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Posts posted by mikeprok17

  1. I would have liked to be able to talk some sense into Ulfric and Tullius. Both of them are playing directly into the Thalmor's plans. It would have been a nice option for the Dragonborn to be able to broker some form of peace or real truce for the benefit of both the Empire and Skyrim.


    The peace council at High Hrothgar demostates that all the factions are so anoying and totally self absorbed. The only ones that seem to have their heads on straight are the Thalmor. The Thalmor's plans are well laid out and executed, but these a-holes tried to kill me for no good reason when I was not their enemy. Putting alll of these data together causes my vindictive side to desire teaming up with my Dragon kin and kicking crap out of the Empire, Stormcloaks, and Thalmor! All hail the new Dova'h Imperium sans Alduin of course. The Empire, Stormcloaks, and Thalmor will bow to rightness of my Thuum and my boot in the collective arses! I guess Parthunax was right the Dragonblood makes you want to dominate and rule. :wink: The megalomanic inside my head would have loved an option to team up with the dragons after deposing Alduin.

  2. I like Aela as support for my mage/battlemage/spellsword style characters. She hangs back and shoots the enemy with arrows while my character shells them with spells or casts walls of fire or lightning. I have married Aela in a few games in which I went full on werewolf, but I tend to choose Serana if I am playing a vampire.

  3. I always got the impression that the letters were coming from Farengar, the mage in Dragons Reach. Speaking with him gives me the impression that he may be an ex-blade and is trying to help you without getting directly involved to expose himself. I lean toward this hypothesis, because Delphine tells you she got her information about the dragon burials from the dragonstone that you had to give to Farengar. My guess is that he passed the stone on to Delphine after examining it.


    Just my $0.02,



  4. I tend to choose my armor based on character asthetics. I originally tended to gravitate to the Ebony Mail which is one of my favorite heavy styles. I really like the scaled armor for the earlier game and have used the light imperial armor (perfect legionare mod) for long time.


    Later, I downloaded Lustmord's Vampire Armor and I used that set for a number of my female characters. For a while, I have also used a lot Hentai and Nausicaa's armors for my female charaters, because I like looking at cute chicks in skimpy outfits.


    I have recently downloaded the Dragon Knight Armor set, which kind of looks like Ebony Armor but made of dragon bone for my current higher level character. I have chosen this set, because I have added Frostfall and Wet and Cold mods to my game, which have definitely made traveling around much more interesting. The Dragon Knight set goes well with the white and gray cloakes in the cold wearther mod. Skimpy armor may look good but it breaks the immersion when using the cold weather mods, so I have not been using it after installing Frostfall and Wet and Cold.


    I tend to use whatever I feel looks good on my character, since I like the 3rd person view for traveling around Skyrim. I am sure I will find another neat looking armor set and just have to try it out but for now I am going for the cold weather protection over cool looking skimpy sets. One of the things that I love about the TES games is the huge number of clothing and armor mods that the fan community create and share.


    Just my rambling $0.02,




  5. I have Vilja loaded in a few of my games and her mod does have a large number of scripts that could strain your system resources, because she is constantly trying to talk to your character or makes a lot of comments. I do not have Cerwiden installed so I have no experience with this particular mod.


    I run UFO and have found the optimal number of followers should not exceed 4 to 5. More followers uses more resources and the I have seen definite performance hits when I use six or more followers even though I have a Quad core I7 with 32GB ram and a 2GB nVidia video card running in Win 7 64bit.


    For the best performance, I try to limit myself to 4 followers. There is a utility called BOSS that works well with the Nexus Mod manager to help you determine your load order. I am sure you can find it by doing a search on the Nexus site.


    Personally, I try to only add one mod at a time and play for a while to see if it has any significant impact on my system performance before making it a permanent addition to my game. I creat a new save file after the mod's installation to test its effects if I do not like how the game performs, I tend to uninstall the mod and reload the savegame that did not use it.


    These are just a few things that I have tried and have worked for me.


    Best of luck,



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