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Posts posted by Dracula420

  1. thanks for the response. i had no plans to release this to the public, i just wanted to know the mechanics of the situation. i doubt other poeple would like all the extra abilities i gave my dragons anyway :laugh: i was just wondering if i could delete the loose files now that the mod is done. if the filepaths are the same as the bsa from the other mod do i still need the loose files? or can i get rid of them now?

  2. can a mod use items from another mods BSA without extracting them?


    example: i have the dwarven dragons mod installed. i created a mod which adds the dwarven dragons (and a few others) to the level list for random dragons. i had to extract the mesh and textures into my skyrim folder to make the mod. if i choose to release said mod will i need to put the extracted BSA as a requirement or as long as i use all the default file paths that exist in the dwarven dragons BSA already will it be fine?

  3. the vampire lords have an ability like this that holds people ragdoll style while draining there health. maybe thats a starting point since the effect technically already exists in game. if its one of the basic effect and mot heavily scripted it might be able to be set as a basic spell. im bored and just got home from work so i will open up dawnguard and see whats going on with that effect. post back in a little bit.



    EDIT: so i tried everything i could think of with my (very) limited modding ability. i found the effect easily enough. when i tried to use them (or a copy of them) the spell i made would never be taught. the spell tome would show up and when I used it, the message popped up saying i had learned the spell. but it never show in my spell list. I tried adding it via console command and it kept giving me the message my character did not learn the spell. I've never had that happen with a custom spell before. i don't even know where to begin to look for the problem. :geek:

  4. his normal routine would probably take precedence as he is not meant to act as a follower in vanilla skyrim.

    this is the best tutorial for making followers that i have found it works great for me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlepT3rQ8LI

    i am a complete modding newb and this tutorial worked very successfully.


    i recommend making a copy of the npc you want as a follower and once you have the copy get rid of all the original stuff (ai packages, inventory, class, combat style, etc) and set up everything based on that tutorial.

  5. nobody is going to responde unless they know the work you want done is both possible and within their ability. your better off posting what you want and giving more details once somebody shows interest (if they do, it may take some time)

  6. you want a frost dragon with black eyes? thats easy. (if you want a dragon with 8 eyes or with spider fangs that would require a remodeling too and thats beyond me)

    do you want the rest of him recolored (darkened or lightened)

    you just want one to fight?

    where do you want him placed?

    want any special effects on him?

    which shouts beside frost breath do you want him to have?

    what should his minimum level be? you said around ancient level? or just make him like lvl 75?


    edit: been playing around with the spells and voice powers and figured out how to make him summon giant frostbite spiders via shout. i just play tested him in a fight in riverwood and i have to say with Dragon combat Overhaul by Apollodown it was a very fun and long battle considering my current avatar was only like level 8 and he was 75 and summoning spiders lvl 65 and kept using ice form on me. might have to just add this to the regular dragon spawn list. http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/3082/dovahkiinemotemg2copy.png

  7. i like this as well. i miss the old morrowind quests where you could join the temple of almsivi or the the divines.


    i hope this becomes a reality.


    also something similar for deadra worship? cuz lets face it who doesn't want to spred madness for the glory (and entertainment) of Sheogorath?

  8. thought i posted this already but i guess i forgot. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/39108/ the mod i have made so far is essentially a duplicate of this so im not going to bother uploading what i made. i am still learning how to make quests and dialog, and working on learning some minor scripting abilities so i dont break skyrim. if you want a tome with a customized version of the dragon priest summon just tell me how you want him:

    what element you want him to use,

    staff or no staff,

    temporary or thrall,

    static level or lvl to player,

    ghostly or not,

    perked? makes them more interesting

    any special request that might be feasible (i.e. its already ingame) like making him explode like a flame atronach if/when he dies

  9. i wonder if its possible to make a new werewolf power that uses the same basic setup as the roar but with no flee effect and a new soundfx. that could be quick and easy. maybe. ok idk really but its an idea.


    EDIT: i am total derp. you can't change abilities as a werewolf like you can as a vampire lord. so theres no way the file i just made would be useful at all. i can replace the default roar very easily tho if that will do.

  10. after looking trough some tutorials on building quests i've realized this may be beyond my knowledge right now. scripting is so much different then it was for oblivion i have to relearn from square one and i wasnt that great to begin with. but i wont learn if i dont try so i'm not giving up. it just may take some time. the summon spell and spell tome where actually the easy part.

