it didn't animate and wouldn't move when I crouched. If anyone has a tutorial they can send me or some advice I would really appreciate it. I've been at this for hours and I can't find anything or figure it out.
  3. I think I actually get 3DSMax for free from my college, so I might use that. Thanks for the other recommendations :) Btw, I actually found a really good normal map generator on my own. It's called Crazybump. Totally free. You should check it out if you do stuff with normal maps.
  4. So I suddenly got the urge to completely retexture the game as well as altering the base head mesh(es) to make the game look more like an anime. I mean, I might end up just doing the human models and textures, but if it turns out to not be too difficult I might just do a lot more as practice. I'm sure a pretty good result could be achieved with a custom head mesh, CBBE preset, and ENB, but I feel custom textures and models would be more fun and could give better results. Also more likely to be useful for a portfolio. What I'll need to do includes at least the following: Unpack and possibly repack BSA filesAlter the head mesh(es) of the human models (do male and female humans use different head meshes? I assume they do)Alter the eyes and nose meshes (I assume that the game uses separate meshes for "face parts" the way Skyrim did)Alter the body meshes (not including hands and feet. I'll probably make a CBBE preset for the female body, but I don't know what to do for the male body)Create textures for all NPC types in the game (robots, human, ghouls, animals, etc.)Create textures for all objectsCreate normal maps for all objects (I have a plug-in for paint.NET that automatically generates normal maps for images, but I feel like that's probably too basic. I also may choose to keep original normal maps when I see how they look in game. I used it for a Skyrim mod and the specular ended up being awful, but that could be due to issues in the Creation Kit as well, so idk)I'm going to look up some stuff on my own, but I would appreciate any opinions or advice that people could give me. I remember once I tried to add a custom helmet to the game and that proved incredibly difficult and I was never even able to get it to load in Creation Kit. I don't think I'll need Creation Kit to do this, so hopefully it shouldn't be so difficult. I figure that I'll probably do things in the order that I listed above. If I can get all of this stuff working and looking good I guess I'll release updates as each step is finished. If I ever actually finish everything I might even make replace the vanilla hairstyles rather than just retexturing them. Also, can ENB for Fallout 4 create lines around objects and do depth of field? I might install ENB and make a preset if it can. I did some research to describe the style I'm going for better and it turns out the style I like is called "josei", but looking at the examples they listed it still seems kind of vague. I've attached a screenshot showing the style from an anime, which I think has beautiful animation, that I'll be attempting to recreate. I understand that there will inherently be some differences between 2D animation and 3D graphics, so it's definitely not going to look just like that. I'm probably just going to base things like proportions and environment textures on it.
  5. I checked out the page you directed me to and despite the documentation being very limited it looks to me as though I'll need to use the WeapEquip_Out event or maybe the weaponDraw event to attach a custom magelight object with no particle effect to the player's hand (or maybe just the player's torso in case someone equips Dawnbreaker to their left hand). That being said, I have no idea how to do that. Do you have any more advice for me? I'm also not sure how to destroy the magelight when the weapon is put away. I don't know if that would be handled automatically or if I would need to worry about that. The page wasn't exactly clear on what each event does.
  6. Thanks. I don't know Papyrus so it might be a little tough for me, but I imagine it can't be too different from C#. Just some unique syntax and different prebuilt events and such.
  7. I'm trying to figure out how to make it so that having Dawnbreaker drawn (or maybe just equipped in general, but maybe not since that would cause weirdness when using Equipping Overhaul) will produce light as if the sword is actually shining, kind of like a torch or candlelight. I was checking out some stuff in the CK that I might be able to test out (not so sure they would work), but I can't seem to apply the effect to the weapon. I don't know if light archetype effects can't be applied to weapons or if I messed something else up, but I couldn't get the effect on the sword. Do any of you have experience with this? I know it must be possible to make light emitters equippable to the hands since torches exist and since the wearable lanterns mod lets you hold your lantern in your left hand, but neither of those can be equipped to the right hand. Do any of you have any ideas? I have mods that make my game very dark so it would be helpful if I could get this working.
  8. I did try disabling the only mod I installed recently and that changed nothing. The rest I will try though. Thank you. EDIT: Yes, my character's hairstyle is from KSHairdo.
  9. To avoid droning on for ages, it seems like my game stopped saving data about DLC or mods while I was playing. It was all fine, no problems, then my game crashed to desktop at one point (I think having Sanctuary, Red Rocket, and Abernathy Farm all loaded is just too much for my computer sometimes) and when I loaded the game back up all my DLC quests were reset and mods were giving me first-run messages. My character had no hair and all of my sim settlements things were gone. I think my windmills and solar panels were also probably gone, but what I immediately noticed before I Alt=F4'd out of the game was that there were no buildings at all in Starlight Drive-In. (The location of my last autosave.) I assume this means my save games are completely broken and there's no way to fix this, but if any of you have any ideas that don't involve completely starting the game over from the start I would love to read them. I was so happy with this playthrough and I just don't see myself being able to enjoy the game for a while if I have to restart.
