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Cpt Cornelius

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Everything posted by Cpt Cornelius

  1. EDIT: Never mind, I think I've sorted it, I added that line as well as "Dawnguard" to the "SResourceArchiveList2=" line and it seems to be working
  2. Okay, so I've installed the creation kit on Steam and I've already got mods installed (including the script editor) but I keep having problems, I'll use an example: Say I want to remove the mannequins from "The Halls of Dovahndor" for personal use only, I load up CK, select Skyrim, Update, Dawnguard and Halls of Dovahndor (set as active file) but then it comes up with an assertion error (File: C:\_skyrim\code\tesv\tes shared\ misc\bgslocalizedstring.cpp) so I then select "Ignore" or "Retry", then "Yes To All" to Masterfile:Localization, then CK just stops working and the only option is to close program. Doesn't matter what I do, this always happens, without fail and quite honestly, it's f*cking me right off So any help would be very appreciated
  3. No it isn't Ancient Towers (though it is a good mod) I remember it was a proper castle, with keep, walls etc, but thank you for the help anyway
  4. Does anyone have any idea of the mod I'm talking about? I remember it was quite a large castle with custom textures (very light stones etc) and it had different features including open windows, gemstone shower, baths, custom clothing and on certain in game days there was a market open near the castle which sold things unique to the mod itself. I remember the location was close to a road and a river (which makes me believe it was near Nibenay Basin) It required SI to be installed for some features and it was fully staffed with guards, a shepherd etc.
  5. Hey everyone, several years ago I had installed a mod which added a custom castle to The Nibenay Basin (I think) the castle itself added custom textures and on in game week ends there would be a market outside of it. I recall that there were several custom features as well, including a gem shower, fountain that added buffs, steam room and bathroom etc. I even remember that when you start up the game, a journal popup would say that you got married to some Countess or something and that you should go visit your castle. I can't for the life of me remember the name of this mod, but I really enjoyed it. Sorry that I can't be any more descriptive...
  6. Right, every time I fast travel or transition into an interior/to exterior cell, Victor suddenly appears next to me before either standing there or rolling off to New Vegas. Is there any way to prevent this bug? I know it's a bug because Victor isn't scripted to fast travel to Forlorn Hope Medical Tent. (Just one of the areas Victor is now stalking my character. Oh yeah, my copy of NV is on Xbox 360 by the way.
  7. This is Felmoon Air Fortress by Odd Robb. Have fun... Greetings, Alba and Tobjoern :smile: Ah thank you very much :)
  8. Right, I remember seeing a floating Ayleid style abode/player house but I can't remember it's name. The mod had two versions (Dusk - Evil and Dawn - Good) It also had several look out points spread across Cyrodiil if I remember correctly, can anyone assist me in finding it again?
  9. I keep getting a CTD at the end of the Finding The Garden Of Eden quest. The game works right up to the very end. my person gets incapacitated by the flash bang and the screen goes dark after you get kidnapped and as soon as the loader timer comes up on screen, I get a CTD. Does anyone know the cause of this? My Mod List (In load order) Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm ThePitt.esm BrokenSteel.esm PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm CompanionCore.esm Robco Certified V2.esm Mothership Crew.esm Wasteland Whisperer v2.esm Companion Core DLC addon.esp Wasteland Whisperer v2 Broken Steel addon.esp TRmbk.esp (TR-W Mercenaries Battle Knife) Echo_UseBothGloves.esp HZ_XM586UR.esp Dragonskin Tactical Outfit.esp RAPTOR44AiO.esp RobCo Certified v2 Zeta Addon.esp
  10. Yes, I believe that the mod you are thinking of is the one I seek. It was'nt too long ago. I think it was last month or the month before Fairly recently but I do believe that that mod you described is the one What is it called?
  11. There was a mod that was recently on the "Hot Files" rotator. It looked like it was in a japanese style (Looked like a traditional Japanese settlement) I believe it was a weapons and armour mod but it might of been a player home If I remember correctly the mod said that it had new Japanese themed weapons and armour and also a Japanese player home If anyone can help find this mod, I am thankful
  12. I remember reading about another of those "Alternate start" Mods but I foolishly forgot to download it and now I cannot find it. I remember reading about how the main quest does not start intil you are arrested by a Legion member in the Imperial City, all the Black Horse Courier papers regarding the assassination of the Emperor and his three sons are removed and Kvatch is blocked off (To simulate it being alive and well, but they could not be bothered to build the entire city) I think several people said that it has a lot of possibilities for roleplaying (much more than several other alternate start mods apparently) If anyone could find a/the mod that resembles my poor discription, I would be most thankful.
  13. One of my favourite parts is in the point lookout DLC. *Spoiler* When you are walking through Calvert's Mansion and all the Tribals are smashing through walls to kill you. So yeah, I kill all resistance I find and I narrowly miss the roof from collapsing on me (When a tribal falls through the top floor onto the table. Made me laugh) But yeah, onwards to the killing and I go upstairs and enter a room and then suddenly. BAM! The floor gives way and you fall all the way to the basement. I laughed at my character's misfortune.
  14. I remember playing Fallout Tactics and I encountered a driveable buggy (that was cobbled together by two drunk raiders in a barn) Would anyone be able to make a dune buggy that is driveable for Fallout 3? Perhaps one that looks like the concept Dune Buggy for Van Buren?
  15. I really like the sound of something like this, would anyone be able/willing to try and make that? I play magi characters often and I find it irritating how I can't find any decent animations for casting (or anything magic-looking for that matter)
  16. Has anyone made a diving suit for oblivion? I found one for Nehrim but not one for standard oblivion. I'm pretty sure Mr. Siika will allow modders to use his dwarven diving helmet. Then just make a custom dwarven suit to go with it. (Without the skirt and looking slightly lighter than the full armour.) If anyone could make something like this, or tell me where to find a deep sea diving suit, I will be most grateful :) Thanks in advance
  17. Well I dunno about pay-to-duplicate mods but have any of you tried Redecoration? It allows you to move things about, create clones of anything (except creatures) It is more of a tool than anything. I quite like it as it allows you to lock things into place. (Let's you mount things on the wall for one.) It is a really good tool but you gotta read the instructions cos you can break the game with it. (Move a building outside by accident)
  18. Bump, has anyone else got an interest in this sort of mod?
  19. No, all OOO does is add platinum coins for you to sell but it does pretty much work like currency (sell the coin and buy stuff with the gold)
  20. A bit like the Dragon Age Currency where a hundred bronzes (bits) makes a silver and 100 of them make a sovereign (gold) I like the idea too actually. It would really flesh out the currency. You would need to change the costs of things though or make it so gold is tight and everythin is expensive (recession)
  21. Cool. I'm actually looking forward to this being made now lol We just need to find some outfits that work best for jesters and minstrels
  22. Cool, to be honest it sounds rather simple for an experienced modder (which I aint) If you was making a world space, would you be able to make it just about sunset all the time or something? And if you need fireworks, Midas Magic has some EDIT; I found that Personality Idles 4 has lute animations and music. Borrow them from those authors?
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