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Posts posted by Pegorino

  1. Kynesgrove is missing just NPCs now. The settlement is done, I upgraded it visually and made a new navmesh (the old one is sinked deep in the ground to avoid incompatibility problems - this will be tested to ensure that NPCs behave correctly).
    If somebody has some free time on their hands, I would gladly accept a few NPC concepts with dialogue. Refer to first post.

  2. UHV is similar in visuals to Romantic Whiterun. I'm going from East to West gradually overhauling the cities and towns from scratch.


    A lot of mods just embellish Riverwood and Whiterun, or they just keep in that area without any kind of similar dedication to the otherwise more interesting settlements.


    Kynesgrove is now a full settlement, since Windhelm lacked a nearby village from where I could set my caravans to depart.


    Braidwood Inn has been remade from zero.

  3. It is evil of course. But since there is a lumbermill there already, I thought of using it. Will just need to concept a character idea for the NPC owning it/operating it for his profit.


    So if the DG is evil, he can take a share of the profit.

    If he's good, he may stop the NPC.

    If he's neutral, he may not do anything.

  4. Scrivener, as in expanded cities, I mean moving a bit the walls and accomodate more houses. I will ensure that it is compatible with sieges and other quests. But of course some mods won't be compatible with it, like Open Cities and JK's Whiterun etc. As to understand how my cities look, look at Romantic Whiterun, my previous mod.


    Also, I like your idea Boombro.

  5. Sounds cool and odd in the same time, I mean Kynesgrove = glass, shor stone = iron Rorikstead= farm from the game text and npcs. Not that I'm mad with what the mod offers at all, mind you.

    Actually Kynesgrove has trees around it that are sacred to Kyne. There will be a quest regarding the ethics of making furniture from wood considered to be holy. But hell, I just wanted to reflect the idea that nobody cares about nothing when there is profit in the middle.


    Shor's Stone (image) has an ebony mine actually, and in lore it was the seat of Fallowstone Hall (a headquarters of the Companions), which you will be able to explore and investigate with Andmur's Circle (a sort of archeologic Guild).


    EDIT: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Shor's_Stone

    I stand corrected. Both ebony and iron.

  6. Claims for newly created NPCs will be inserted here. A list with a general description of each NPC will be added here. A part from a few, many will just need a few lines, made preferrably with a good microphone and a pop-filter.

    What you need: to be a native-english speaker, between 20-40 years old, with a good microphone (no laptop microphones, sorry), a pop-filter (optional) and a good, clear voice. Knowledge of Audacity is optional as well.

    Open Positions:



    Current claimed NPCs
    Maximus Debrianus - assigned to Bear (currently working on him)
    more to follow...

  7. Mod main page.

    This is currently used as a discussion thread for people willing to contribute with suggestions, ideas and by answering to the poll above. The poll is very useful to me so that I can direct my workflow efficiently based on your feedback.

  8. Link to old mod that was a WIP.


    Economy and Settlements Overhaul - Main Mod Page
    Voice Acting Section - Poll Section - Teaser (SOON!)

    Ultimate Holds and Villages, shortened into UHV, is a total overhaul modular series that works on the economics of the game, as well as establishing different styles of buildings, alongside changing into better the generic appearance of many settlements in the Imperial Province of Skyrim. The player can now roleplay as a simple farmworker, a wood carver (creating furniture or other wood-made things), a smith, or as a land owner selling his goods to the cities through the caravan system. Each city and their satellite settlements now produce certain items that are not available elsewhere. The player will be actively seeking now better smiths in Windhelm, better alchemic reagents in the shops of Winterhold, some quality mead in Riften, expensive clothing in Solitude, good armor in Whiterun and various other many items produced locally by each settlement, whether small or large.

    The concept behind this is that small settlements and large ones alike produce raw materials like: wood, iron, malachite, ebony etc. Larger settlements then refine them into finished products. The player after leaving Helgen will have the choice to establish himself in Whiterun, and work as a commoner. Whiterun is now looking like a real trading hub, with caravans leaving town each two hours bound for many other settlements. The player can work as a mercenary protecting these caravans from highwaymen. As for the cities themselves, each will offer the player a way to start an activity, Riverwood is now a medium sized settlement who produces quality wine, it gives the player the opportunity to hire workers and brewers alike (requires Hearthfires), and then they can sell their products at the local tradehouse (village traders now act as a sort of middlemen between smaller settlements and bigger ones), Kynesgrove (which is now a settlement) will offer the player the possibility of becoming a fletcher, Shor's Stone a farmer, Rorikstead a cattlefarm owner, Dragonsbridge a mill owner and so forth. Prices vary depending on demand and offer, and they change if the player starts to trade. Profiteering from trade is now possible.


    Another main aspect of the mod is without doubt the effort of trying to establish different types of architecture assets for the villages that dot Skyrim's map (and that, I know, you rarely visit because they are boring). Well, now you will actually feel the vibe of how Falkreath should be, being near the border with Cyrodiil. Once that the Imperial Province is left, Falkreath will be the last sight of something that looks like home to Imperials. I'm just throwing the name of Falkreath because it is the most extensive total overhauls that I have done yet, I've tried to ensure compatibility with quests and NPCs triggers and events that happen in the city. So, to make a short resumé of what has been done, Kynesgrove is now a Windhelm styled village, with nordic cabins and an old manor refurbished into the new Braidwood Inn, Shor's Stone is a Riften styled village, with a tradehouse (and a rather famous trader coming from Morrowind), Riverwood is a medium wine making village, Ivarstead is renowned for the quality of its fish and so forth. There is so much to say that I would night a whole night to write everything.

