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Everything posted by Ashven
LE Player mountable horse drawn wagon thats also a house.
Ashven replied to true_predator's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
There might be a way to do this - if an entirely new creature is made that combines the horse mesh with a cart mesh. The cart would only adapt to the terrain and such properly if it was part of the creature, and that's the only way I forsee the cart not glitching and coming apart from the horse. When activating the horse, you'd get the option to mount or enter, and from there a standard invisible rat teleporting trick would do the whole switcheroo. -
Skyrim really isn't suited for horse combat, if you think about it. You never see bandits riding on horses, there are never rival factions on horses, really, and most areas are far too narrow to have open mounted combat. First person view, I can agree with though. What Skyrim needs, and keep in mind I think the player should only be able to spectate, is jousting. Jarls and Housecarls and their knights suiting up and jumping astride a horse, and the player/populace gets to bet on the outcomes. That'd be great. Have random quests to recruit new contestants and stuff, too. Maybe even get a 'job' inside the arena taking care of the horses and stuff, like a super-squire. I'd so love that.
Bump for the Creation Kit's sake. I haven't been able to get the kit for myself yet, but if no mod for this is released by the time I do I'll step in. I don't care if you restrict the amount it cuts, or if it's infinite. But could someone please give the mill some purpose? I like running it but I can't stay motivated on it if I'm not getting anything for it.
I like the idea of mixing up languages. It'd be neat if people spoke German or Dutch, and you could get a perk that'd switch their dialogue back to English, once you "learned" the language, or if you carried a "dictionary" for that language. It'd be more atmospheric if you didn't always understand what was being said. Come to think of it, how can you switch the voice files to a different language? I'd like to switch mine to German and keep my English subtitles. I know some bare bones German, and it'd be a great way to learn some more.
Janus is indeed correct - the right mods make the game something you'll have never experienced before. On the other hand, if you're not roleplaying you're missing out in a big way. Having to live with self-imposed restrictions makes situations that much more interesting. For example, if you're a sworn pacifist, and your hand is forced to have to kill somebody. Playing a character you normally wouldn't play is also interesting, and for me having a pacifist mage was an enlightening experience.
And I'll buy Felix a drink, because "Perin Cadlew the pacifist thief" is flush after that last job.
I just want to see some more basic details. I'd like to see a new fisherman, who doesn't need any dialogue, who sells fish to anyone who's inclined to buy it. Maybe a seamstress, because the only shop in town only sells armor and weapons. I'd like to see the mill expanded and made more profitable (make money by running the mill itself), maybe even turned into a real job.
someone needs a confidence booster... you're beautiful :cool: I'm confident in my ability to take down a dragon, postmortem. That'd be a hell of a way to die, if you think about it. And who knows? I don't think dragons know the Heimlich maneuver. On the plus side, that'd be a cool way into history. "Dragon - Asphyxiation by Blubber Nugget."
I probably wouldn't make it. Fat people don't run very fast, don'tchaknow. On the other hand, I'd also probably save all your lives, because if it tried to eat me, I'm fat enough to get stuck in its throat and choke it to death.
Will Steam Workshop split the modding community?
Ashven replied to LostLEGION's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Since I have dialup, I have a hard enough time as it is keeping my damned game running via Steam. In fact, I hate the hoops I have to jump through so much, I'll probably never download a single mod from Steam Workshop, since I know the Nexus will always be there for us. If anything, it might make the community stronger. I mean, the one time an official source for mods and such pops up, it has to use Steam? What were they thinking. (Oh, right: "We don't give a rat's ass about narrowband gamers.") -
If you had to raise a sword for a city....
Ashven replied to SubjectProphet's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Being a Gahrottafiir, I nock an arrow for Riften. It's the only place where I can lay my head in the presence of kin and friend. It's not the most perfect place in the world, but it's home for me, in-game. -
I'll save readers the trouble - it's in Haelga's Bunkhouse, in her room. It's not a game-changing event, so go nuts getting it. It is stealing, though.
In the empire's favor, you can still see a statue to Talos and a priest openly preaching about him, in Whiterun - which is a pro-Imperial town. I think the Empire is actively trying to salvage the situation but Ulfric's being a brat and lashing out without actually understanding the politics and levity of the situation.
While I think most of your points are valid... You're being ridiculous. Go play Companions and Cave Trolls if you're not happy with the Thieves Guild. It's a guild of criminals, which span from muggers to cat burglars. The main quest line is only for those who need to be top dog - I bet none of you really understood that you were not supposed to rush the quest line, and that you were supposed to take the Odd jobs? I did twelve odd jobs (at least) between each part of the main quest, and guess what? I really enjoyed myself. When you do the odd jobs, you get this "They really trust me to do this important mission for them, now that I'm proven." The main quest was meant to be a "Hey, we have a problem. Can you help us take care of it?" Oh, and for general informational reasons - the No Kill rule only really affects the Odd Jobs. If you kill on one of those jobs, you'll have to pay blood price. My no-combat thief filled the Thieves Guild roles spectacularly. Felt accomplished. Needed. Had a purpose, especially considering that in a game where combat is nine-tenths of the experience. When it came time where I needed to kill somebody, I hired some muscle and I stayed cloak and dagger while the muscle did the gutting. That's how a real thief does it. Thieves Guild is for thieves, not jacks of all trades. :EDIT: And I thought Mercer Frey was the absolute perfect guildmaster. Hell, I even liked the fact he was ripping off the guild - that's what real criminals do. I just wish he hadn't killed anyone and y'know, didn't have to run. Shoulda been more like him in the guild.
