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  1. I need help converting a blender save file or an obj file into a nif. I have the model made but have not been able to convert it into a nif format for Skyrim, no matter how many times I've tried and how many tutorials I've followed., I have not been able to do it. I worked in Blender 2.7 but transferred all the work to Blender 2.49b to convert it to nif. I was wondering if anyone knew of a better way to help me convert my file or if anyone would be willing to look at my file and do it for me. I am trying to create an object that would be a little bit larger than a baseball and can be used both as a helmet and a miscellaneous world object. If you are able to help with the conversion, please reply and I will try to PM as soon as possible. Thank you for all the help.
  2. I am working on a part of my mod where I am trying to cast a spell on the player through a script when a condition is met and then set it to cooldown. I have managed to get everything working, except when I decided to move one of my spells cast to a seperate cooldown timer, it now casts whenever the cooldown runs out, which I do not want. Any help would be appreciated in explaining why this is happening. I am almost positive that has to do with the if statement, as everything still works except for the script waiting for the conditions to be met. This is the original script that is in charge of checking for conditions: Scriptname SirBeastBoonsConditionScript extends Quest import utility ;------VariablesActor Property Player Auto Quest Property BoonsQuest Auto ReferenceAlias Property InCombat Auto ReferenceAlias Property HealthIsLow Auto ReferenceAlias Property IsInStore Auto ReferenceAlias Property IsSneaking Auto Quest Property ConditionsQuest Auto Int Property IsCrafting Auto Keyword Property LocTypeStore Auto float Property HPThreshold = 0.30 Auto float Property CWThreshold = 0.98 Auto GlobalVariable Property BoonsToggle Auto ;-------Events Event OnInit()RegisterForMenu("Crafting Menu")RegisterForUpdate(5.0)EndEvent Event OnUpdate();If Player.GetAVPercentage("Health") <= HPThreshold && BoonsQuest.GetStage() == 10; ConditionsQuest.SetStage(10)If Player.IsInCombat() == 1 && BoonsQuest.GetStage() == 10ConditionsQuest.SetStage(20)ElseIf Player.IsSneaking() == 1 && BoonsQuest.GetStage() == 10ConditionsQuest.SetStage(30)ElseIf Player.GetCurrentLocation().HasKeyword(LocTypeStore) == 1 && BoonsQuest.GetStage() == 10ConditionsQuest.SetStage(40);ElseIf Player.GetAVPercentage("CarryWeight") <= CWThreshold && BoonsQuest.GetStage() == 10; ConditionsQuest.SetStage(50)EndIfEndEvent Event OnMenuOpen(String MenuName)if BoonsQuest.GetStage() == 10 if MenuName == "Crafting Menu" ConditionsQuest.SetStage(60) endifEndIfEndEvent ;Function HealthLowFunction(); BoonsQuest.SetStage(110); ConditionsQuest.Reset();EndFunction Function InCombatFunction()int ComRandInt = utility.randomint(4, 20)if ComRandInt >= 1 && ComRandInt <= 3BoonsQuest.SetStage(20)ElseIf ComRandInt >= 4 && ComRandInt <= 7BoonsQuest.SetStage(30)ElseIf ComRandInt >= 8 && ComRandInt <= 9BoonsQuest.SetStage(40)ElseIf ComRandInt >= 10 && ComRandInt <= 12BoonsQuest.SetStage(60)ElseIf ComRandInt >= 13 && ComRandInt <= 15BoonsQuest.SetStage(90)ElseIf ComRandInt >= 16 && ComRandInt <= 18BoonsQuest.SetStage(120)ElseIf ComRandInt >= 19 && ComRandInt <= 20BoonsQuest.SetStage(130)EndIfConditionsQuest.Reset()EndFunction Function IsSneakingFunction()BoonsQuest.SetStage(100)ConditionsQuest.Reset()EndFunction Function IsInStoreFunction()BoonsQuest.SetStage(80)ConditionsQuest.Reset()EndFunction Function IsOverburdenedFunction()BoonsQuest.SetStage(50)ConditionsQuest.Reset()EndFunction Function IsCraftingFunction()BoonsQuest.SetStage(70)ConditionsQuest.Reset()EndFunction And here is the new script that seperates the heal buff from the rest: Scriptname SirBeastLastResortConditionsScript Extends Quest import utility ;-----Variables MiscObject Property GhostGem Auto Actor Property Player Auto Quest Property EviriBoonQuest Auto SPELL Property LastResort Auto Quest Property LastResortQuest Auto Quest Property LastResortConditions Auto float Property HPThreshold = 0.30 Auto GlobalVariable Property BoonsToggle Auto ;-------Events Event OnInit()RegisterForUpdate(5.0)EndEvent Event OnUpdate()If Player.GetAVPercentage("Health") <= HPThreshold && LastResortQuest.GetStage() == 10LastResortConditions.SetStage(10)EndIfEndEvent Function HealthLowFunction()LastResortQuest.SetStage(20)LastResortConditions.Reset()EndFunction