    Here's a small peak on Falkreath.







    Falkreath (Very Large Village) - Main Trade: Wood, Steel, Food (various genres)


    1x Tavern, 1x Smithy, 1x Alchemist (only basic grade), 1x Temple, 5x Lodges (Cyrodiilic style), 1x Manor (player buyable), 1x Tradehouse, 1x Jarl's House

    Falkreath is one of the major cities located in the province of Skyrim. Falkreath is the main city that one may come across when crossing the border between the Imperial Province of Cyrodiil to that of the cold and unforgiving Skyrim. Falkreath is the main settlement in its hold, and thus, is home to its Jarl. At one period in history, Falkreath was part of Cyrodiil, and its architecture reflects the many years that it stood under Imperial rule. The graveyard, behind the Temple of Arkay, is said to be one of the most extensive in the whole of Skyrim, with many famous people currently buried there. One worthy mention are the remains of King Cuhlecain, or better known as Emperor, who were brought back to Falkreath after his unfortunate destiny once he got on the Imperial Throne.

    Kynesgrove (Medium Village) - Main Trade: Iron, Malachite, Furniture*
    * Depends on player decision


    1x Tavern (Manor sized), 1x Fletcher, 1x Mine (Extended), 3x Farmhouses (Windhelm-styled), 1x Lumbermill

    The settlement is directly south of Windhelm, and it consists of an Inn, with an inner courtyard, usable stables, external latrine, garden, caravan shed and chicken hens. Braidwood Inn has been remade, in a typical Windhelm style, it consists of many rooms, many serving different purposes. Now you'll have to pay the room for your followers as well. The dining area has different menus depending on the season and whether or not the animal in question is sacred to Kyne. Outside the inn, you will find a fletcher, where the player will start as an apprentice in creating arrows (only available if the Dragonborn sides with the Stormcloaks during the Civil War Campaign). In the settlement there is a lumbermill, who's presence is discussed by the more wary villagers, who are afraid of upsetting Kyne. The Dragonborn can of course decide to take action, for the good of Kynesgrove or for the good of his pocket.

    The settlement of Shor's Stone is a generally large village in the northwestern portion of The Rift, near the Velothi mountains. Many Dunmer refugees, escaping from Morrowind facing the aftermath of the Red Mountain eruption, inhabited the many farmhouses that were abandoned or left in a general state of unrepair after many nords moved to city-life, in the nearby town of Riften. The nearby ruins of Fallowstone Hall, one of the only two known homes of the Companions is near, and Andmur's Circle, a loose group of archeologists based out from Winterhold College is investigating the ruins for the remains of a certain Companion, a member who's name has been lost in ages. Will their discovery be useful for the village? Maybe, but many settlers are restless and afraid of the dark secrets hidden inside the ruins.

    Shor's Stone (Large Village) - Main Trade: Iron, Ebony, Rift Wood, Fallowgleyr Mead*
    * Depends on player decision


    1x Tradehouse, 1x Tavern, 1x Mine (Extended), 5x Farmhouses (Riften-styled), 1x Mead Brewery


  9. If you get an xmarkererror.0 in the Preview of the model in the Render Window, it is simply an issue of the CK, simply save your new model under a FormID, save your plugin, reload, and now it should appear without errors.


    Also check that textures are corresponding to the BS section of the nif, and that none have wrong paths. If they display correctly in the Preview, you're good to go.


    Indicators of bad textures:

    Mesh is white - missing diffuse map

    Mesh is translucent in the Render Window - bad normal/incorrectly named normal map

    No normals - missing normal map

  10. Use Mod Organizer,

    Easier and more useful than NMM in this case. It points out problems and such.


    Load 20 mods per time, till you get at the source of the problem. Test intensively. Go from Riverwood, to Whiterun, enter and exit cells and check if the game is stable.


    You surely have a mod conflicting with another.

  11. In the mod that I am developing, the player can buy a piece of land within the city of Whiterun and build his manor. He will then have to find servants and a steward. Furniture packs are available from Belethor.


    Features also:

    A gardner, who can be chosen by those who practice gardening in Whiterun (you just need to talk with an NPC who works as a farmhand and tell him you are willing to pay him if he takes care of your garden)


    A guard, which you can hire from the local guard (if you are Thane of Whiterun) or otherwise have an Imperial Legion soldier stationed outside (if you went halfway through the Civil War quest).


    A nanny, hireable either in Riverwood or Darkmoor. She comes early in the morning with and leaves before sunset accompanied by your guard.


    House is in pure Whiterun style.

    Hearthfire support is added to Pinecrest Farm in Riverwood, a player buildable house which lets you have a piece of farmland, some animals and an activity to run (by selling your products) if you are a roleplay kind of person.

  12. Example:


    you duplicate it and it is named Key01DUPLICATE0000


    In the Lock menu of the Door in the CK select Key, then find the FormID of your key. Set it, save, then place a copy of your key (container, on NPC or in the world).


    If you can't find your key, you obviously don't remember the FormID to which you renamed the duplicate.

  13. You could create a new worldspace, it gives you extra space and it keeps everything well optimized. It just loads your stuff, without any additional clutter or statics laid in the vanilla game.


    You could personalize it with a forest, mine, village and other stuff. If you need a hand in something, just send me a PM.

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