Dear God, I was so incredibly wrong about the Stormcloaks. So incredibly wrong. I decided to go with the Imperials while starting a new game (and actually prayed I wouldn't have to kill Ralof) and eventually got out and got moving. As I progressed through some of the story, I started realizing...this makes sense. There's a purpose for what the Imperials do, and it doesn't involve a more-or-less rogue Jarl wanting to plant his fat ass upon the throne. They know full what what the Thalmor are, they're no more happy about having to deal with them than the Nords are. But I actually understood how the Imperials are slightly worried that if Skyrim splits away, they might not be able to fight the Thalmor back if there's another Great War. I mean, don't get me wrong - I read all of this before. But it took me seeing it to really believe it, I suppose. I guess I'll have to start tipping the bards to play the Age of Agression now,
Probably what Syco said - and even if they were his sisters, how can we judge that, especially since we have no idea of their actual culture? They could have an Egyptian thing going on, where marrying/copulating with your half-sister is cool beans.
Oddly enough, my combat characters get scrapped because of their incredible weakness at later levels - yet my non-combatant Thief seems to do alright when he's forced into a pinch and he uses mediocre gear (since he's non-combatant, no reason to splurge on high tech gear, right?) so it's not like he's particularly great. I mean, he still uses the longbow he got when he started the game, and mostly it just shoots cheap arrows to distract enemies. I seriously think the game balance is dynamic, but at the same token...it dynamically screws combat characters. My Archer build takes a beating from hell and Talos forbid he walks into a room with two melee bandits.
Running is my tried and true means of winning a fight. 'cause if I ain't dead when the fight ends, I win. Even if the other guy isn't dead either. I call those situations, "draws" and am just glad I still have whatever I bighanded from him.
Construction Set for Skyrim, where is it?
Ashven replied to Hannibalektr's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Believe it or not, I totally respect what you're saying and the opinion behind it, but these new bloods are blood, and the community's kind of like a vampire. We have to have new blood because old blood leaves us as some point. I would like to see what portion of the new blood will actually become modders, but we can't run them off just yet. Some of the best mods for Morrowind and Oblivion came from new blood who ended up sticking around. But I'm also starting to get a tiny, tiny bit impatient. I said just the other day that I would rather them publicly announce a delay and hold it back until it's perfect - but they're acting like they'll have it out soon. I could care less whether it's delayed, but it's drawing near the time when they said they'd have it out and my anticipation is what eats at me more than my impatience. -
Trick is, if they implemented an edge detecting mechanism, it'd be easy to do, scripted or hardcoded. We might see a SKSE (does anyone else pronounce that "scuzzy?") plugin in the future that can help with it. The problem is, though, that with what Bethesda gave us, it's probably not going to be easy to do without fancy script trickery. Meaning at best we'd get climbing but no animations (see P-Froggy's Wall Climbing) or non-controlled climbing such as activators that play animations. Either are good options, but to really do either it's a lot of work. The former, it's a lot of fancy scripting and heaps of effort, and the latter still heaps of effort mostly on the part of animators. The latter also poses problems of fluidity - sometimes animations don't play instantly like they should, and have a second or two of delay which could really kill immersion. It's really impossible to speculate on it, though, until the CK is our hands and we can see what their newest version of Gamebryo can do.
If my thinking is straight, and I'm not getting mixed up - I'm under the impression that Bethesda often puts the same books in multiple games. They leave out some, for some odd reason, but for one thing - the books are Bethesda's copyright and nobody's using them for profit, and if I were them, I'd not care if they were modded in. If they were modded into another game, I'd raise an eybrow, but the books are part of ES lore and it's hard to read these books otherwise. I think it's a "just don't try to make a buck off it" kinda thing.
Someone should just make and sell replacement breakaway cables (the end bits that come off) that fit the old Xbox controllers, but have USB plugs. I seriously think that would be easier and cheaper.
I amassed 1500 firewood before I sold, but I admit it took me the course of two real weeks to do so, because I did it in my in-game 'spare time,' where I cut wood and plan my next move. I think you win, though, because I could never get myself to cut that much wood in two real days.
Shouldn't bother it. Just save before you do it, and see if he actually gets the dialogue to continue the quest. If he does, you can rekill him and move on with your life.
Now that - that I can agree on. If you sprint into somebody full-speed you're going to send them reeling or put them flat on their ass. Especially if you're a heavily armored sword-singing Nord who likes to wear iron ingots for decoration. Hell, just being able to sprint into someone would be great for a thief like me, because I've been cornered before and being able to do that would have gotten me out of a tight situation. I especially need a climbing mod, as a thief. There are places I would like to get to, vantage points, shortcuts, walls and fences I need to get over in a moment's notice. Since I don't fight, haste is often my best weapon and I use it lavishly and climbing would be a godsend. When the CK comes out, I urge someone to work on it. P-Froggy's code might be a good starting point.