  10. The clutter mechanics could be taken directly from Fallout 4. Things tend to stay put and only usually glitch out if there's a whole bunch of stuff in the same spot, like it you drop your whole inventory on the ground to scrap it all
  11. So I'm in my second playthrough of Stardew Valley. I decided to completely start over when I installed mods because of the kinds of mods I installed (namely one that edits the forest farm, I was using the default farm in my first playthrough so wanted to switch). I was in year three in my previous playthrough and had been to the Skull Cavern plenty of times before getting the purple statue thing at the start of year 3. Unfortunately this time around I'm having a pretty significant issue with the Skull Cavern which never occurred before. Whenever I drop down a hole in the Skull Cavern I get stuck because I can't close the dialogue box. I thought before that maybe the issue was related to rain since it was the first time I went there while it was raining when it happened, but this time it was not raining and I got the same bug. Whenever I try to close the dialogue box that says how many floors you fell down it just plays that sound you sometimes hear while fishing when no fish have bitten for a while (it's like a bobber sound, bwoop). The SMAPI mods I have installed are; Better Hay Better Ranching Better Slingshots Children Like Parents (Dynamic Child Appearance) Console Commands (I think this is a default thing with SMAPI, right?) Content Patcher Expanded Fridge (Likely suspect) Get Dressed Happy Birthday (Likely suspect) Horse Whistle No Fence Decay Pet Water Bowl Stack Everything (Bug existed before I installed this one) Starblue Valley Summit Rain Summit Reborn UI Info Suite (Likely suspect) Woods Debris Fix All of my other mods are just textures and map files (none related to the Skull Cavern). If you're curious about the map mod I used, it's one of the Three Ponds variants from Ace's Expanded Farms. If anybody has any experience with modding that could help me figure this out, or has dealt with this issue before and knows what causes it I would greatly appreciate it. I have no idea how Stardew Valley mods are made so I couldn't even begin to figure this out. My only guess is that it's one of the mods which alter UI elements. Thank you!
  12. So I'm trying to help somebody make a mod that adds a helmet to the game and I went through all of the trouble of converting the FXB files they provided to NIF files and I built the game data to a point where I just need to change the textures and meshes of the objects, but whenever I try to change the mesh the CK crashes. I'm assuming the problem is something wrong with the mesh, but I searched around and haven't been able to find a solution. The only things I can think of is that I either messed something up in NifSkope, or the problem lies in the fact that the mesh contained multiple separate parts in one file. I don't know what to do here. I'm going to attach the nif so if you want to help you can check it out yourself.
  13. Also a few additional ideas on the subject: Build a "manage stuff yourself lazy bastards" that would over time possibly in stages clean out and build and attract new settlers as they go using some talented builders creation, Skyrim has a lot of player home mods that you "black screen" work on and build the place in stages, same idea here but you don't work you simply say "I don't care about this place". When finished it could maybe inform the player about it and open up for the player to customize if they want. Just because you help them with a kidnapping it's crazy you should do everything for them. Extended version, If you build everything you manage it and rule the settlement and you decide how to protect it. If you let them build on their own then maybe you have to help them again to be allowed to rule the settlement/build in it. Settlement "factions" - there is a prevalent synth hate, why are they accepting random strays? Why trust the title "settler"... Being a "manager" in a settlement or faction is pointless today, no matter your selected allied faction or settlement, all have manpower and being in any "management" position should allow you to send that manpower to a cleared site and have them loot absolutely everything, even uncleared should allow to send ppl with some losses. Seen a mod that allows you to loot then call ppl to loot a specific container and it's a good start but very very far from what a faction / settlement leader should be able to order the people. Have you heard of Sim Settlements?
  14. Has the bug where using the zipped vault suit option for the status screen would just show the default male body been fixed? After the different body types were originally added I had to start using the unzipped vault suit because of this glitch. :(
  15. Progress is looking great! Downloading the alpha build now!
  16. I generated a bunch of armour meshes in BodySlide using the batch build option, and they worked perfectly fine, but as soon as I tried to edit them in Outfit Studio to fix the clipping and adjust the shape, any armours with the new exported meshes started causing CTD when equipped. I'm an amatuer when it comes to using Outfit Studio, does anybody have any idea what might be causing this or how I could fix it? I don't know if it's relevant, but I opened the generated and edited meshes in NifSkope and noticed that the nodes were all different on them. Could this mean the meshes didn't generate correctly?
  17. Already have a lot of the independent armour mods, not really looking to overload my gRAM with high res textures all over my game. I'm fine with the original Apachii textures too. I don't like all of the hairstyles, but the ones I do like look just fine for Skyrim. I was really just looking for less bulky meshes for the female armours. I'll probably just do it myself if I can fix my CTD error I got after trying to fix my meshes in Outfit Studio.
