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Posts posted by Dracomies

  1. Ok so had a long chat with RoyBatty and he helped me to fix the problem. I now know how to merge .esp and .esm files and fixed the skin issue. The only thing that I'm trying to figure is how to copy dialogue without it changing the file names.

    So as an example, if I create an NPC and add audio and lipsyncing, that file name will change when I merge the files.



    This is what he wrote:


    If the lines are already in FalloutNV.esm , the filenames will remain the same and the audio files will need to be in the sound\voices\FalloutNV.esm folder

    If the lines are in FalloutNV.esm and you change the voicetype then the sub folder (voicetype) in which they go in will change.

    If the lines are new and in your mod then the filenames will be what GECK says for your mod and the audio files will need to be in the sound\voices\nameofyourmod.esm folder

    If someone else is writing dialogue, you shouldn't name the files until you have merged them into your master. I suggest having all of it in your master to avoid using multiple directories.

    Is there a workaround for this? I swear..there has to be a better way to copy dialogue from NPCs without it changing the file names

  2. Hi! Got a serious issue.


    Basically I made a new set of NPCs but the skin isn't matching the face.


    I did Archive Invalidation. I did the .ini stuff. It makes no difference.


    What's strange is that only the new NPCs have mismatching skin


    They talk about the same issue here:



    It has nothing to do with Archive Invalidated or .ini changes


    So here's my problem. I basically have 2 files.


    The first is called New Vegas Redesigned 4.esm

    The second is called New Vegas Redesigned 4.esp


    Now when I change the .esp to a master, it fixes the skin issue but I don't want it to be a master. How do I make the skin match?



    Also the Control + F4 method shown in the link above doesn't work.

  3. Eh...maybe I'm getting overambitious on this and should just move on lol. But I'll try again.


    I'm debating between 6 different voices for the role of Antony. Could I get a vote on which Antony would be the best revoice for Antony?
    For reference, here is the original voice
    He's at 9:48 (I despise the original voice)
    Antony by thelyingrayson (he promises a better mic)
    Would greatly appreciate feedback on this as I am stumped between each of these actors and trying to choose a revoice for Antony for a project I am working on.
    If anyone else here does feel the same way and does feel that some of the voice actors in New Vegas should be revoiced, please give me a list of those NPCs and I can give it serious thought. I am currently paying a team of voice actors to revoice lines which were poorly executed in New Vegas and would greatly appreciate feedback.

    I'm debating between 6 different voices for the role of Antony. Could I get a vote on which Antony would be the best revoice for Antony?

    For reference, here is the original voice

    He's at 9:48 (I despise the original voice)

    Antony by thelyingrayson (he promises a better mic)

    Would greatly appreciate feedback on this as I am stumped between each of these actors and trying to choose a revoice for Antony for a project I am working on.

  5. Hi! I posted a thread about this earlier but now it's really going to happen.


    I'm doing a tremendous project where I am looking to put together a team of voice actors to revoice NPCs in Fallout New Vegas which were poorly cast. As an example, Yuri Lowenthal voiced about 2/3 of the lines in Fallout New Vegas and it gets a bit tiresome.


    Here's what I'm planning on doing:


    Cook-Cook ORIGINAL


    Cook-Cook NEW













    I'm currently fixing Antony as well.


    I'd like it if people could give me a list of NPCs that they feel were poorly voiced or poorly acted.


    I'm looking for characters that are so horribly voiced they go beyond character designs. When I say.."so bad it goes beyond character design", I mean...that even changing the race or age of the character still makes the character a poorly voiced character. Some voice acting can be fixed with character designs. ie. Samuel at the 188. His face looks about 20. But if he's supposed to be the father of Michelle, he should be close to about 50-60 years old..so a simple character change would fix that, etc. But some faces go "beyond character design". Case in point. Nephi. Neph has killed hundreds of people with his golf club so he should sound more...tough. But his voice doesn't match. If I make him match his voice..it doesn't work. If I make him tough looking, it doesn't work. The voice acting is beyond a character design fix.


    Would really appreciate a list. I can't guarantee I'll do them all but I will seriously take a look at it.

  6. Do you have a passion for voice acting and wouldn’t mind a few extra bucks? Please send me a PM as I have a few voice acting roles available:

    I will be choosing the strongest auditions for each role.

    (MALE ROLE) Crucified Male slave - $20
    (FEMALE ROLE) Female Slave “Clipped wings” - $30
    (MALE ROLE) “The Dead Courier” An audio log of Daniel Wyand that he makes before his death - $10
    (MALE ROLE) “The Auction” Slave Trader - $5
    (MALE ROLE) The Auction - Legion soldier $5
    (MALE ROLE) The First Lesson (Legion soldier) $10
    (FEMALE ROLE) The First Lesson (Lisa) $20

  7. I need a voice for a jethead or a chem addict. I'd like to pick a voice that feels the most convincing and the most disturbing . You can make the voice any way you want as I will attempt to design the character based on how you voice him. If this would be of interest, please send me a PM. This voiced character will be added as an additional NPC to add to immersion in Fallout New Vegas.

