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Everything posted by Deleted1151708User
Suggestion: Monster Hunter Quests and Monsters?
Deleted1151708User replied to might255's topic in Oblivion's Mod Ideas
making theses monsters is really hard. But the Weapons should work. I hope someone will do them. At least the Lagiacrus Blade, or the Ironblade at the Beginning (first words I thought when I saw it: W T F!!!!°()°!!!!!F T W -
Anybody here turn the difficulty up?
Deleted1151708User replied to spinksy's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
I would never turn my armor to superarmor (like resistence 100%). Thats nearly the same as cheating. Its like a hole in the Oblivion Security -
The only thing thats strange about the mask is that you have a bounty of 500.I mean,he's not a murder, but when he's 200 years long a super ultra thief, then he should have stolen more than just 500! At least 10000. I heard hole cities got lost when he visited them....
When I played Fallout, I was always warring with my Karma. I love to steal, but didn't want bad Karma. Then again I was pissed cause money is so hard to come by. I did get good Karma, by talking to the one guy in the bar. But mostly I was about to go on the Bad Karma track, but I stopped playing due to mesmerization with Oblivion, lol I wonder what happens to you if your Karma is mostly bad all the time? Back then, I just didn't want to find out :unsure: Well, I always save before I do this. End after that I load back to my good char :)
I like the Race Mod High Imperials. They look really good and not so anime typical like these Moonshadowelves usw
What Mod could you not play Oblivion without?
Deleted1151708User replied to cookies2461's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Well I think it would be ROO4 -
I always call it Heart Golds Eye Candy. I dont know why
I think theres so much to do in Oblivion that its good to leave the Dark Brotherhood at acta. Except you need money :-) But they really could be able to make the DB more "completed", i mean, the hole hand is destroyed! And theres nearly noone left in the rescourse!Its like a empty house which is empty!You understand?
Your Most Frustrating Oblivion Moments
Deleted1151708User replied to Spl1nt3rC3ll's topic in Oblivion's Spoilers
Long time ago I tried to find a house in Bravil.I searched in hole Bravil till I found out that this house was directly over me :-) -
I think the Night Mother should be much more... well, bad ass! Not just a ghost...
In Oblivion, I love the bad way, cause killing is really cool with Deadly Reflex :-). But then I ALWAYS make a new game as paladin cause I love these Armors and Midas Holy Magics! Well, the good and evil side choices arent so good in Oblivion. But in Fallout its completly different. Ok, this is not the theme, but in Fallout3, i can match myself with the char, everytime when I have the choice between good and evil. I mean, first i always played as good person. They I wanted something new, so i wanted to play as a badass, but everytime I wanted to do something bad i asked myself: why? why have I done this? For example when i bombed Megaton away (I think this was evil :-)) : Why did I killed all these people? Thats totally uncool and unnescessary! So I was never able to play as a bad char. Except with the Enclave Commander Mod! Then I take a Army of 40 Soldiers and kill everyone in Megaton, Tenpenny Tower usw.! Its cool,like: The Enclave is invading the world! Prepare to die! And then fighting against the Brotherhood in the Citadell....just cool!Okay thats crazy but its like : Invasion of the Mudcrabs! Only that the Mudcrabs are super nano suited elite soldiers....hm.....and after that I take my Halo Nanosuit and the CRI Squad mod and then I kill the hole Enclave MUHAHAHA. This is like: Die Mudcrabs! Feel the Power of my Rocket Launcher!
What's the first thing you do...
Deleted1151708User replied to Amoramor's topic in Oblivion's Spoilers
With ROO4, the first thing I do is going around the IC and look for Firedragons! Sometimes they even appear with level 1 LOL. And with enough health potion I'm even able to kill them! and their heart is worth 500 gold! NICE -
What's the first thing you do...
Deleted1151708User replied to Amoramor's topic in Oblivion's Spoilers
Haha. I remembered the first time I played: my first question i thought was: "wow,cool. and wheres the city?" then i turned around LOL -
Anybody here turn the difficulty up?
Deleted1151708User replied to spinksy's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
At Vanilla under 25 is nearly cheating. But 50 is okay. If its to easy you should go to 60 or even 70, but not more. The problem is that later you dont have these with leveling weapons to beat the stronger getting monster, so you must lower the difficulty after every 2 level ups. Also sometimes I thing the game doesnt shows the situation: for example: Im a super ultra mega overlord lv40 with a legendary weapon with 30 damage + 90 magical damage. But I need hundred attacks to kill a goblin!!! Thats kind of unfair, so I lower the difficulty from 55 to 35, so its more realistic.When I have a epic battle, i get back to 55, or 65. BUT this was long time ago.Now I use ROO4.Many Overhauls like ROO makes the game more difficult, so its a real gaming experience. Especially the beginning is impossible at ROO4. For example: I'm level 1 and I go to a Ruin,but in front of it are 2 Bandits. The Bandits dont pass with my level (ROO4 includes Named,huge Bandits which are way stronger than normal bandits, to make some differences between the enemy's strength, so you can meet strong and easy bandits, good ideas,but not balanced enough)but instead of a good and fair fight with a bad ending for me (what would be balanced) I'm already death when I try to kill the first one(and I'm a very experienced player)!So sometimes, ROO4 is extremly unfair.I still play ROO4 with difficulty 45-55, thats so: When you see one miniboss on the street, you're death at low level. At mid level you have a good chance, when you use many health potions.I dont know how it is on high level cause I have ROO4 not for a long time and I have a strong level break (means you need the 3x of time to rise one level!),but there often new minibosses so I think it would be like on middle level(well,you can still meet easier and harder boss enemys,thats the challenge in ROO!).Real Bossenemys are UNBEATABLE,for example: With level 5 i came to a cave with vampires.In the end came a vampire boss, and he killed me with 2 Spells! And he had sooooo many health potions...ah forget it.well, you only have a chance with difficulty <25 . But the normal Enemys are kind of good: When theres only one, you can even beat some harder normal enemys (like the bandits with names), and its still a fair and awesome fight. But when youre at the beginning and you see many enemies at once, you often have no chance.At mid level, its better but still hard. But sometimes Roo explodes: I mean, there always moments where you dont fight 1 or 2 enemies.Sometimes you fight 3,4 or even 5! And theres often a miniboss or even an real boss. Then youre to hundred procent death. Or you change the difficulty to under 20. So, it isnt real balanced, But better to heavy than to easy....or not?! At least its challenging! We'll see how it will be with high level (and sorry about my english) -
Can you survive as a marksman ?