  18. I felt like many of the outfits hardly looked any different besides having much larger breasts than before. I did find a mod that makes the shoulders smaller on orcish armour, but it wasn't made for CBBE. If you want to check it out click here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7715/? That's what BodySlide is for. You want jumbo boobs? You can have them! You want the waist to be 1 pixel wide? You can! You want a realistic bodyshape? You can! You can even use Outfit studio to do pretty much whatever you want to the meshes yourself; it's essentially a more user-friendly Blender/3DSMax. All CBBE-compatible mods I know about are on that list. If you can't find what you want there (which apparently isn't all the vanilla and DLC outfits made to fit your chosen body shape) then you may have to make it yourself. I'm not good with Outfit Studio, but I managed to get a batch build to work on a lot of the meshes to shape them to a custom body in BodySlide. I did notice some clipping on the arms of my apprentice mage robes. I should be able to figure out how to at least fix this to start, then once I'm more familiar with the program I might be able to do this myself.
  19. I felt like many of the outfits hardly looked any different besides having much larger breasts than before. I did find a mod that makes the shoulders smaller on orcish armour, but it wasn't made for CBBE. If you want to check it out click here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7715/?
  20. 0) I never said vanilla skyrim was much better lol. Every time I see Uthgerd I die a little on the inside. She's a warrior. She should know better. 1) Then you might have to try different armors entirely. Immersive Armors(UNP/Vanilla) and Tera Armors(UNP/CBBE) both have lots of armor and working level lists. Personally, I use Immersive Armors. -Default skyrim is pretty in-between 'Looking Cool' and 'Protective'. -TERA is much more 'Looking Cool' -Immersive Armors is much more 'Protective' 2) I don't know if this would be enough to set off your personal 'bikini-alarm', but for CBBE you won't get much more according to Nexus search results. Based on the screenies, it's pretty "on-the-fence" between bikini and armor; some of the joint areas are cut out. I feel your pain with the armor issue in the sense that every armor pack besides Immersive Armors and like half of the Tera Armors are pretty much swimsuits. Also, Mother of god that's a long list, Jeir. Looks like the OP has potential homework. TERA and KillerKeo's replacers don't really work for me. I'm not a fan of any of the TERA armours and I'm not looking for replacers that make the armours show of all kinds of skin. A few of them aren't badly designed, but they all make the armours show off cleavage, ass, and they just don't cover a lot of the places that would be essential to protect. I might install Immersive Armours, but I never liked having to go through the MCM to turn off all of the armours I don't like. I looked through the list and didn't find anything I liked. I already have Caliente's conversions. I wasn't really looking to add new armours to the game.
  21. Removing certain parts of the armours would certainly make it fall into the unprotective category, but many of the armours have extra details just to make them look nicer. Plus, some of the armours in the game already have boob cups which would make it much easier to stab through the chest. It look kind of protective though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ My problem with the armour conversions for different body types is that they typically still look very bulky. The vanilla female body meshes, and especially any custom ones, don't typically allow the women to be very muscular and so it just looks strange having them in such heavy looking armour. For the record, I use CBBE myself. I like how customizable it is with BodySlide. I can never figure out the OutfitStudio though. It just never seems to work. I even tried just doing a batch edit of all the vanilla armours, but I couldn't figure that out either.
  22. I really hope I'm posting this in the right forum. I'm not asking anybody to make these kinds of mods for me, but I'm wondering if anything of the sort already exists. I was looking for mods that make the vanilla + DLC armours more feminine without turning them into what is basically an armoured bikini. I did find one mod on Nexus called Less Bulky Glass Armor (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25330/?) that I thought was very good, but I haven't been able to find any others. Does anybody know where I can find armour meshes like this one for other armours? It's okay if pieces of the armour are removed so long as it actually looks like it would protect whoever is wearing it.
  23. I've noticed that a lot of enchantments such as the Skein of Magnus (Archmage Robes) and Frostfeed (Chillrend) which are made up of two different effects only scale one of those effects (the most powerful?). With the Skein of Magnus, only Fortify Destruction is affected by the magnitude of your enchantment. With Frostfeed, only the Paralyze duration is affected. Does anybody know a way around this? I'm trying to make a mod that allows you to buy enchanted and unenchanted versions of unique items in order to mix enchantments with different styled items, but to prevent it from being overpowered I wanted to make it properly reliant on the player's enchanting skill. It currently looks like I'll have to abandon that. Does anybody know a way around this issue?
  24. I'm trying to make some shapeshifting spells for my mod that are just remeshed werewolves (they use custom races to give them different stats and abilities) but whatever I do, whether I alter scripts, change magic effects, etc., they always transform into a werewolf. Does anybody know how to fix this? The best I've managed to do so far is use the DLC Werebear transformation, but it does the werebear animation and then still changes the player to a werewolf. :/
  25. I don't think it's a specific mod causing it, I haven't installed any new magic mods, and the ones I have have never had this problem, but magic is insanely strong. I created a custom race which had a weakness to magic but resistance to other damage, and I thought that might be the reason I was dying so quick, so I removed the weakness. I was still dying quickly so I disabled the mod and tested it, but it still happened. I know that dragon's fire, frostbite, and vampiric drain all kill me instantly. I enabled immortality and checked, and Vampiric Drain steal 1420 points per second. In the editor, the same instance of the spell was said to only cause 3 damage per second. I really don't know what might be causing it. It's also weird that if I check my active effects while being hit with vampiric drain, the effect's description actually says left hand only. I'm not understanding this, but vampires are impossible to kill.
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