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About BlackBirdLT

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  1. Can anyone advise or point me to the mod that would let me be damaged, but simply wouldn't allow me to die. Console commands tdm and tgm are not good as they help too much.
  2. I really fear for the new Fallout. It is my favorite game series which I can't imagine not being modded. If this regulation will force using steam workshop only, I will destroy modding in general. Nexus and other modding sites might be banned for storing mods. The only way I see is that mod author uploads a mod to Nexus, there should be an agreement that he/she makes it open to public, it belongs to Nexus and they may never charge for it (except donating). The would prevent modders from pulling off mods from Nexus in case of the mod getting too popular/modder getting greedy
  3. I play with PN and pitch black nights mods so I have PN visor enabled for a lot of time. This gave me an idea to add sounds from the movie Predator. It would be: -"electrostatic" once the visor is on; - "whiplash"-like sound on vision mode change; - maybe a heatbeat. I don't know whether originally it's a hearbeat of predator or its targets. The problem is, I have no idea how to mod or add sounds to already existing mod. I have sounds extracted from the movie. If someone could point me to the right direction, I would be grateful. I would be even more grateful if someone could make it :)
  4. I get problems when my heavily modified FNV reaches up to 3.2-3.3GB, according to the Task Manager. Most of it probably comes from the Increased Wasteland Spawns. It freezes, crashes or crashes and gives "Out of memory" error. I am using a 4GB Loader, which, I assume should give me a little bit more usage. Using cell purging helps but just a little. Is there any way to squeeze more memory from the game or should I tone down with mods? My memory should not be an issue as I have 16GB RAM.
  5. Yes, you would be absolutely right. There are a lot of separate armor mods. Everything was fine until I installed some anti-crash/bug fixing mods (it was NVAC, Mission Mojave and YUP). After that my game had started having graphical glitches
  6. After fast travelling many textures become bugged. There are wrong textures on wrong objects (like ghoul textures on walls), red exclamation marks and missing textures. After restarting the games everything fixes, but once fast travel or new level loading occurs everything goes to hell once again. How to fix this? http://i.imgur.com/TciHrJU.jpg http://i.imgur.com/0ej0ffu.jpg
  7. I got tired from babysitting companions and checking whether they did not drop anything after every fight. I got tired to search and give them new weapons every time. Lilly managed to lose my Oh Baby! and even her default blade somewhere. Niner does not have his default 9mm SMG as well. How can I prevent this? It is really annoying to see your companions run into the fight with bare hands. And yes, I supply them with ammo, but they manage to lose their defaults which should not require any.
  8. fallout new vegas crashes as I enter the shack in the nuclear testing site. does anyone know how to fix this? It is not really game ruining but I'd still like to know
  9. I see. 139 is a holy grail of NV mods. By the way, is there a way to merge plugins? Let's say I have tons of armor and weapon mods. I'd like to merge their plugins into one so there's not let's say 50 of them activated but just one. In this way I could lower the number of active plugins without "disabling" them. Moreover, would this help at all?
  10. I have pretty a lot mods installed in my NV. Usually, I can load the game, get some exclamation marks as textures are missing but that's ok. But lately I cannot run the game as I get a "blue screen of death". What may cause such a sudden and severe crash? Is there a way to fix it? my mod list http://pastebin.com/3VVXwWt1
  11. Is there a way to merge plugins to reduce their number? I have 214 plugins atm but the majority of them are custom armors and weapons.
  12. You are probably right, Highwayman. I disabled all mods, deactivated fomods and enabled everything again, one by one. It worked, no more CTDs so far.
  13. I've installed some mods. Usually when there's a wrong mod order or missing plugins, NV CTDs right at the beginning. But for me it shows "Obsidian entertainment" or sometimes goes until "please wait". BOSS and FNVEdit does not find conflicts. What can be wrong? Maybe there is some patch I should be using?
  14. I've downloaded a Russian mod. However, instead of Russian letters of item names, I get symbols. What should I do to make letters to appear? My F:NV version is English. Are they inter compatible at all? Can I have both item names in English and Russian?
  15. I have recruited multiple companions using "more companions" mod. So far, I'm doing a stealth run and don't need them following me. Is there any way to prevent from auto-dismissal (one week in-game time of companions waiting)? I don't mind them returning to starting points for re-recruiting, but don't want to lose perks.
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