  8. well for questions 2 and 3, they're easy enough to answer.


    Yes its very possible and quite easy to do. The majority of the work would be to get the voice actors the script and having them do their thing. Actually putting the audio files in place would be a cinch. I've done it for a few vanilla characters as part of larger mods to give them more lines to say. that way they dont have two different voices (vanilla and modded). And if you find it as an improvement, it is definitely worth the time.


    As for which characters need improvement, it always bugged me that they used 4 or 5 voice actors for 80% of the NPCs. Sunny Smiles as an example, has the exact same voice as DOZENS of NPCs. In fact, heres a list of them all. Its not that she's a bad voice actor in the slightest. Just a bit of variety would do WONDERS to the game. Same with Cliff Briscoe and his list of characters. Theres plenty others too.


    If you can offer something new and fresh. Give something different on the menu, I'm sure it would be a very popular mod.


    Gregory Alan Williams. His voice is so distinct that it ruins the game when I hear his voice on every other character. He clashes a lot with a lot of designs. I also really dislike Ari Rubin's voice. It's that not he's a bad actor. It's that he tends to play the parts of nearly all the Legion and you get the impression the Legion are supposed to be respectable warriors and fighters. That's not to say that powerful fighters usually have a particular voice but it doesn't hurt to find someone who actually sounds the part.


    On a side note, Katherine Pawlak is gorgeous!

  9. Who is the worst or most poorly acted Fallout New Vegas NPC?


    For me. I felt it was Lucius. Lucius was supposed to be a pretty powerful fighter and the guy voicing him just never matched.


    I'm thinking about getting some actors from here and/or Casting Call https://www.castingcall.club/#/


    to revoice some of the NPCs in Fallout New Vegas. I'm thinking it's a matter of just getting them to voice the lines and then having the sound files replace the originals and adding lip files?


    I guess I have three questions.


    1. What do you feel is the worst acted NPC in Fallout New Vegas?


    2. Do you think it makes sense to do this and is it possible?


    3. Is it worth the time?

  10. Hi! I was wondering whether I could get help on a script.


    I basically want an NPC to do the following:


    I want the NPC to be sleeping on a bed

    When I talk to the NPC, it says a generic comment (It does this by default)

    Then it goes back to bed.


    Right now it gets up from bed, talks to me and then wanders off and leaves the room.


    How do I have it programmed so that it goes back to bed?



    Question 2.


    I'd like to make a reaction script.


    I want to basically have a door that is locked. If you unlock the door, you enter a room with two NPCs.


    The NPCs react to you the moment they see you.


    I want one guy to be sitting in a chair.


    I want one girl to be sitting on the floor.


    How do I program it so that the guy sitting in the chair becomes hostile and attacks and the woman (that was once sitting) runs off and braces for cover?

  11. Hi! I was looking at the mod kit and I was wondering whether there was a way to sculpt and redesign faces in Witcher 3..something like the GECK for Fallout 3/New Vegas or the Origins Tookit for Dragon Age.


    I'd like to add variety to the character designs as I feel a lot of the merchants (as an example) in the world have the same face. Also there are plot elements and story elements in which they use the same face of another NPC and it sort of ruins immersion. I also really want to change the appearance of Priscilla. I somehow get the impression that she should be substantially more attractive. Does anyone know if this is possible with the modkit.

  12. Hi!


    I was wondering whether someone could help me with something.


    There is a mod called "Better Male Face" in the Fallout 3 files section made by Geonox




    I'm having issues where the beard doesn't display correctly. It does looks like this it is a common issue as it has been mentioned in the forums as well. It works for thicker beards but not for thinner beards. I tried changing the shape in GECK but it's not to my liking. I believe the only way it can be correctly fixed is through Blender or 3DSMax.


    Is there a fix for this?


    I believe the one way to fix this is to change the vertices of the chin and jaw to Vanilla but I can't confirm this.



  13. Hi. So I need help here. I'm making a change to Gommorah and the Atomic Wrangler.


    I'd like to have it set so that when you are walking by a set of doors, you hear very suggestive sounds.


    When you reach the door, it is locked with a lock skill required.


    When you open the door, the sound stops and you see a shocked couple.


    Then when you close the door, the sound begins again.


    How do I do this?


    I want the particular sound to only happen when you have closed the door and the couple is out of view.


    Can someone explain this to me in Layman's terms on how to do this on the GECK.

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