  11. ok i took a look at that side area in the CK. its a very short dungeon crawl with no boss and a crappy end of dungeon with no boss chest. im thinking this will be a patch to fix that. i want to extend the older looking area down a bit more and then have some sort of sealed coffin that the dragon priests usually pop out of that you have to figure out how to open. maybe collect some quest items or something, maybe if you have his mask the proximity makes him muster the effort to break free? idk for now i will try to get a simple "kill him get summon spell" quest that triggers when you walk in. we can sort out the complicated stuff when/if i can get that working. this is definitely going to be a learn as you go thing for me.


    and to anybody reading this, how do i get him to equip his mask? i just want it there for show whether you(the player) has it or not. i tried giving him a non playable, non enchanted copy of it but it didn't work he wont equip it in game.



    EDIT was reading the wiki page on dragon priests and found something interesting. they where somewhat respectable when they where still in the old country of Atmora, and that dragon priests and cultist where some of the first people from atmora to arrive in the skyrim area of tamriel. supposedly something changed in the dragon preists making them rule with an iron fist and straight out enslave people (maybe alduins growing madness?). as a supposedly respectable preist konahrik might have been like what the hell are you all doing? and ended up rebeling againt them, leading to his eventual sealing away. what might be interesting is that his rebellion might have planted the seed for paarthurnax's eventual side switch, and led akatosh and kynerath to give mortals a fighting chance by making dragonborns. which would make konahrik a freaking badass unsung hero of the nords.

  12. not really. somewhere in blackreach maybe? probably a draugr ruin tho. which one is the question. when i get home from work i'll look around and see whichs ruins dont already have dragon priest encounter.


    i was thinking of a small custom room using the draugr tileset to make a sealed tomb in blackreach for him that you have to unseal. then because of his curse/binding he attacks, you defeat him and he becomes a low cost, long term summon. make it seem like the other dragon priest sealed him away in the deepest, darkest place they could find.

  13. that mod has script that removes and reapplies the clairvoyance effect. in theory it should work but apparently it bugs the game. what we need is for the base effect to be re-scripted pretty much from the ground up. if there is a master scriptor up to the task, i salute you. waaaaaaay beyond me. i have a replacement mining script that reworks mining to be based on your smithing knowledge so i know re-scripting these effects and processes is not impossible just very, very difficult.

  14. also i cant seem to get him to put on his mask. idk what his problem is but this guy just doesn't do what he's told. the idea of him as a rebel fits perfect. :)

    i'm fairly certain i can make him give you a summon spell on death. or make a quest that trigger as soon as you enter the same cell as him. any idea where to put him?

  15. wow i did not know any of that lol.


    so i guess this is an alteration thing. i kind of like the idea of creating things from the base materials as opposed to summoning them from somewhere else. maybe a more in depth version of the atronach alter from that oblivion DLC frostcrag spire. the idea that your total understanding of magic across all schools could affect your creations is also very cool to me. hmmm i need to learn to script....

  16. i tried copying a default dragon priest and making it a follower via tutorial and it did not work as you cant actually talk to him. i have made custom followers for myself before but never a dragon priest so im not sure what the problem is. i may be able to make his ai package into a follow player package but you would never have any control over him he would just sort of...be there. i'm going to try making a copy of one of the dogs and see if i cant race change it into a Dragon priest that way, and if that doesn't work i can try a copy of the dragon priest race but it looks like they're just not meant for that kind of interaction. but my knowledge of the ck is basic at best so if someone knows how to make this work i would like to know too. my main is a necromancer and a rebel dragon priest as a companion sounds awesome.

  17. i was just having a random thought about implications of there being a difference.


    as i see it from a (hopefully) lore friendly point of view:

    Summoning is the act of yanking a denizen of the outer realms, usually (but not limited to) deadra or undead and magically binding it to your will.

    Conjuring is the act of creating something by directly converting magic into whatever it is you want to make.


    which would change the way you think of the thralls. at master level conjuration you wouldn't need to pull, say a frost atronach out of oblivion, you would just use magicka to create one from "scratch". no need to bind it as its created and controlled by your will. which would then lead to it sharing your understanding of magic.

    say you have the augmented frost perk, any frost atronachs you conjure(create) would also have this understanding and have stronger spells because of it. And the

    flip side is that if you conjure flame atronach, your/its understanding of frost would protect it somewhat from it.


    the conjure familiar spell would be much more usefull early on as a simple distraction. its just a simple, easy to conjure magical construct. not very powerful or bright but easy for the aspiring sorcerer to train with.


    of course creating things out of magic directly is more the purview of the college of alteration but that probably a whole other discussion


    my point i guess is what do you think of the difference if there is one?


    and do other people think about random stuff like this?

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