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About thetorturedbodysoul

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    Fallout 4
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    All Fallout games, favor New Vegas the most

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  1. I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but I really love this armor mod, however for whatever reasons, it seems the armor isn't quite compatible with Breeze's New Vegas Males. For the most part the armor looks great, but on the forearms, where the skin is showing, there are odd colored blotches. It appears to be using the vanilla textures and any body texture mods cause the splotches on the forearms to appear. Using Roberts mod makes the splotches much less pronounced, but they are still there. However, I use Breeze and they are heavily noticeable with his. The mod author seems to have been gone for quite awhile now and has basically released his work to be modified/used as anyone will, as stated here http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37526/? . Don't know if its possible, or anyone would want to try, but would love to see this compatible with Breeze so that the blotches would disappear. Sorry if this wasn't the right place to post something like this, but wasn't sure where else to request such a thing. Thanks in advance for any help or thoughts.
  2. Does anyone else seem to be having issues with even the NMM interrupting downloads frequently, causing constant need to resume it? I've been trying on and off to download some large files, named NMCs large texture packs 1-3. I only try downloading one at a time, but where normally I would download at 100-200kbs, I can only get tops 75kbs now, and normally only about 45-70kbs. Add this to the frequent interrupts, even through the NMM, which sometimes rarely cause the download to corrupt and stop the download permanently, and trying to download anything that is 1gb in size such as the texture packs is just not feasible. I also seem to notice that when trying to resume the download after it has been interrupted with an error, that I get messages saying that 'server is busy/unavailable...retrying' quite often. Just wondered if this was my crappy DSL internet, or if other were experiencing this and is related to the issue with nexus servers?
  3. I know I, myself, have never experienced issues in the past with downloads. In the very recent months I have now been continually getting server interruptions, which stop my downloads even through the NMM, and ultimately cause me to end up with a corrupted download. Only time I don't see this issue, is if the file is so small that the download is nearly instantaneous. I am hoping for a fix for this, since the nexus is one of the few reliable places for mods left.
  4. I also have to say i'm a little disappointed to find in Skyrim they added ridges to the foreheads of high elves...what's with this? I never saw this in oblivion and must admit I never paid much attention in morrowind. Don't know if this was in original concepts or not but i've never heard of elves with ridges in their head. I wouldn't mind a mod that would smooth out those edges as well, but for the most part i'd take just the feet for all male races :P
  5. I've seen a few mods that change the women's feet and bodies of the women making them look better. And the body mods for the men are alright as well though something more is always good but what I haven't noticed is any mods that actually change the block feet of the men. The women now have natural looking feet and toes thanks to our modders and they look beautiful but the male NPC's and my own dovakiin still have ugly square shaped feet with melded toes...I mean with the graphics skyrim was given and that's what Bethesda gives us for feet...The Sims 1 feet? If anyone could make a mod like has been made for the women so that we can have natural looking feet and toes that would be much appreciated, more than words can say. I long for the day I no longer have melded toes, thanks in advance :)
  6. I was just wondering, i've been attempting to edit some meshes I had made for me for the fallout 3 Robco mod since it has come to New Vegas but I can't seem to get my programs to show the image correctly for me despite having the proper plugins. I basically am attempting to edit the dds file RobcoTex and change the name on the robot from Josh's ATF to Josh's Rangers . I also would like to modify the texture for the Secruitrons in the robco mod to make their metal like black metal and place Josh's Rangers somewhere on their front(preferably somewhere on the metal portion) since they are new to NV and I don't have a dds file done for them yet. I have the 4 dds files that only need a name change saved and can send if anyone is willing and capable of making the changes for them for me(As I want the text to look the same but just with ATF changed to Rangers). If anyone could and would be willing to do either the name change or the securitron for me or both I would greatly appreciate it. I know it can be tedious to do dds changes and considering it would be just for me(or those named Josh :P ), but I would be eternally grateful and definately give kudos to those who can accomplish this for me. Anyway, thanks in advance to those that could help and have a good day. :)
  7. I wouldn't mind but mainly i'm must dying to get the goty...here's hoping that a month from sept 20th we'll be seeing it in stores :D
  8. Another strange thing to note...for some reason in Westside Willow even if nowhere near the Coop constantly runs to the coop and goes inside even if I don't follow her. If I keep going she will teleport to me and then begin running back to the coop again...if I don't follow her and let her to her dialogue she will continue going there and even the emergency radio option doesn't stop this...I was waaay away from westside and vegas and she tried running back that way. If I go there and let her do the dialogue it's fine but if I stay in westside after that she'll immediately begin to try and go to the coop again. Very strange...thought i'd mention it while we were talking about J.T's problems...I just discovered this one tonight.
