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Everything posted by OminousFlare
Seconding this. There's such a mod for New Vegas, so it's strange that there isn't one for Fallout 4. It's a good convenience for those with a bad OCD habit of quick saving but still want to avoid the mod issues that comes with using a quick save.
Never mind, I've figured it out - it's the ENB Series that's causing the problem. The face texture problem is gone as soon as I removed the d3d11.dll and d3dcompiler_46e.dll files from the ENB Series from the Fallout 4 folder. Thanks for the help anyway.
Hi. I'm having problems with the face texture of all NPCs and my own character in the game as well. After entering Vault 111 in Sanctuary, all of the textures on their faces suddenly turned into something like this: It's like any texture rendering on their face was just gone. What I did while installing the game was following the BiRaitBec mod list guide, so I wonder if any of his instructions regarding textures might have caused a problem. Here is my mod load order for further clarification: Fallout4.esm=1DLCRobot.esm=1DLCworkshop01.esm=1DLCCoast.esm=1DLCworkshop02.esm=1DLCworkshop03.esm=1DLCNukaWorld.esm=1ccbgsfo4018-gaussrifleprototype.esl=1ccbgsfo4041-doommarinearmor.esl=1ccbgsfo4042-bfg.esl=1ccfsvfo4001-modularmilitarybackpack.esl=1ccswkfo4001-astronautpowerarmor.esm=1ccbgsfo4061-dgshiinu.esl=1ccbgsfo4036-trnsdg.esl=1ccfrsfo4002-antimaterielrifle.esl=1ccsbjfo4001-solarflare.esl=1ccbgsfo4063-papat.esl=1ccbgsfo4115-x02.esl=1ccrzrfo4002-disintegrate.esl=1ccbgsfo4047-qthund.esl=1ccbgsfo4046-tescan.esl=1Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp=1WorkshopFramework.esm=1ArmorKeywords.esm=1XDI.esm=1HUDFramework.esm=1SimSettlements.esm=1Homemaker.esm=1Snap'n Build.esm=1BostonFPSFixAIO.esp=1PaladinBaileyRedRocket.esp=1Flicker Fixer.esp=1RAW INPUT.esp=1spacefiddle_Follower-Stealth-Distance-Fixes.esp=1LooksMenu.esp=1LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp=1Merged Fixes.esp=1CBBE.esp=1Armorsmith Extended.esp=1Immersive HUD.esp=1VIS-G Item Sorting.esp=1VIS-G Item Sorting Vanilla Weight Patch.esp=1CraftingFramework.esp=1QuickTrade.esp=1VisibleWeapons.esp=1Friffy_Holstered Weapons.esp=1Mercenary.esp=1K9TacticalHarness.esp=1iron man.esp=1blueteam.esp=1WarMachine.esp=1Tactical Flashlights.esp=1Tactical Flashlights - Settings.esp=1Binoculars.esp=1W.A.T.Minutemen.esp=1RaiderOverhaul.esp=1ImprovedBoSRedux.esp=1ImprovedBoSRedux-Uniforms.esp=1ImprovedBoSRedux-Vertibirds.esp=1CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon.esp=1CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit.esp=1BP AE patch - CROSS_IES.esp=1BP AE patch - CROSS_IES X6-88.esp=1CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp=1Archimedes-II.esp=1CROSS_Jetpack.esp=1CROSS_PlasRail.esp=1CROSS_CoA.esp=1CROSS_Cybernetics.esp=1CROSS_2077.esp=1CROSS_CryoLance.esp=1CROSS_MojaveManhunter.esp=1TheKite_Railroad_Handmaiden.esp=1ChineseStealthSuit.esp=1NCRDesertRavenArmor.esp=1TerminatorEN.esp=1TEEParty.esp=1TEEPartyDLC.esp=1Immersive Fallout (DLC).esp=13dscopes-replacer.esp=1Better Cooking Stations.esp=1Better Cooking Stations - Far Harbor + Nuka World patch.esp=1Better Cooking Stations Immersive Patch.esp=1Better Explosives Redux.esp=1Better Locational Damage.esp=1Better Locational Damage - DLC_Automatron.esp=1Better Locational Damage - DLC_WWorkshop.esp=1Better Locational Damage - DLC_Far_Harbor.esp=1Better Locational Damage - DLC_Nuka_World.esp=1BLD - Leveled Lists - DLC.esp=1SuperMutantRedux.esp=1SuperMutantRedux_ArmorSmithExtended.esp=1SuperMutantRedux VIS Patch.esp=1SuperMutantRedux_VIS-G_Patch.esp=1Better Locational Damage - Ghoul Edition.esp=1Better Perks.esp=1Better VATS - No Reduction.esp=1Better Cooking.esp=1Better Chems.esp=1MiscHairstyle.esp=1MoreHairstyles4Female4.1.esp=1MoreHairstyles4Male3.1.esp=1MoreBeards.esp=1KSHairdos.esp=1The Eyes Of Beauty.esp=1MoreSkinColors.esp=1Merged Appearance.esp=1Lots More Facial Hair.esp=1Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp=1Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp=1CompanionOverhaul.esp=1DeterminedDesdemona.esp=1KindKasumi.esp=1Mason.esp=1MesmerizingMagnolia.esp=1Maxson.esp=1MagsBlack.esp=1NastyNisha_MystolleVersion.esp=1NewFace_Settlers.esp=1PD_LowerWeapon.esp=1SettlementMenuManager.esp=1SalvageBeacons.esp=1SKKSettlementAttackSystem.esp=1SKKSettlementAttackSystemMarkers.esp=1SKKCombatSettlers.esp=1BorderJunk.esp=1Business Settlements.esp=1Crimsomrider's Unique Furniture.esp=1cVc Dead Wasteland 6.esp=1DD_AIO Test Mark 1.esp=1g2m_Workshop_Nexus.esp=1GruffyddsSignsAndPosters.esp=1Homemaker - Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp=1Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp=1Northland