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About rerout

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  1. Around a month or so ago I changed some stuff in my mod list. I was getting some issues so I tried to more or less go back to my old setup and ever since then I've been getting a CTD that I can't seem to pin down the cause of. It seems to trigger anytime that I go into an exterior world space. Although in this particular instance I was able to play for a bit and go from Riverwood to Whiterun, go in and out of an interior cell, go back in and save my game before it start happening again. I've tried uninstalling or downgrading just about everything that I had changed previously and I just cannot seem to figure it out. Crash Log The only thing the crash log seems to point to is Engine Fixes but I haven't changed anything about it so I don't see why it would suddenly break on me. None of its files are bing overwritten and I couldn't find anything on any mod icompatablities. I tried reinstalling just to be sure it but it didn't change anything. The .esp files that show up have also been a dead end. It just seems the it just lists the last esp to modify the cell and worldspace that I crashed in (in this case Whiterun) but uninsrtalling them doesn't change anything. The log just shows the next esp in the list instead but the error is the same. Been trying to figure this out for a weeks now and I'm at my wit's end with it, if anyone has any idea what could be going on here, or even just somewhere to look, the help would be very much appreciated.
  2. Not necessarily. You wouldn't need to hide the player's arm mesh, just make the prosthetic cover one of them up. Basically just a one armed gauntlet, like the Automail from Full Metal Alchemist or Melania's arm in Eldin Ring.
  3. I've looked around on the Nexus but I haven't been able to find anything for prosthetic limbs. It doesn't seem like something that would be too awfully difficult unless I'm wildly underestimating how hard it is to work with body slots. Just something simple that could cover one arm and occupy the hand/forearm slot and some gloves or bracers for the other arm bound to some other misc slot seems like it would get the job done, again assuming I'm not missing something obvious as to why it wouldn't work.
  4. Thanks for the advice. I never quite grasped how to do scripts back when I was working with LE, but I'll take some time and see if I can't get it working.
  5. I've got that much but is there a way I can make it a toggle? So that once you have the perk or magic effect you can just use the power again to remove it. I know it's been done before but I don't know if it requires scripts or not.
  6. This is probably a simple question that has been answered many times before but I wasn't able to find much with a quick search. How do I make a lesser power toggle a perk or magic effect on the player and can it be done without scripts? It doesn't have to be able to do anything, it's just being used a condition for DAR to turn an animation set on and off. I found this topic but it's 4 years old and I was hoping that maybe a better/easier solution has been worked out by now. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6381696-making-a-power-toggle-able/?hl=toggle&do=findComment&comment=57478236
  7. Paint.net is decent for a free program. As for finding the file you need, the only way I know of is to just open all the files it dumps until you find the one your looking for, unless someone out there has a list of which textures are which. Link to pain.net: http://www.getpaint.net/
  8. I'm still relativly new to modding Skyrim so I'm sure I'm just missing somthing obvious, but no matter what I try I just cant seem to get an effectshader applied to my mesh. I've tried copying an already existing branch in Nifscope and replacing the existing texture however the model is always invisible in the creation kit. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, I've compaired all my settings to an existing model and can't find any differences. If anyone can tell me what I'm doing wrong I would be very greatful.
  9. Not sure if this is even possible but I've been trying all morning with no luck. I'm hoping someone more experianced will be able to help me out. I'm working on a custom crossbow to fire speacial bolts, however I don't want these bolts to be able to be fired from a normal crossbow. I know there is no way to force players not to use it but I thought maybe I could make my ammo have no effect when fired, and instead have the projectile created by spell/enchantment attached to my crossbow. I don't have much experiance with the creation kit so I might just be looking in the wrong place, but so far no luck. If anyone knows whether on not this can be done, or perhaps another solution I could use, any help would be greatly appreciated.
  10. I already modified the effect. The .nif I'm using is a modified version of the original bound sword effect but with my mesh replacing the old one. I'm just not sure what I have to set in nifscope to make it invisible during the beginning of the animation.
  11. I'm working on a custom bound weapon but I'm having a small problem, when I equip the weapon the bound effet appers correctly but the weapon model is visible before the effect starts. I'm probably not describing it very well so I can try to clarify if nessicary. I'm still pretty new to modding Skyrim so I'm hoping that someone here who knows more than me can help me learn what I'm doing wrong.
  12. So I'm finally starting my first Skyrim mod and starting simple with a few custom spells. Right now I just have two, the first is set to Fire and Forget and the other is set to Concentrate. The one set to Fire and Forget works fine, however the one set to concentrate does no damage at all. Both use almost identical files, the only things that were changed were the settings neccisary to change the casting method, they even use the same projectile(Maybe that's the problem?). I've looked through the creation kit and compaired it to other similar spells but I must be missing somthing. If anyone could help me out here it would be greatly appreceated. And yes, I did check to make sure the magnitude was not set at 0. Edit: I found the problem, I had to give the damage a duration.
  13. I'm working on putting a few Keyblades from Kingdom Hearts into Skyrim and I figured I might as well see if anyone would be interested in a public release once I finish them. Right now progress is very slow, seeing as I'm not the best modeler and I'm working on a large mod project for another game at the moment. However sometimes I work on these in between work and other projects and eventually I hope to have a decent number of them in game. Right now all I have modeled is the Kingdom Key and Keyblade of Heart.(Though I my need to redo the hilt on the latter) http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7125/7719704252_0791c2edb2_z.jpg http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8304/7921040232_f72216e778_z.jpg I also should mention that the texture on the Kingdom Key is just place holder, and the second is just colored in max for rendering. Unwrapping and texturing are two things I just suck at, so I'm hoping that I might be able to get something decent using Mudbox but seeing that it's only a 30-day trial I figured I would wait to install it until I have a few more models ready. I would like to make the chain on Keyblades freely hang down, I know I've seen something similar done before, but I'm still a noob at Skyrim modding so I'm hoping someone here could teach me how to do it. I might also do a few nobody weapons as well, in fact I would love to make a whole quest mod adding Nobodie and Heartless enemies as well, although with my modeling skills lacking, I may just stick to the weapons.(Unless by some miricle someone volunteers to help with this, which I highly doubt)
  14. I'm working on a custom crossbow made to fire special bolts. However I need a way to make sure that normal bolts cannot be fired by the the custom crossbow, and the custom bolts cannot be fired by a normal crossbow. I was hoping that there would be a way to specify the ammo in the weapon, but I couldn't find anything. The only other way I can think of would be force equipping/unequipping the special bolts via scripts, however I have no experience with scripting in Skyrim. I was hoping someone here might have an idea on how to do this, or at least point me in the right direction.
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