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About TotalRookie

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    United States
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    Star Craft II, Oblivion, Fallout
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  1. I'll keep this brief and unstructured, forgive me if it has been done, I haven't been on the modding scene for a long time. Remember in Oblivion when we would find random love notes, suicidal troll notes and such? I was wondering if someone has done a mod like this yet, it would be a very small mod, but would help with immersion. I was always delighted to stumble across a new note or book, and let my suspended disbelief run wild as I imagined whatever it contained. Second of all, would anyone want a mod like this? It's small subtle, and maybe most would not appreciate it. However, I would gladly write the majority of the content, but sadly I do not have Skyrim on my PC at the moment, so the brunt of the work would fall to someone else. Just an idea for any of you out there who appreciate the little stuff like myself.
  2. This sounds pretty cool, but I'd be fine with DLC focusing only on immersion. Let's say crime for example, be in direct control of black market deals and shipments. Of course, that's why we have the modding community.
  3. You know I didn't have a problem until you insulted the Bible. Don't walk on someone's beliefs.
  4. How about we all just deal with it? 1st world problems for the fail.
  5. Count me in. You want the stories to follow already established canon, correct?
  6. All of this crap is the reason why I've walked away from gaming for awhile. First it was steam with skyrim. Okay. Then skyrim was supposed to be the greatest TES game of the franchise. Okay. Now our beloved CK is delayed because of steam and Skyrim turned out to be the most arcade-like version in the franchise. Not okay. I'm fed up with all of the bs the gaming industry puts out there. I bought maybe three games last year, and this year, I might not buy any at all. This is getting ridiculous, games have become simplistic, unchallenging, and worst of all, linear. It's just my opinion, don't troll it too hard, but I need a break from all of this cheap money-grabbing. There's better things out there in life.
  7. Next ES game will be in 2D, because 3 dimensions confuses the player.
  8. Yep, great track. Been circling around the web for awhile.
  9. So a video game got a shiny award???!? Meh...doesn't affect me.
  10. EA is evil, the industry cares solely about money. Before it was at least about money and putting out a decent product.
  11. Nah I want to see what happens after death!
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