Diggers New.esp=1Not Your Average Neon.esp=1Vendor.esp=1pylons.esp=1SettleObjExpandPack.esp=1SettleObjExpandPack-AllLightShadowEnabler.esp=1SOU All-in-one.esp=1Snappy_HouseK.esp=1Snappy_DLC03.esp=1Thematic and Practical.esp=1Thematic and Practical - DLC.esp=1TransferSettlements.esp=1WoodenPrefabsExtended.esp=1woodysWastelandStuff.esp=1Arena Rugs.esp=1ZebrinasWorkshopDevices.esp=1betterstores.esp=1bs-farharborexpansion.esp=1creativeclutter.esp=1dinoshelf.esp=1WorkshopRearranged.esp=1Thaylar Lighting 3.2 Workshop Rearranged Patch - Big Edition.esp=1AA FusionCityRising.esp=1OutcastsAndRemnants.esp=1ProjectValkyrie.esp=1Depravity.esp=1Merged Visuals.esp=1Patch BLD-HBT.esp=1WET.esp=1UltraInteriorLighting.esp=1Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp=1Thaylar Lighting 3.2 VTWO Patch - Big Edition.esp=1Thaylar Lighting 3.2 - Big Edition.esp=1PowerArmorImpactEffects.esp=1Swinging Meat Bags.esp=1Merged Audio.esp=1Quieter Settlements - Recommended Settings.esp=1Realistic_conversations.esp=1Realistic_conversations - More_NPCs.esp=1OWR_CraftableDecor.esp=1OWR_CraftableDecor_CW.esp=1OWR.esp=1OWR2_CraftableDecor.esp=1OWR2_CraftableDecor_CW.esp=1OWR2.esp=1CMRQL.esp=1WorkshopRearranged_SnB_Patch.esp=1Schnips - 3dscopes-replacer - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Better Chems - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Better Cooking - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Better Cooking Stations - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Better Explosives Redux - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Better Locational Damage - DLC_Automatron - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Better Locational Damage - DLC_Far_Harbor - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Better Locational Damage - DLC_Nuka_World - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Better Locational Damage - Raider Overhaul - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Better Locational Damage - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Binoculars - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - BLD - Leveled Lists - DLC - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon - AWKCR, VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - CROSS_CoA - AWKCR, VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - CROSS_CourserStrigidae - AWKCR, VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit - AWKCR, VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Depravity - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Friffy_Holstered Weapons - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - FusionCityRisings - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Immersive HUD - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - ImprovedBoSRedux - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - ImprovedBoSRedux-Uniforms - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - K9TacticalHarness - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Mercenary - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - OutcastsAndRemnants - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - ProjectValkyrie - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Salvage Beacon - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - SettlementMenuManager - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - SimSettlements - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - SKKCombatSettlers - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - SuperMutantRedux - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Visible Weapons - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - W.A.T.Minutemen - VIS-G Patch.esp=0Schnips - Workshop Rearranged - VIS-G Patch.esp=0 I've followed BiRaitBec's instructions to a tee other than a few differences:1. I left Schnips's VIS-G Patches deactivated2. I didn't run Wyre Bash3. There are a few additional mods added, including LooksMenu, armor mods, weapon mods and settlement mods I didn't follow through with the VIS-G patches and Wyre Bash because I couldn't run the game at all after doing so (infinite black screen whenever I run the game). But other than that, everything else should be the same as what's displayed in BiRaitBec's page. I've tried turning off every single mod (other than the "Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch" and "Mod Configuration Menu") to see if a mod is causing problems, but that didn't help either. Before that, I tried turning off LooksMenu and CBBE (not at the same time) as well but that didn't help either. So honestly, I'm stumped. Hopefully, someone could throw me a lifeline here and help me out with this. Thanks!
