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About pwnedbyscope

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    fallout 3
  • Favourite Game
    Halo series, Gears of War series, Little big Planet, Fallout series, all classic arcade games, Oblivion, and CoD4.

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  1. do you happen to use the absorb soul animation mod?
  2. there was something like it for oblivion but it was rough
  3. you can get a desktop in that price range that can play skyrim
  4. i doubt you would be able to play at all, both of those cpus are very low performance, the I3 2.40 in a desktop might be able to play but not a mobile version, and both use integrated graphics, which would never be able to play. to give you an idea on what would be able to play, ive got the ASUS g73 Intel I7 2.9 \ 8gb ddr3 }--------these three things determine the playability of you system, everything else dosent matter Nvidia gtx-460 1.5gb dedicated Vram /
  5. Pentium I5? the I series arent pentium cpus they are from the core series, and yeah as georgie said, without 64 bit it dosent matter how much ram you have installed itll only use 3, however that probaly wouldnt be the problem, what MB do you have?
  6. i believe what you are looking for is the push-back effect
  7. big picture whoa, but finally someone else who finally sees the flaw in Bethesda's dragon design, i dont know how many times ive tried to tell people that theres a difference just to be denied and told there is no difference, someone actually sees the light
  8. i do tend to agree, however realism isnt something aimed for when ever modders make these sorta things its all in the realm of fantasy and sexualization of a videogame character. i would like to see some realistic breast in skyrim but i really dont think itll happen =(
  9. it isnt permanent if thats what you are wondering
  10. hi res texture packs, and an enb setting
  11. Wait... what? Wouldn't it make sense that the creator of a game engine would be the owner of said game engine? If not them then at least their publishers? In either case it wouldn't be the players. I agree with everything else you said, though: Using someone else's tools doesn't mean they own the rights to what you created. technically they do own, or zenimax may own it since they own bethesda, they stated that it was a completely new called the creation engine, but it is pretty clear that it is a modified or or based off the gamebryo engine, but there are multiple things needed to run the game, which they all license out from the respective companies that own them, and in doing so they include that anything related to skyrim, even though it may have to do with something bethesda dosent directly own, still is their property
  12. i think you take wood to a smelter, or that may be minecraft i cant remember
  13. what if i did, who cares, its not the point, we studios plan games they have a schedule to follow, if they think of adding random things in along the way then the game would constantly be delayed and you would be pissed they are taking to long, dlc is an expansion, an add on, something extra they thought of either after release or during creation and they couldnt put it in because it was never planned for. if you dont like having to pay for things then dont play them, no one is saying you have to, the only thing your losing is the experience of playing it. me on the otherhand I dont have a problem with paying for extra content and dont see a reason that i should
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