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About AceSevenFive

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  1. Just reinstall Nexus Mods and point it to where Skyrim is now installed.
  2. To be fair, if the nude mods are, in fact, most popular, they deserve to be up there the same as any weapon mod. Filters exist for a reason.
  3. The Nexus policy of favouring conflict and fame-seeking over co-operation makes many of those mods most unlikely. If Nexus encouraged a STANDARD open-source licence for mods, where derived mods could use other base mods WITHOUT explicit permission (by inheriting the licence, as with all other GROWN-UP free community software development), a lot of stuff would already have been moved to F04 from earlier titles. Ground Vehicles (that move properly) are IMPOSSIBLE because of limitations of the engine. Beth originally wanted them, but even they couldn't find a way. World-changing story mods are IMPOSSIBLE (in practice) because of the settlement system which means mods don't even know what state the game is that is being modded - an inherent weakness of the build-it-yourself idea. For such a mod to work, a player would have to forgo too many vanilla features. Standard problem of data CLASH. And with special-ed Skyrim coming, the renewal of interest in the infinitely stronger world of Skyrim will kill any ambition for ambitious mods in FO4 stone DEAD. The problem with fixing FO4 is that vanilla FO4 is so very, very broken BY DESIGN. A dead world so brain-dead AI seems more 'acceptable'. A dreadfully half-baked 'replicant' concept for the main quest that even Beth couldn't get enthusiastic about. The art is fine (but way too derivative of FO3). The engine a reasonable upgrade over FO3. But the gameplay, story and world-building- unforgiveably lame. Imagine something as 'simple' as a fully-voiced companion (like the dozens that exist for Skyrim). Before FO4 went on sale, Skyrim modders were drooling with anticipation to build such mods for FO4. But what would be the point of going to that effort now? The vanilla game has LOTS of companions, in all shapes and sizes. There isn't a functioning world for NEW companions to exploit and add to, like there is in Skyrim. A 'super' companion in FO4 would achieve nothing, because the base game is that hopeless in storytelling. Again, to 'fix' FO4, modders would need to do MORE work than Beth did in designing the game. Repurpose all the dungeons, redesign all the factions, redo all the AI. Change the main quest- build a much more sophisticated side-quest system. With an OPEN-SOURCE licence commonly applied to most mods, this would be very very difficult. But with the current promotion of the 'self-centred' modder method of development, impossible is the word. With all due respect, you're wrong. Every single one of the mods you claim are impossible are actually quite possible if people put effort into them. The non-inheritance of licenses is to protect Nexus and modders from copyright infringement.
  4. Might I suggest forming a not-for-profit to serve DMCA's for mod authors?
  5. Yes it is always good to give into extortion to make the extortion not work anymore! The victim blaming has gone out of hand, because we don't upload and give in to the demands of the entitled, they steal, and the best way to combat the theft, id to give in to the entitled demands. That is so stupid and pansy ass waste *sigh* I'd give you the full monty but then someone would have to shut down the thread. Listen, use google, check "Appeasement WWII" see how well this has worked before, and how stupid it is to do. Not to mention you are now saying "WORK HARDER MA'S BEFORE THEY STEAL YOUR STUFF" except last I checked, dogtooth and unoctium have been playing the "When was our mods stolen today" game, not IF, but WHEN. the time they are taking to fight theft is probably 5-1 over the time they get to mod. This is a great brave new world. I love how the onus of responsibility and workload in ANYONE'S FLIPPING MIND is on the victim to do more to prevent theft, not the stupid company hosting. Frankly everyone can suck it. Just like every damn time the Nexus Elite Council get's involved with anything, the only people who are getting screwed are us peasants. No doubt Bethesda needs to hire at least one moderator, or better yet a bakers dozen for support, but at this point all I've seen is arrogant pricks getting everyone's mods removed, except their own, and starting ANOTHER FRENZY. Can you guys please just not? Jesus, every time anything happens here comes the Nexus Elite Council of mod authors. "We made mods for Morrowind!" Who gives a crap? Remember when Fallout 4 launched and the N.E.C (I made a nick name :D) decided it was their duty to get everyone's mods removed because they were unsafe! When that didn't work, they just started a psycho panic that us authors actually making mods had to deal with. However when a jackass stole my mod and than for some insane reason talked trash on me in the description he got a semi-firm warning. He posts the CBBE body....Holy baby Jesus INSTA-BAN on every site that ever hosted a mod!!! Now the Council MUST get their claws into Bethesda.net. Oh, and we can't wait to be told what, when, where, and how to do things. We were getting sick of freedom of thought any ways. Admittedly this is a weird position for me. Mod theft sucks balls, and Bethesda needs to do a million things before they'll even pass for a mod site, but I'm also sick and tired of the same damn people showing up and somehow I get screwed every time. It's always over dramatic, wickedly arrogant, self obsessed and an overall big hoopla. "Copyright infringement, and it's my art, and the theft is stealing and they should burn in hell!" No. The mods should be removed. That's all. Your not losing money. Just make sure the mods get removed, and move on. No need to start a civil war with a dash of apocalypse "cuz sum won stol ma mod!!!" The real problem is that too many people listen to you guys. They have no brains and running around like rabid parrots. Well, we're sick of your minions. They are worse than mod thieves. If at least there were nuts I could kick I'd feel better, but I'm guessing there are none to be kicked. Anyways. I'm off getting banned. See ya guys. Woot-Woot! The thing, is if someone steals your mod and uploads it to Bethesda.net, and it breaks saves, people will go to you to complain, not the thief.
  6. Bethesda would get angry at that. Also, the argument that the mod thieves must be PC users is an example of the goldfish fallacy; you're arguing that because a PC is required to use the Creation Kit, the mod thieves must all be PC gamers. While this may be the case in some instances, it is false most of the time. I think you made a bad assumption about where in the process I put the credit card. In order to download mods from Nexus, you must be a registered user. And that is the point in the process I was addressing. Personally, I wouldn't give Nexus my credit card info (and neither would a lot of other people.) Sure, you'd drive away mod thieves, but also everyone else.
  7. Bethesda would get angry at that. Also, the argument that the mod thieves must be PC users is an example of the goldfish fallacy; you're arguing that because a PC is required to use the Creation Kit, the mod thieves must all be PC gamers. While this may be the case in some instances, it is false most of the time.
  8. I'm going to need some evidence to prove that Bethesda plans on putting blocks (and that they plan on using iDTech for Fallout 5.)
  9. While I disapprove of taking your ball and hiding it in the ground so the other boys can't play with it because one of them is an asshole, I acknowledge that it may be the only way to get Bethesda to actually listen.
  10. Dark0ne, how do you plan to deal with companies that flood you with DMCAs [as some over-zealous companies do.] Are you going to have a cooldown period between requests?
  11. This is a terrible idea that only serves to widen the divide between console and PC gaming. Giving people less privileges based on the device they play video games on sounds like metaphorical racism to me.
  12. In response to post #37620645. #37623800 is also a reply to the same post. You really shouldn't use ABP. Go get uBlock Origin instead.
  13. I'd personally love to hear what you had to do to exert pressure on them. It is my opinion that bad ad providers deserve to be publicly shamed.
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