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Everything posted by ashleyclark

  1. Thank you to both of you for all the help you have given. I had HP put in additional memory before shipping me the Omen laptop. It already had that NVMN in it. It is an awesome machine. I have Skyrim SSE on it with about 120 mods and it runs like a charm with no problems and have tons of memory left over. I went with two 16gb memory sticks for I will also be using the laptop for graduate school. Thank you again for your wonderful advice.
  2. Thanks again. I did that, customize when I ordered it, so it will be right. Thanks again
  3. I should also ask what memory should I get for that laptop if I purchased it? There are so many different ones, I am not sure which is compatible with it. I do not wish to purchase something and then find out it will not work. Also, if I got a NVME drive, which one should I get? For the same reasons as the memory, I am not sure what will be compatible. Sorry I am not that tech savy. I believe the memory sticks I need to get are DDR4 PC4-21300 2666MHz 260 pin Sodimm. Yet i am still not sure about the NVME drive.
  4. Thank you for your reply's. I will see about getting something that has more memory. I want something that can handle SSE and about 100 mods with ease. I do not know that much about pc's and laptops yet desire something decent. Thanks again
  5. Thank you very much for the reply. I will see about getting a larger drive. Thanks again
  6. Will the HP Omen 17.3” i7-9750H Laptop (12GB RAM/ 128GB SSD+1TB HDD/ GTX 1660Ti/ Win 10) be able to play Skyrin SE? i am not really tech savy yet copied what the laptop is supposed to have. I figured I better ask before I purchase it. Intel Core i7-9750H(2b), 6-CoreProcessor speed 2.6 GHz base frequency, up to 4.5 GHz base with Intel Turbo Boost TechnologyProcessor cache 12 MB cacheMemory 12 GB DDR4-2666 SDRAM (1 x 4 GB, 1 x 8 GB)Video graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (6 GB GDDR6 dedicated)Internal storage 1 TB 7200 RPM SATA hard drive(4b)128 GB PCIe NVMe M.2 Solid State Drive Please advise
  7. One can revert back to the original SkyrimSE.exe On your desktop, hit 3 different keys at the same time Win + R which will open the Steam console. Put in steam ://nav/console and then hit enter put in download_depot 489830 489833 7531846925655934196 and then hit enter go to whereever your steam file is, and go to steam/steamapps/content/app_489830/depot_48933 and there you will find the original SkyrimSE.exe (the one before this current update) copy and paste this into a folder and keep it safe and also copy and paste this into the Skyrim SE directory. I also make copies of the 3 skse64 files just in case. The two .dll files and the loader file and put them in the same folder as I put the SkyrimSE.exe in. This will work until the SKSE64 team can get their update done and until SkyUI can also update. Hope this helps
  8. I do not know if anyone knows, yet there was an update to SSe.exe this morning and SKSE64 no longer works. Does anyone have any idea how long it will take to fix? I do have a copy of the SkyrimSE.exe to replace the new updated one, yet I did not know if the skse64 team knew of the update. Here is a picture of the error message that I am getting. https://i.imgur.com/vfCGJCv.jpg Please advise if this is the right place to post this, or does it need to be posted somewhere else
  9. Here is a link I will share on how to keep Steam from updating the game again. Just found this a few minutes ago. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6034723-skyui/page-111&do=findComment&comment=54532813 Also, I was advised to use this mod --- https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12480/? I cannot thank people enough for the link that was posted above. I followed all of the directions in the 2 links I just posted and saved the exe file in a special place just in case.
  10. I do not know if I am posting this in the right place or not, yet I just wanted to let someone know that the SKSE64 no longer works with Skyrim SE as Skyrim SE has been updated to another version. It is no longer 1.5.3 it is now
  11. I am not sure this is in the proper area, so if it is not, maybe a moderator can move it to the proper thread. I am concerned that maybe my load order is not correct. I was wondering that when AOS (Audio Overhaul For Skyrim) required a few patches for other mods that I have, it placed them all at the bottom of the list. Should these patches be under the mods that they are patching? Example. The mod Guard Dialogue Overhaul required a patch from AOS. Should the patch be under Guard Dialogue Overhaul? I use LOOT and this is the order that it has placed everything. I would really appreciate it if someone would be kind enough to take a look at my load order and tell me if it is correct. The game seems to run okay, but a lot of the new dialogue from Guard Dialogue Overhaul is no longer there since I starting using AOS. Please advise Plugins
  12. I know this is an old post, yet I just recently starting playing DA3 again, and I have many mods. Face texture, raised tat for Dalish, eyebrows, eyes, etc. I was having the same problem, and discovered a mod that changed the textures on the scars. I downloaded it and it worked with all the mods that I have. Just thought I would let you know. Here is the link to the mod that mad the scars show up. http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/572/? Wish I had found this mod earlier.