  3. I fixed it. I had the ultra hd dlc downloaded but the esp ticked off. I uninstalled it and now it works.
  4. I am currently using the Beastmaster mod for Fallout, which allows me to recruit wasteland creatures that I capture through the wasteland dlc. I am pretty sure that mod isn't the problem here. However, when I try to fast travel after I load up a save, the textures become blurry like LOD. I do not have this problem with any of my other textures, and I have already tried the ini fix and the enb fix, which neither actually work. My computer has 16gb of ram as well. I believe the problem is with another mod I have, but I have uninstalled most of them without any change. This is my load order: GameMode=Fallout4 Fallout4.esm=1DLCworkshop01.esm=1DLCUltraHighResolution.esm=0ArmorKeywords.esm=1TrueStormsFO4.esm=1HUDFramework.esm=1Robot Home Defence.esm=1SpringCleaning.esm=1Armorsmith Extended.esp=1Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp=1Perk Magazine Material Fix.esp=1Synth Overhaul.esp=1Synth Overhaul - No level requirements Patch.esp=1Synth Overhaul - White Patch.esp=1chem redux.esp=1The Eyes Of Beauty.esp=1PA-Quick Animations.esp=1Remove Interior Fog - Wasteland Workshop.esp=1Remove Interior Fog - Automatron.esp=0Remove Interior Fog - Contraptions Workshop.esp=0Remove Interior Fog - Far Harbor.esp=0Remove Interior Fog - Nuka Wolrd.esp=0Remove Interior Fog - Vault-Tec Workshop.esp=0Remove Interior Fog.esp=1DarkerNights.esp=1DarkerNightsDetection.esp=1BetterNightVision.esp=1TrueStormsFO4-GlowingSeaExtraRads.esp=1TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp=1Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp=1Quieter Settlements - Vanilla.esp=1D.E.C.A.Y.esp=1Grasslands - Healthy.esp=1Brotherhood of Steel Kit.esp=1More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp=1More Where That Came From - Classic.esp=1Immersive HUD.esp=1Weapons of Fate.esp=1EveryonesBestFriend.esp=1Buildable_PAFrames.esp=1Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp=1Craftable Armor Size.esp=1CraftableAmmo.esp=1CraftableAmmo_plus.esp=1LegendaryModification.esp=1LegendaryModificationMisc.esp=1Better Explosives - Normal.esp=1Better Explosives - Enhanced Grenades.esp=1P220.esp=1ClassicSniper.esp=1BossChestsHaveLegendaries.esp=1Better Power Armor - Extended.esp=1PowerArmorDelivery.esp=1AllSetsExtended.esp=1BetterSettlers.esp=1BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp=1SC_ExpandedScrapList.esp=1SSEX.esp=1Perks Unleashed.esp=0SuperMutantOverhaul.esp=1Docile Radstags.esp=1RichMerchantsLessCaps.esp=1WoodenPrefabsExtended.esp=1BetterGenerators.esp=1BetterJunkFences.esp=1BrighterSettlementLights_LessHarsh.esp=1Crafting Workbench.esp=1My_Minutemen.esp=1WhirligigSentry.esp=1Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp=1ImmersiveVendors.esp=1RealJetpack.esp=1No Aggro Impact Landing.esp=1Better VATS - 0.75.esp=1Better Locational Damage.esp=1Better Power Armor - BLD - Patch.esp=1BLD - Leveled Lists.esp=1Better Perks.esp=1More Power Armour Mods.esp=1VisibleWeapons.esp=1CarryWeight250.esp=1CarryWeight25Strength.esp=1Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp=15% Fusion Core Drain.esp=1Companion Infinite Ammo and Unbreakable Power Armour.esp=1LongerPowerLines3x.esp=1ChineseStealthSuit.esp=1K9TacticalHarness.esp=1BeastWhisperer.esp=1
  5. I created a new quest, and I have gotten that one to start that will handle the other quest. However, the only way I could start the one quest was to attach the script to the bast object rather than the reference alias. I was wondering how to can attach it to the reference alias so that I can have the script inside the quest attached to the alias. Also, I cannot get the one quest to change the current quest stage of the other. This is the script attached to the handling quest: Scriptname SirBeastDaedricGemStartUp extends Quest ;------VariablesQuest Property DaedricGhostBoon Auto ;------Events Function DaedricGemBoonStartUp()DaedricGhostBoon.Start()DaedricGhostBoon.SetStage(130)EndFunction The function is then fired by a quest fragment. This script is attached to the object: Scriptname SirBeastDaedricGemScript extends ObjectReference ;----VariablesReferenceAlias Property XMarker Auto Actor Property Player Auto Quest Property DaedricGemStartUp Auto ;----Events Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer) If(akNewContainer == Player)DaedricGemStartUp.SetStage(10)debug.trace("Item picked up and perk added.")EndIf EndEvent And this script is attached to the main quest. I will build the functions and fire them depending on which stage the quest is on: Scriptname SirBeastEviriBoonQuestScript extends Quest import utility ;--------Variables------MiscObject Property GhostGem Auto Actor Property Player Auto Quest Property EviriBoonQuest Auto Int Property EviriBoonStage AutoInt Property Random Auto Int Property coin Auto SPELL Property AttackBuff Auto SPELL Property DefenseBuff Auto SPELL Property ElementResist Auto SPELL Property CarryWeight Auto SPELL Property CombatBuff Auto SPELL Property CraftBuff Auto SPELL Property SpeechBuff Auto SPELL Property SpellBuff AutoSPELL Property TheftBuff Auto SPELL Property LastResort Auto SPELL Property VitalityBuff Auto SPELL Property ParalysisArea Auto ;----Events Function EviriBoonFunction()EviriBoonStage = EviriBoonQuest.getStage()if EviriBoonStage == 20debug.trace("Quest has started")coin = 1;While coin == 1 checkForCoin() ;EndWhileEndIfEndFunction function ControlFunction();utility.wait(3)random = utility.randomint(1, 5)if random == 1Debug.trace("Perk 1 was added")elseif random == 2Debug.trace("Perk 2 was added")elseif random == 3Debug.trace("Perk 3 was added")elseif random == 4Debug.trace("Perk 4 was added")elseif random == 5Debug.trace("Perk 5 was added")elseDebug.trace("No perk was added")EndIfEndFunction function CheckForCoin()if(Player.GetItemCount(GhostGem) == 0)coin = 0EndIfEndFunction function AddAttackBuffFunction()EndFunction function AddDefenseBuffFunction()EndFunction function AddElementResistFunction()EndFunction function AddCarryWeightFunction()EndFunction function AddCombatBuffFunction()EndFunction function AddCraftBuffFunction()EndFunction function AddSpeechBuffFunction()EndFunction function AddSpellBuffFunction()EndFunction function AddTheftBuffFunction()EndFunction function CastLastResortFunction()EndFunction function AddVitalityBuffFunction()EndFunction function CastParalysisAreaFunction()EndFunction
  6. I have a few questions about scripting in papyrus and this being handled by a quest. First, I want to know how often a script may stop running if it is being told to loop until a requirement is met. I am trying to create a scripted quest that will add buffs to the player when they are doing certain things, like sneaking or fighting. The problem is, I am not sure how to have the quest wait until a requirement is fulfilled, where it will then provide a buff, without creating a while loop that runs until it is told to move onto the next stage. I looked at script fragments, but I believe that script fragments only run at the start of a quest stage and not at any other time. Second, I am having a problem with repeatable stages. Currently, I tell my script to update to a certain quest stage when the player picks up an item, and it should revert to a previous stage when the player drops the item, but this is not happening and is instead staying on the one stage. Third, I am having trouble getting reference aliases to work for the quests. Thank you for all your help.
  7. I am trying to create a mod, and currently I am trying to get a quest script to work after I pick up a certain item. I have managed to get the item to start the quest when I pick it up, but the quest script won't do what it is supposed to do, which currently is show a message box saying that it started. Here is the script for the item: Scriptname SirBeastEviriGemScript extends ReferenceAlias ;---------Variables MiscObject Property GhostGem Auto Actor Property Player Auto ;-----Events Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer) If(akNewContainer == Player) debug.messageBox("Item picked up.") if GetOwningQuest().GetStage() < 20 GetOwningQuest().setStage(20) EndIf ElseIf(akNewContainer != Player) debug.messageBox("Item put away.") if GetOwningQuest().GetStage() > 10 GetOwningQuest().setStage(10) EndIf EndIf EndEvent And here is the script for the quest: Scriptname SirBeastEviriBoonQuestScript extends Quest import utility ;--------Variables------ MiscObject Property GhostGem Auto Perk Property AttackBuff Auto Actor Property Player Auto Int Property Random Auto Int Property coin Auto Quest Property EviriBoonQuest Auto ;----Events Event OnStoryAddToPlayer(ObjectReference akOwner, ObjectReference akContainer, Location akLocation, Form akItemBase, \ int aiAcquireType) if akItemBase == GhostGem if EviriBoonQuest.getStage() == 20 debug.MessageBox("Quest has started") coin = 1 While coin == 1 Player.AddPerk(AttackBuff) utility.wait(3) random = utility.randomint(1, 5) if random == 1 Debug.MessageBox("Perk 1 was added") elseif random == 2 Debug.MessageBox("Perk 2 was added") elseif random == 3 Debug.MessageBox("Perk 3 was added") elseif random == 4 Debug.MessageBox("Perk 