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About nfckitten

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    dunno really

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  1. Looking great Daz, awesome work like always dude!
  2. I don't know or care who you are but please never, ever, EVER do that again... no matter what the reason, NEVER disable firewall/AV... But back to the point at hand... my problem is I can't get the advanced features of any DL manager to work, file splitting or resume... mostly everything I have downloaded has worked but without resume the ~700MB of .98GB I was at when my internet died was lost and I have to download that again... very annoying as it's the reason I got the premium... I am currently using DTA and tried the Skyrim Mod Organizer downloader... which just comes up with "Failed download" and DTA wont resume or download with more than one segment... no matter what the server...
  3. @ evilneko: So what, I am not aloud to have an opinion? I am not aloud to use something YOU said against you? I am not typing this in anger as I did with my first post, I am simply asking you questions? I am partaking in this conversation as you used ME, a sole person, as an example of, how did you put it, "the attitude that came through loud and clear on the site", but you my friend stated just a little before my post that the site in question could basically go get F---ed, what attitude is that? Why would ANY site want you based on that attitude? Now you may ask, "What attitude" well, simply put, you think that posting 30 well thought out posts is being strict and because of that we can go do our selves. Now I have no real personal malice towards you in any way. Personally, I don't know you, hell IRL we could be best mates, who the hell knows what could happen. Now I will apologize for the way i worded my last post, it was uncalled for, I was in the middle of an argument with someone and I made the simple mistake of funneling that anger into my post, when I started it I did not mean to come off as bad as I did... But, it wasn't till I had some time to collect my thoughts that I realized how stupid my action was and I shall endeavor to try and never do that again. So once again, for my first post I apologize. Thank you -Kitten EDIT: Sorry Evilneko, brain spasm... I just re-read, you were not the one who said the site could go F--- it self, that was someone else... I am tired as it is 6:20AM here... so once again sorry... God I HAVE to stop posting here... >.< BUT I will have to ask why is it that you think I am not allowed my opinion on something, that is not that of the community I go to, but mine? I don't know anyone who could say that my post was the attitude of the site. I think I know WHY you think that is our attitude and I will have a word to Plerr about a suggestion I have about it... but that is not for you to know as it is internal staff stuff, or wait... are we elitist cos of that too?
  4. You must hate Ferrari then... Oh, and you must hate any site that has moderators... How bout Garry's mod? You hate that too... yeah, all you need is to PAY for it... but... you know, they are not giving you what you want for FREE like you seem to think your entitled to... Hmmmm... Lets see shall we... Why should they expect that people in their community should contribute? That would just be stupid... You are COMPLETELY right... I was stupid to think that they have a right to accept and refuse who ever they want, hell, it's not like it's their money and time spent doing anything... never... Oh and stupid me for thinking 30 posts were so easy to get at a COMMUNITY site... Hmmmm... See THAT is what is wrong with you people, all you people whining about 30 posts... 30 post at what I just said was a community site... you don't know the difference between a community site and a download site... Sorry, stupid me, well KIDDYS let me explain for you... Now I may use some BIG words so I am sorry... If you need me to I will post the definitions of them for you... but anywho... Let me attempt this for you kids... A download database is like the nexus, it's a great place that contains many files that people can download for ether free or for money... now this is not a bad thing... I am a premium member here... and so are many other people... Now here is where it gets tricky kids... A community site is a site for a community in which a bunch of like minded people get together and discuss the things they like... Most community web sites ether contain very few or no downloads... Oh and here is a question, how would you like it if I moved into your neighborhood, took your stuff, rocked up for your Christmas party and took everything I wanted... and then left, not giving a poo about how much of a cost it was to you? Yeah, but you don't care, your not getting what you want so you will ether ignore me and my post or you will find some way to pick at what I said just so I would look like a angel... "F@##@ to every site that decides whether your good enough to download their stuff or not", No mate "F@##@" you and your silver platter, spoiled little brat attitude to anything that requires you to do something in return for once... I am glad we don't have you there, least I don't have to put up with your stupid "Me me me" attitude, honestly, why don't you go and try to make these mods your self as apposed to expecting that everyone should do it for you? Well, this is true... to a point, yes, some of them are not theirs, but that is not what they are protecting... they are protecting their democratic right to do as they please with what IS theirs, the web site, the space and bandwidth of said web site and they are protecting something they have put a lot of effort and time into making, which is a community... If you don't like it then ignore it, don't even acknowledge their existence, because all you are doing is showing how petty and how self centered you really are in thinking that EVERYTHING should be given to you without you even attempting to give back... @Everyone who wants to female dog about that site: If all this makes them elitist then so be it, if that makes them assholes in your opinion, then that's great, that's your opinion... But in MY opinion, you need to find a hobby, bashing websites you don't like and bitching about them on other sites that have actually forbidden talk like this of any site... that is what losers and trolls do... And before you start wondering, yes I am a member of that site, hell, I am a mod of that site, I will openly admit to it honestly, I am proud of it... I am also proud to be a member of this site too... Seriously, you all need to just get over it... [This has all been my opinion and if I should be banned for it, bashed for it or trolled, then so be it... I don't really care what a bunch of people who have nothing better to be doing than bitching about something just cos it don't suit there wants! And also I am proud of my opinion and my community!] -Kitten
  5. I figured as this is the general mod talk forum... I would ask about mods here... if I am in the wrong place, please don't kill me... I am learning! >.< But yes, I wanna start my fallout experience again but don't know what mods I should and shouldn't have... My DLC's All of em... >.< Here is the list so far: MiniHideout RR (And all the main plugins) Bunker72 Megaton walkways Beautiful people Fellout Street lights PipboyPDA what I want to have is a good selection of modern guns like pistols, rifles and sniper stuff... so any suggestions? I am not looking for any major overhauls like Fook or MMM...
  6. Yeah, I would have to agree with BadPenney, a lot of small files compresses better with .7z than one big one... don't quite know about other compressions...
  7. From memory, he was banned for stealing... so yeah... sorry mate EDIT: But, the gun in the first youtube vid can be found in MiniHideout
  8. A B72Brain ay... I may look into that... Hmmmm... EDIT: Just had a look, yeah I could do this... quickly too... if ya want...
  9. I use the middle package from that dude too... looks great, runs great and the only crashes I have are the usual the-mod-don't-like-you crashes...
  10. Ummm, I feel like I am missing something... Cos from what I remember, the targets are stationary mannequins with those target things... so no need for some simulation... or are we getting actual people to run about?
  11. The way I see it, the chest thing... isn't this hard molded stuff? So no matter what size the chicks breasts are... they will always look like this... well, this is just my opinion anyways... >.<
  12. The first 2 pix in the first post and the one in the last post yes... the other three in the first post... no... well, I am off to bed now, Catch!
  13. I was thinking something like that... or a helipad on the roof...
  14. Look, the best thing to do... would be (in my opinion...) get the mannequin mod... dress them up with the armor... Screen shot or fraps shot it... then go from there... I was lucky, my icons were things I made in flash for the textures... So I just used them... >.< Turned out great... EDIT: Oh yeah... wherever you are uploading your pictures to seem not to like hotlinking so all I can see of your pictures is something about "DirectUpload.net No Hotlinking please" try use photobucket or something like that...
  15. >.< Now I just have to learn to mesh so I can do that JP... XD
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