  9. Okay let's see if I recall correctly the freezes started about one or two minutes after J.T was hired as I had Willow, ED-E, and Boones from the start well before I got J.T with no problems and as long as I kept hiim in my party following I had constant freezing. There was no particular cell or times it would usually be at random in a random cell though it would usually happen in exterior cells or when attempting to leave on interior cell for another interior(something like that, though it could have something to do with what you say about it partially caused by a large amount of spawns but even in small areas it could happen). Also it would happen at random times too; sometimes it would happen like 30 seconds from when I loaded my game and other times it would be like 15 to 20 minutes but usually not more than that before a freeze would occur and it wouldn't matter what I would be doing...I could be standing still and just staring into space or looking at one of my companions it wouldn't matter and I would have to ctrl alt del to get out of the game. This went on until I finally figured let me take out companions to see if it's J.T since I really noticed it as soon as he was following so I told him to stay at our home marker and lo and behold as soon as I told him to wait and then left with everyone one of my companions except for him I have had no freezing issues...and i've been playing for about 40+ hours since then with no issues so I tried taking him back to be sure so I used his squeaky toy to call him and suddenly two minutes after I did and he was following again I just started walking through the town of primm doing nothing but walking and bam, a freeze. I figured it had to be him but I wanted to post to ask and be sure, hope maybe what I mentioned helps a little :)
  10. I have had several issue with freezing in my game recently since playing through the willow mod and I wondered if it wasn't something I had done until I tested a bit more and found that while having Willow, ED-E, Boone, and J.T follow me I will have frequent game freezes throughout the game at random intervals. I tested this to make sure it was something in Willow so I told the dog to wait at his home marker to which he did and left him there and since have had no freezing problems. Has anyone else experienced this and what could be causing it? I assumed Willow and J.T didn't count towards the cap but maybe it's causing some backlash with having boone and ED-E all follow at the same time. Anyways I really wanted my dog to travel with us but if he can't I can live with it, but I was interested to know if anyone else had this issue and if they found out what would be causing it. I have the willow mod almost towards the body of the list with only a norespawn mod I made below it and I am very selective with the mods I use so I don't believe there is any mod conflicts going on, but never know I guess.
  11. Well to say I absolutely love Robco certified and can't imagine playing the game without it and though I have tried I have no skill or ability to edit mesh or textures. What I am looking for is to make the Securitron(both mk1 and mk2), Sentry Bot, Protectron, Mr Handy, Robobrain, Asemblotron, and Mr Gutsy in the mod colored black and the words Josh's Rangers somewhere visible on the front of the bot(somewhere that looks like it would go there like the chest or something like that). I'd like the text to be in white and neat looking please; if anyone could possibly do all this for me I would greatly appreciate it and be forever grateful. I know it's probably a daunting task and would take a little while to complete and all I can say is 'please and thank you' and 'I would greatly be appreciative for the time and hard work' (Definately kudos would go out) :D. Thank you for listening to my request and hope that someone will be able to help me. :)
  12. Thanks so much for replying. :) I thought that setting might be like a master but strange thing seems...at least in the latest patched version(not even sure about the dlc since I don't have them yet) that if I edit the respawncelltimer no matter what I set it to some places continue to spawn creatures. Usually it's not all the creatures respawning but 2 or 3 and sometimes just 1 creature and this happens often though seems to stop sometimes after about 5 or 6 more spawns. Is there sometimes hard coding which causes spawns? This generally happens like within only 4 to 6 hours of fast traveling somewhere else and then coming back; I had set it to 120 years no respawn and the normal is 3 days but the mobs seems to spawn and appear randomly within hours. Is there something i'm missing or have they used another setting to handle spawning on top of respawning?
  13. I think there already is one...try searching for nv flashlight(or something like that) Or check out the HUD unified page and it has a link to the flashlight mod(sounds almost exactly what you're talking about). Hope that helps.
  14. Hi, I hope i'm posting this in the right place as i'm looking for some help on creating a respawn mod for myself. There are only a handful of respawn mods out there and seems like some work and others don't and not sure which one might work for me so I was gonna try and create my own simple respawn mod. What I want is to make sure when I clear an area(even an exterior cell) that it stays dead, no container, item, npc, or monster respawns and I have already changed the game setting of irespawncelltimer from 72 to 999999 which should I figured effectively stop cell respawns for approximately 120 or 130ish game years which should be more than alright :P. But I was wondering if this would affect monster and npc respawns(I want merchant lists to respawn but not the npcs that are dead to) or if I had to change something else as well other than the cellrespawn timer or if there was something else other than the cell respawn timer I would have to change to effect the cell as well. I'm fairly new at changing game settings themselves so I would be appreciative of any help or advice of anyone who knows about this respawn stuff. I've gotten sick of having to clear an area only to return and have new ones sprout from the corpses like zombies or have the old bodies disappear and new ones spawn like in some mods. Again any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance. :)
  15. I thought the only luxury vault was supposed to be Vault 0 in chicago ;) I could only imagine what vault tech would have considered luxury considering the horrible ways they treated the greatest minds and the rich as well.
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