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About mate926

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  1. I thought it was weird that the production team would choose dholes instead of regular wolves considering the game is meant to be based on Pleistocene europe. Wolves were present at that time and it would make way more sense that regular wolves and dire wolves were coexistent in the game rather then dholes, which are not even dholes but African wild dogs. Considering the game assets are similar, I think it would be a very awesome swap to change the wild dogs to the Tibetan wolf models of farcry 4 (the rare wolf Mad devil would take the rare dholes place). If anyone would know how to do this but did not have the time how to do it, I'd like to know what was required in the tool department in order to possibly do it myself. Thanks in advance!
  2. Every time I set a weight to 0 on a certain vertice, the weight for the same vertice on a different bone increases. So its a vicious cycle that never lets me reduce the weight of the specific problem vertices. It's been a while, hope someone answers, I am so close to finishing.
  3. Ok so it's been a while since I have needed help with this armor, but I have one final problem before release. There are segments of the armor that stretch when moving even after I have set separate weights to specific vertices in 3ds max. I don't understand why it still happens in game. https://imageshack.com/i/iqawzyg5j https://imageshack.com/i/ey4KN6LPj
  4. I have tried using your (dizzasterjuice's) step by step tutorial on how to get a weight slider going, yet when i try to export my _0.nif I get the error "bad niskindata some vertices have no weight at all". Is there any way to fix this?
  5. I'VE DONE IT!!!!! The armor looks perfect, moves well, and fits to the npc like glue. I now just need do the weight slider! (hopefully that wont take too long or be too hard) Thank you all for the help so far!!!
  6. Read this thread. There's a lot of good info in it. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/478312-tutorial-3ds-max-skinned-meshes-into-game/?hl=skyrim%20armor%203ds%20max Don't check "has vertex colors" unless you used vertex colors in your model. When you added the dismember modifier did you select the appropriate polys and assign a body part to them? If I remember there's a good tutorial on youtube about building dismembers. If it makes any difference, both meshes still have a different file size. This would only affect the in game model if both models had a morpher on them correct? I can deal with that later, all I care about now is _0.nif and _1.nif working separately in game.
  7. I have changed the all the partitions to 32. I have also tried switching the 0.nif to 1.nif and vice versa. They are still both completely invisible.
  8. I have added the nifs to the nexus. I would appreciate if you could take a look at them if you're willing and have free time. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57027/?
  9. I tried doing what you said but the only thing that changed was I was able to use the weight slider, the armor still looked weird. I realized that the new parts of armor had no BSdismemberskin modifier on them, so I added them. Unfortunately, now those two parts of the armor are completely invisible, leaving a half naked npc. I have checked the texture paths to see if everything is ok, and I have checked off "has vertex colors" with yes. I have also faced the normals, nothing seems to be working.
  10. I tried setting the characters weight to 0 and it looks even worse lol, like something out of a horror film. https://imageshack.com/i/kn3ehYgMj When you say open vanilla mesh, what do you mean? The mesh I made is made out of 3 separate armors from which I have taken bits of each. Which one do I choose? edit: You are correct about the verts being different from _0.nif and _1.nif, checked in nifskope.
  11. I have completely redone the armor thanks to your assistance, however there are still a few problems. the armor looks great in nifskope. However, when in game, the armor looks a little skewed on my character and when walking and jumping, parts near the hip and knees distort and look extremely strange. I will add images of what I am talking about. Hopefully after fixing this, the armor will be finished. Again thank you for your time Dizzasterjuice. https://imageshack.com/i/f0rrn5pEj https://imageshack.com/i/iqM3v3wFj https://imageshack.com/i/kp81XnMTj https://imageshack.com/i/ezzTvO7Yj
  12. The .nif now looks like this: https://imageshack.com/i/pb5W6aEBj
  13. I exported the scene as an .obj to my desktop, then exported it as a .nif again. I've once again added shaders and textures and all looks well in nifskope as everything is under the root scene. However the game now ctd's again once I load up a save. Is this because there is no BSdismemberskinInstance or skin partitions now? Also, thanks for your time Dizzasterjuice, I appreciate it.
  14. Edit: I deleted the morpher from the armor in nifskope and was able to load my save. After messing around in nifskope some more, the textures of the pants are normal coloured and the armor is rigged to my characters body, however the armors texture is pitch black. Hopefully this aids someone in helping me.
  15. I have spent the last few days learning how to use 3ds max and nifskope in order to create a change to an armor that I have enjoyed using since the game was released. The armor that I have tried improving is the male Ancient nord armor, and have added some armor pieces and pants to the model. So far I have had success in creating what I had envisioned. I have created a _0.nif and _1.nif for the armor and have just finished up adding textures in nifskope. The problem lies in adding the armor to the game. When I add the .nif files to my skyrim directory and start up my save where my character is wearing the armor, it immediately ctd's. I am unaware in what I am doing wrong, and I hope someone has the time and know-how to help me solve this problem so I can release this armor to the public. Here is a picture of what I have created so far:
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