A dialogue overhaul mod that increases dialogue options is obviously a must-have (I saw a Russian version, but I'm not sure if the English version (Full Dialogue Interface) adds new lines for the protagonist. Would be nice to have a mod that gives you 8 or 9 dialogue options based on your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. traits, just like FO3 and NV. And then of course, the most mod I'd desperately want right now is a morality quest overhaul that adds new quests with more evil options (blow up Sanctuary like Megaton, join the Institute and kidnap people for xp, etc.). That's one of the biggest problems with FO4 right now that requires attention IMO. I don't have major complaints about the rest of the vanilla aspects, so I'd be fine with the above two mods alone. Seconding on the Hulk-Buster suit, or rather, a Supermutant/Deathclaw-buster suit. Would be incredibly badass to have a humongous suit the size of a Deathclaw. Having the ability to fly from one end of the Wasteland to another like Iron Man would be pretty neat as well. Maybe also having the ability to fire your mini-gun in mid-flight to in the Mark-VII versions of the suit or something. lol Or maybe we could have a Lex Luthor suit, the one he uses to fight Superman with. lmao Oh man. That would be one hell of an armor to fight a Legendary Deathclaw with. One punch sends the beast flying through the mountains.
Oh, it's easy. I just open up the SaveTool program, open up a save file, there's a button that says "List Active," and I just ctrl + c and ctrl + v. :smile: So far, I'm not having any crashes. The only change I made from my last crash is this... I didn't change the hotkey of my "Sprint" and "Sneak" buttons. In previous instances, when I had those hotkey changes, crashes happened a lot more often. BUT, I still don't know if this was the cause. 30 minutes into the game, there's no crash so far, but I got a strong feeling that it's merely a coincidence. It's annoying that I can't change the hotkey permanently, though. Using alt as Sprint and ctrl as Sneak is SO awkward. Edit: I've got a hotkey mod "More HotKeys Please" that might be the cause of all this, as I've heard that it utilises the Paparyus (spelling?) thingy very heavily? I heard that an unorganised Paparyus (or something related to Pararyus) is known for causing a lot of crashes? Something like that? Anyway, I'm disabling that mod. See how it goes.
I'm sorry, but the what? In the 'Advanced' sub-menu of SkyUI, I did see a section that says "SWF Version Checking" with a list of menu items checked (Map Menu, Favorites Menu, Inventory Menu, etc.). Is that what you were referring to? Also, I assume that you wanted me to download and use the SaveTool that was featured in the link you posted. I used the software's 'fixall' to clean all the orphan scripts and the 'FixScriptInstances to clean the orphan script instances, and then I performed a clean save from there - but I still ended up crashing less than a minute after loading that clean save... Also, I used the 'SaveTool' software to display a list of the scripts that are active in my latest clean save. Maybe this will help you figure out what the problem is, as I've got a feeling it might be a conflict with the scripts:
Crap... Just ctd again while opening my map. I'd just discovered Falkreath on my map too... And yeah, this is after I removed the Brotherhood mod and the Lost Art of the Blacksmith mod (the latter of which I replaced with the Smithing Perk Overhaul and the Complete Crafting Overhaul mod). Edit: And yet another time when I opened up my inventory menu after 'soul charging' my weapon.
Got it. I'll try it out and see if it works. Thanks. :smile:
Hi guys. I've been having constant CTD crashes with my game for quite a while now. - I've used LOOT to cleaned up my mods, and even performed the necessary cleanings needed for the dirty edits, ITMs, the UDRs and whatnot - I'm currently running the Legendary Edition of the game - I'm using the latest version of SKSE - Yes, I did notice the navmesh error for the Dark Brotherhood mod, but I don't really know how to fix that one, so I kinda ignored it... Is that mod the reason why I constantly crashed out? - The times when I crash out are often when I'm in Whiterun (which probably has a lot of loading to do), when I loot something, when I open up my inventory screen, when I perform a killmove, and sometimes during the middle of a fight/combat - When I cleaned the mods using TES5Edit, I also noticed an option to use TES5Edit to 'check for errors' for my Skyrim.esm, and when I did that, there were so many errors! I'll post it below my list of mods, but beware! It's a very, very long list! My mod log according to LOOT: My TES5Edit Error Log for Skyrim.esm (LONG LIST ALERT): I've been dealing with this for a few weeks now, and only came here because I'm tired of having to crash out every five minutes or so. Not really sure what to do here as I'm not a mod-expert or even a 'techno' kind of guy. I understand that having too many mods could do a real number on your game, but I've seen many players using multiple mods with no problem, and with such a constant rate of CTD at 5-10 minutes per crash, I don't believe it's merely because 'I'm running too many mods'; there's got to be a conflict here somewhere that I don't know of. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you very much for the assistance with this noob.