Deleted1151708User replied to DuckThor21's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
I like to be marksman with the silver ranger animations. Anyway, does anybody know which armor there's used in the screens/vids? Oh, and with Deadly Reflex, you can shoot at the lung, that looks cool :-) . But as a Warrior you have the best sneak power jump ever (so unrealistic,that it is extremly funny!) -
I had a char called Altair. I used the Altair Race Mod so he looks very similar to the real Altair from Assassins Creed (and of course, I also used the AC Armor mod). First, after making a big misstake in the east, which killed many of his assassin friends,he never forgot his misstake and so he went to Cyrodill to flee from his problems. But a troop of templars came to the Cyrodill to catch him and kill him. But lucky as he can be, the emperor is one of the grandfathers of the assassins,so he brought him to a cell with a secret way out. But the templars made secret bounds with pagan cultures in Engla..eh, I mean, Cyrodill,and so, murders killed the Emperor. But Altair was able to run for his life. After getting a letter from his uncle,he went to Floren..eh,Anvil to find a mysterious chest in an secret prison in Anvil's Castle. There he found the armor of his uncle, a special assassin armor. Actually Altair tried to forget his life as a Assassin, so he trough his armor into fire before, but he knew that he had to risk his life to beat the templar.After many levels of fighting the templar, he knew that he needed stronger powers to beat them. So he learned the dark powers (from darth va..äh..Voldemor..äh...Gandal..no....Midas!yes,Midas!) to have a chance against them. But the power got to strong and became the master of his will, so he became evil and ran amok in the church of Anvil (No, it was'nt Umaril!)
Well, if I would see a demon, i would also defend my self (if i have a sword ready!)
Everyone would like to have his very own mod!But not everyone is a genius modder, so please, tell your ideas, and maybe someone is so nice to take care about them. And if someone already knows a mod your hoping for, he or she can show it to you So lets begin: - I always wanted some Monster Hunter Armors for Oblivion. - I also want a combat animation mode which doesnt change the hole game to a japanese anime (like DMC Stylish), and it should work (Sephs dont work by me:-( ) - I want a mod which makes something like combat gloves, which make fire damage or something (= can be used like weapons,otherwise you would burn yourself!) - I want a permanent version of the Grafic's Memory Drain Ring mod (which drains the GC memory every 8 seconds (see Scharesoft.com)), so you dont have to wear a ring - I want a mod that makes all human races realistic and pretty(except maybe the old womans,like the cow,which always sits in the arena,doing nothing all the time). I'm very strickt with that, cause the only pretty and NORMAL humans in Oblivion i've seen are the High Imperials (another mode) thats all for now
What we need is more middle age based armors combined with some of the Monster Hunter Armors. So first, you dont have any special clothes, only some things like leather,chain or hunter. Than you get better armors like crusader,elven usw. and later (lv >16),you should get real heavy armors like full plate, paladin, or dark paladin armors,or better (stronger looking) elven armors, mithril and other armors which are really great, but they should fit in the theme (no russian,asia or futuristic armors!). And in the end (>25)you should get really bad ass armors like ultimate paladin armors, ultimate dark bad ass armors and of course Monster Hunter armors, they really look great, and there are easy and heavy armors (Rathian=easy,Lagiacrus=heavy usw.).The endarmors should be bigger than the char himself :-) . And of course female players should have very strong, and special magical armors, but, of course, with HGEC :-). The hole system should be interesting but in the end,you should really think that youre char is super ultra mega awesome special strong. I mean, which char with level 40 wears..glass?! Dremora is cool for first but later it gets boring, and it isnt so big at all. (SRY FOR MY ENGLISH)
My Funny Oblivion Moments
Deleted1151708User replied to EyeOfArgonia's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
I love Oblivion with Deadly Reflex: In the mission from anvil's mage guild, where you must kill Carahil: Carahil:blablabla (like: i kill you ,noob!) Quid faco ego? I cut her head off (with a knife)even before she could made her first spell. Also the same with the Necromancer in the first university mission, for the wood (I'll let you dance for me!) (we'll see :-)) And when the emperor got murdered: Baurus: rest in peace (or something) Quid faco ego? I cheated and stole the emperor's clothes :-) -
Things you learned from playing Oblivion
Deleted1151708User replied to spinspider's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Also: When a cannibal bites you, you have 3 days to pray. otherwise you'll turn into a cannibal, too. And of course, no one needs medicine,especially in the middle age -
Things you learned from playing Oblivion
Deleted1151708User replied to spinspider's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
This is the most important thing that I learned from Oblivion: - Every country has a big council room with hundred chairs, but only one politician