4 was added") elseif random == 5 Debug.MessageBox("Perk 5 was added") else Debug.MessageBox("No perk was added") EndIf If EviriBoonQuest.getStage() == 10 coin = 0 EndIf EndWhile EndIf EndIf EndEvent Thank you for the help. Edit: The first script actually doesn't work to start the quest, so I tried to attach another script directly to the item. It worked the first time but not the second time. Scriptname SirBeastEviriTestScript extends ObjectReference import utility ;------Variables---------- Actor Property Player Auto Perk Property AttackBuff Auto MiscObject Property GhostGem Auto Int Property random Auto Int Property coin Auto Quest Property EviriBoonQuest Auto ;-----Events Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer) EviriBoonQuest.start() If(akNewContainer == Player) debug.messageBox("Item picked up and perk added.") EviriBoonQuest.setStage(20) ElseIf(akNewContainer != Player) debug.messageBox("Item put away and perk removed.") EviriBoonQuest.setStage(10) EndIf EndEvent
  8. So I am on the Alduin's Bane quest and I successfully manage to get through the whole flashback cutscene without any problems. However, the moment I am out of it and I am supposed to defeat Alduin, he doesn't speak or initiate combat. Paarthunax doesn't do anything either. When I try to fight Alduin by attacking him, I can beat him down until he is in the wounded position, but he still doesn't speak or do anything, and the quest doesn't trigger. Paarthunax doesn't speak through the whole fight either or help in any way. I have mods, but almost all of them I have used before and gone through the whole main questline without any problems. I have also tried to go through the whole quest again, but I ended with the same problem. I have even used console commands to go around the quest, which allows me to move on, but it breaks the Throat of the World and Paarthunax won't speak to me. Please help. Edit: I just tried the markfordelete command on Alduin, which worked out better than the disable command, but I am not sure if that just deletes Alduin from the cell, or from the game entirely. Could someone please answer whether this is a valid way to fix the bug?
  9. I am trying to write a script for a perk mod that I am creating for werewolves. I am trying to make it so that based on who the player feeds on, certain perks will open up for them to choose. When I compile this scrpt, I get the error: SirBeastInnocentorImmoralScript.psc(29,11): type mismatch on parameter 1 (did you forget a cast?) As well as user flag hidden errors. My script is below. Scriptname SirBeastInnocentorImmoralScript extends Quest ;IDS Float Property SirBeastFeedImmoral Auto Float Property SirBeastFeedInnocents Auto Quest Property SirBeastFeedingInnocentORImmoralQuest Auto Quest Property CompanionsTrackingQuest auto Faction Property CrimeFactionEastmarch Auto Faction Property CrimeFactionFalkreath Auto Faction Property CrimeFactionHaafinger Auto Faction Property CrimeFactionHjaalmarch Auto Faction Property CrimeFactionImperial Auto Faction Property CrimeFactionKhajiitCaravans Auto Faction Property CrimeFactionOrcs Auto Faction Property CrimeFactionPale Auto Faction Property CrimeFactionReach Auto Faction Property CrimeFactionRift Auto Faction Property CrimeFactionSons Auto Faction Property CrimeFactionWhiterun Auto Faction Property CrimeFactionWinterhold Auto ;Code Function Feed(Actor victim) If victim.IsInFaction(CrimeFactionEastmarch || CrimeFactionFalkreath || CrimeFactionHaafinger || CrimeFactionHjaalmarch || CrimeFactionKhajiitCaravans || CrimeFactionOrcs || CrimeFactionPale || CrimeFactionReach || CrimeFactionRift || CrimeFactionSons || CrimeFactionWhiterun || CrimeFactionWinterhold) SirBeastFeedImmoral = SirBeastFeedImmoral + 1 Else SirBeastFeedInnocents = SirBeastFeedInnocents + 1 EndIf EndFunction
  10. I've been trying to get this effect to work for a week now. The scripts are going in correctly and not screaming at me. I attached the script to the armor. I went into the game and found a random bandit and killed him, but no wolves spawn. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong. Here's the script by the way. Scriptname SirBeastSaviorWolfSummons extends ObjectReference ActorBase Property wolf Auto Armor Property DA05SaviorsHide AutoSpell Property SirBeastSummonWolvesSpell AutoActor Property PlayerREF Auto Event OnDeath(ObjectReference akKiller)akKiller = PlayerREFIf playerREF.IsEquipped(DA05SaviorsHide) == 1game.getPlayer().placeAtMe(wolf)game.getPlayer().placeAtMe(wolf)EndIfEndEvent Any help is appreciated.
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