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Everything posted by durham1984
Hello, I am working on a small mod and would like to incorporate the animations from another mod into my own. The permission is granted, but I'm curious about how to actually add them to my own mod. They are hkx files, nestled in a folder pointing to the proper place. Do I just zip the premade folder along with my esp? Thank you for any help given.
[LE] Quick Questions, Quick Answers
durham1984 replied to Elias555's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Hi, have a quick question I'm hoping someone can answer. When I'm creating a Fomod installer that has patching options, what is the etiquette on including the mod that I am patching's information or preview picture? -
[LE] Quick Questions, Quick Answers
durham1984 replied to Elias555's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Are the snow shaders in Skyrim jacked up? :D -
Thanks Frank. I'm getting closer. I think my problem is I'm not looking for a barrel specific texture. After reading up a bunch, and messing around in the CK, it looks like I need to find out how to attach find and attach the games snow shader to the mesh outside of the game and save it like that. Getting closer though. I'm hoping it's just a setting somewhere in Nifskope, can't find a definitive answer anywhere yet.
Thank you for answering, I really appreciate it! I thought that as well, but it's not to be found. I've also read that sometimes the textures are embedded in the nifs so I used Nifskope to try to find it with no luck. I even went in-game opened the console and found the item ID, also into the Creation kit as well, and found it in Tes5edit, but cannot find it anywhere else.
Hello, novice modder here, I've run into a strange problem. I'm hand replacing some static items in the game, at the moment barrels. I used Nifskope to convert the mesh and texture of Barrel02Static to the same thing but function as a container. The nif is: Barrel02.nif Using the path Data/Meshes/Clutter/ The problem I'm having is there are two variations of this barrel that appear to use different textures. They use the same mesh it seems, Barrel02.nif. They are called: Barrel02Static_HeavySN Barrel02Static_LightSN I have looked and looked but not found where the texture for these items are. I also can't find a way to export them directly and, as I said, they simply appear to be a re-skin of the Barrel02Static. I'd really appreciate some help on this, been beating my head off the keyboard trying to figure it out, searches haven't turned up anything, though that may be due to the fact that I'm not quite sure how to word it. Appreciate it! EDIT: Some more information. I've also unpacked every bsa for the base game and all dlc's so I could search easier. No luck.
Modding assistance and recommendations, please
durham1984 replied to HunterAlpha1's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
They've been combined, they work as well as the ther patches Every once in a while you may run into a mod that hasn't been updated in a while, but is still good, that has the older patches listed as a master. This is easy to fix with the Tes5edit program though. You don't even need the older patches; yourename and zip a spare esp you have laying around to do it. Just look it up if you run into it. :) -
Modding assistance and recommendations, please
durham1984 replied to HunterAlpha1's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Many of these are good is still, see the STEP link I posted just a little bit down the page. I'm just getting back into modding myself but I can recommend from your list: Frostfall Wet and Cold Campfire iNeed Hunterborn Cloaks of Skyrim Simply Knock by Chesko These ones all work excellently together, giving you a much more immersive, survival based experience. Make sure you check, I think iNeed might need some patchesbetween a few, but I could be wrong. I might also recommend getting: Hunting in Skyrim http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18866/? (P.S. when you unlock the skinning system in HiS, turn it offso t doesn't interfere with Hunterborn.) It adds really nice skinning textures, adds a hunting guild questline, and just compliments the other three nicely. Load it right before Hunterborn if you choose to get oit, and for maximum compatibility get the No Perks version. Complete Crafting Overhaul Remade Weapon and Armor Fixes Remade Clothing and Clutter Fixes These are great fixes and balancers for the game, many people consider them essential in