I was happy I wouldn't have to manually add *[name].esm to the plugins.txt file anymore. I enabled the Load Order on Vortex & now when I attempt to launch I get, "This library isn't supported." I'm guessing the issue has something to do with me not removing the previously installed Plugins.txt enabler &/or ASI loader from github some mods with .esm list in their descriptions before enabling Load Order. Maybe the Vortex ASI loader treated bink2w64.dll like the original version unaware that bink2w64.dll is the one included with the ASI loader. The original bink2w64.dll became bink2w64Hooked.dll when I isntalled the ASI loader. In any event, if I can get the game to launch, I'll go back to writing the esm files into plugins.txt manually since getting Load Order working seems like way more of a mission.