  13. I also am appalled. I had subscribed to the weapon and shield mods, 3 of them on Steam. I had the weapons, forged some of them, and this morning I discovered that not only were the mods un-subscribed without me knowing, I no longer had the weapons, even the ones I forged. Suppose that was a house mod, and I had all my hard earned plunder in it?? The house would be gone along with all my plunder. I have went through all the mods I had subscribed to on Steam, and "matched" them with Nexus and then un-subscribed from them. I run at least 130 mods, and only 30 were from Steam, which number is now down to 18. I also have 4 mods on Steam that I made, and as soon as they are fit and able, and complete to the best I can make them, I am moving them over to Nexus. I will never charge for my mods, nor will I pay for the use of one. I would rather play a vanilla Skyrim on the Xbox 360 first. My opinion. Ashley
  14. In response to post #24602184. #24603359 is also a reply to the same post. I hear you there. like I said, I had 3 mods that I had subscribed to, weapon mods, and crafted some of the weapons, collected others, and then this morning I no longer have the mods, and the weapons are gone. I was pretty angry. I am glad it was not a house mod, for the only house mod(s) I use are my own, which are free. I will go back to playing a basic Skyrim before I pay for a mod or even charge for a mod. That is my opinion.
  15. I have made a few mods, and personally I think this is a bad idea. A very bad idea. I had three mods running on Steam where the author decided to be paid for the use of those mods, and unknown to me, they were un-subscribed from my list and I no longer have access to them. Bad news, bad idea. What will an author do if they start charging for their mod on Steam, and it is also on Nexus?? Will they pull their mod from Nexus so that it is only available on Steam where one has to pay for it?? That will make people angry, to suddenly discover that a mod they have been using on Nexus has been pulled. Imagine having a house mod, full of all your plunder that you worked so hard to get, and suddenly you have no house and you have no plunder. Would you be angry?? I know I would. I personally thing this is a very bad move on the part of Steam and as far as the couple of mods that I have made, that are currently running on Steam, they are free and will always be free.
  16. True, but at least one can click on what they want, and then turn everything else back on. Hope that made sense.
  17. I am a newbie at modding, but try using the letter M for turning off and turning on stuff. If it does not work, then I am sorry.
  18. Finally!!! I found it. Called Riften Sanctuary.
  19. Thank you for going back to the manuall downloads. Now I can download manual files again. But...I cannot download from the premium sites, even though I am a premium member. I keep getting this message. Error The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below... This is a Premium Member only feature of the site. For information on becoming a premium member please visit the information page. Sorry for the inconvenience! I already am a premium member and when I click on the information page, it tells me page not found. Here is the link to the page with the error. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Error/?err=premium&hr
  20. In response to post #16586459. #16588674 is also a reply to the same post. Thank you altamoor. I will do that, and I have already started a new character. As for the Predator Vision, I went back to the older version of SKSE because it does not work with the new version. There are also posts on the mod's page from other people about it not working with the new SKSE. Anyway, thank you very much for your answer. You can bet that I will be using any custom race mods again.
  21. I have a question about a mod I was using. I downloaded a mod called Daywalker. Very interesting mod. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44223/? She, (my character) was working just great and everything was fine until I decided to let Harkan do the vampire bite to change her into a vampire lord. Everyone in the game, all the nps'c recognized her as a vampire, but Harken did not. After the bite, she changed into the vampire lord form as was told to do by harken, but that was it. The character menu was not available and neither was the quick slots for her powers. She could not change back into human form nor could she change into bats, nothing but being stuck in that vampire lord form. I decided to upload a different character, a Nord and when I did, she was in the view where you could see her. (I always get 1st and 3rd person mixed up.) The wheel on the mouse did not work, and I could not rotate around her for that did not work. I switched to the wired controller, and the sticks did not work, and it was the same thing. (I use a wired controller to play). The map bar at the top of the page did all the rotating by not the view itself. Hope that made sense. It ended up that I had to un-install Skyrim and then re-install it, along with SKSE, and thankfully my modes were still there. I have de-activated and un-installed the mod, but every character I tried after that mod was totally messed up which was why I un-installed and re-installed Skyrim. I do not want to take a chance on using any of my older characters, and now have to start a new character from scratch. I do not know what is going to happen when I get to Lord Harken again. Could it be possible that this mod was "affected??" It is not a new mod. EDIT: I should also mention that I am also having problems with this mod along with a few other people who are also having problems with it. I have de-activated and un-installed it also. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22274/? EDIT: I tried using the older SKSE and none of my old save still will not work.
  22. Thank you. I tried it and it worked. Now, when ever I try to play it on the tv screen, it crashes. I have a high def hdmi cord I use and for some reason I cannot play it on the tv screen. I can play it on the pc monitor, but not the tv screen.
  23. I am looking for a certain mod that I once had downloaded, and cannot find it again. I have even went through every single house mod in my download history. I remember it had a swimming pool in the back with what looked like a German Shepard. It also had a greenhouse with sliding glass doors and plantable pots, and the forge was up on a small hill. That is all I remember about the house mod. Does anyone remember such a mod?? It was around April, May this year that I found the mod, but I do not remember how old the mod is itself. Any help is greatly appreciated. EDIT: Also, if I remember, you have to go through an opening to get to it. There is a horse included, I think. I have been hunting for 3 days now and wish I could find it. There were no guards, no followers, just the dog. I think the house was 2 floors. EDIT: I should also mention that it is not an underground house, but above ground and a somewhat modern type home that is spacious inside.
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