a load order I've noticed. I would reccomemd from what I've read, and my own experience, adding Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul, great mod! http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69306/? You can find a lot more useful ifixes, and mods in general, on this page: Skyrim Total Enhancement Project Wiki http://wiki.step-project.com/STEP: It's a little dated, but still can point you in the right direction for some great mods. Just make sure to read about their latest version updates and requirements. Wearable Lanterns goes great with anything that makes the night's and dungeons darker. Let's you free up your hands while having a believable light source. SkyUI is pretty much a requirement, needed for the MCM menus. If, for some reason, you don't care for it I believe their is an away version that still lets you access the MCM. Enhanced Lights and Effects. My personal favorite of the lighting mods, beautiful. A Quality World Map and Solstheim Map. Great map, one of the most popular. Skyrim HD - 2K Textures by NebuLa. Great textures and come in different resolutions depending on your rig. I would also recommend: The Static Mesh Improvement Mod (SMIM) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/8655/? That can really make your game pop! Many options to choose from, customizable to your PC. Very little performance hit on mine, I love it. Skyrim -Community- Uncapper by Elys. Many mods make use of this. Instead of When Vampires Attack and Run for Your Lives you might consider getting: Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65013/? This mod does what both of those do naturally, and more. Read it carefully though, the full version is incompatible with many things and for some reason the mod's author doesn't want anyone making compatibility patches for it. Since he made it, that must be respected. The light version is ompatible with pretty much everything. Hope some of that helped! -
Mod Manager & Requiem Loading Save Issue
durham1984 replied to durham1984's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
P.S. I do also have all the appropriate versions of each mod, despite not having an internet connection, and can post my load order via text, screenshot, etc... if needed. Thank you for your time. -
I only have internet access on my phone, so I'll be as thorough as possible without posting load order via pastebin. I've installed a Requiem build, used the custom Loot file found on the Requiem 1.9.4 patch central to help adjust load order, and moved mods by hand that still needed it. Cleaned those that needed it with Tes5edit. Ran the reqtificator. When I start the game via SkSe everything is fine. I play 2 or 3 hours, check the mods, all are functional, nothing seems to be overwriting any major parts of Requiem, etc... The problem comes when I close Skyrim. I cannot continue a saved game. As soon as I restart via SkSe, through MO by the way, and load a save or continue I get a ctd. The only change is some data in my overwrite from Frostfall and Campfire. It is SkSe data. I've tried creating a mod from it, and also deleting it, neither works. I can still start a new game though. Any suggestions?
I want to run the mod "Hunting in Skyrim" with "Requiem" but can't find if it's compatible, or needs a patch. I've heard it can be checked in Tes5edit and I have no problem doing that, found a couple good videos. One thing though, which esp goes on top when checking, HIS or Requiem? What I mean is, does load order matter when checking for conflicts and possibly making a patch in Tes5edit?
TesIV Cleaning & OBMM Question
durham1984 replied to durham1984's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Okay, option 2 it is, thank you Striker! :thumbsup: -
Hello! I am new to the world of cleaning mods :P I have a simple question that I've not been able to find the answer to anywhere (At least I hope its simple). If I clean a mod that I have installed via OBMM with TESIV how can I then export the newly cleaned verion into a new Omod?
I have had an unfortunate RL event which will cause me to have neither a computer or Internet access for an indeterminate ammount of time, so I apologize, but I will be unable to update this, or work on any mods at all. (I feel like a complete ass especially after the post two above). Anyone may have it, I am really sorry not my fault :( anyways, thank you for the good experience here, it was a pleasure, I hope someone takes this and runs with it, either way please don't be too hard on me, this is the last time I will be here.
Thanks for the feedback Metallicow :) All user submitted stones are out in IC (Somewhere lol). Its a bit of a search, but also that is why I included the readme, so if you were unhappy with your grave you can move it yourself quite easily :) also, read the readme included with the mod, it has a slight correction to step 3 of the guide that shows you how to write your epitaph and not get it overwritten in future updates. Also, I am new to modding, so I am slow, patience is a virtue, ;) it does have a long way to go, hence the BETA. 2.5 filled in all of the stones to my knowledge except for one small graveyard near an oblivion gate that I have reserved for a future experiment (So to speak) ;) Typos and such will be fixed too, I catch a few each time, also if you know a specific area feel free to send me a the coordinates or the name of the stone, anything such as that will be fixed. there are six to seven hundred stones I have done so far. Plus, some of the typos are a result of cut/paste from user submitted epitaphs, I try to spell check them but, eh, I'm far from perfect :) Anywho, won't die, will just be slow so bear with me :) Also, I could really use some feedback on the caretaker package when the opportunity arrives, he is a simple oaf right now, but I am looking for any bug, incompatibility issues, etc... before I work on all these other fellows I have started... oops, I mean, before I start on all these other fellows. Also, if anyone wants to 'take over' an area of the mod they have expertise in, they (you?) are free to send me a PM. EDIT^ Oh and as far as getting fellow modders in there, would love to, but will not use anyones name/mod/ideas/etc... without there say so :D
Okay :) My plans changed slightly, I Just uploaded Ver. 2.5 which include all of the new epitaphs, and finished stones (As far as I can tell). Also... I have uploaded my beta Caretaker package which adds a caretaker to the Anvil Graveyard. He has a house, visits the graveyard daily, A few lines of unique Dialogue (Not voice acted ATM) and a few nifty additions here and there. The caretaker is BETA, I am really looking for some input on how I did on the NPC creation so far, if things could be done better, etc... Really really will appreciate feedback on that package from any who test it :) Thanks a ton for all of the support and enjoy! Tombstone Epitaphs V2.5 And Caretaker Package Beta :D :cool: :biggrin: :thanks: :thumbsup:
Let me finish up doing this first NPC SumDude, I am slow and have been busy, then I will upload it as Beta, if you have any ideas/suggestions at that point let me know. Should have the next update within a week or so ;) And thanks for all the encouragement everyone :)
Haha, not dead at all SumDude, just trying to figure out the how to make the best NPC's, first time I have done such, and I keep getting things wrong and rolling it back. Also making a "Lore friendly" version for the Epitaph's, and a "Not so Lore friendly" Version :D right now I am stuck on dialog. I want to do a complete voice over for the graveyard caretakers and am having trouble. Be patient though, it will come and all epitaph's will be used :) Thanks a ton :)
Will still be using them all of course :) Right now I am trying to add caretakers to each graveyard. new as can be to all of this umm, can anyone point me towards a good tutorial or two on making npc's andd implementing spoken dialogue by chance? And I will look into the quests such as those SumDude after wards, thank ya :)
Okay, after much consideration of what exactly to do with this mod and how to expand it I have laid out a basic outline of what I want to be accomplished in what order. Here it goes: Version 1.0 Complete all of the stones (placement & Scripts) in IC - Accomplished, although still need to figure out a better way to handle the Obelisks. Version 2.0 Complete all of the stones (placement & Scripts) in Tamriel - Accomplished Version 3.0 Flesh out the Stones Epitaphs - WIP, adding more lifelike epitaph's to each Stone, Flesh it out a bit to make each stone more "Realistic" So to speak. Version 4.0 Add A "Caretaker/Undertaker" To each Graveyard in the main towns/cities - Not begun yet. Version 5.0 Add Several quests related to the mod - Not begun yet. Version 6.0 These are a few general ideas that I have kicking around. 1) Adding some sort of script to the NPC's that, when killed, causes them to be "Buried" In there respective cemetaries i.e. Citizens of Bravil go to the bravil graveyard etc... 2) A New Trade "Undertaker", hey someone has to do it. 3) A New Trade/Option to "Rob Graves" however, the penalty would be of course death. So, that is the direction I would like to go. Remember, noob here and this is all a learning curve so each task would be approached slowly. Just kicking those ideas around, tell me what you think of them and if you have any more ideas :) EDIT^ I realized too today that I update a bit too often I think, so I will likely complete both the 3.0 and 4.0 before I update again. What a noob I am haha.
They Always Help Alani :) And Umm Ihate... Is that supposed to be... Kvatch? :biggrin:
Sure thing David, Will keep checking this list and adding all epitaphs I missed and updating credits in the readme. Also (Ugh) found a small GY of maybe 15 stones that I missed (Pure genius here) so that will come in a future date. I was kind of wondering something too, in your guys opinion, how often is too often for an update? :thanks: again for the kind words and such :banana:
No problem Sumdude, still need as many as people are willing to give :)
Okay Good News! Tombstone Epitaphs V2 Is Now Up! All stones in Tamriel should now be readable and unique! Still need more Epitaphs though, some merely have a name, Come on people! Lets Fill those graves! Thanks everyone for well... being awesome hehe! :woot: :thumbsup: :bunny: :banana: