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Everything posted by ghostfc3s

  1. I made this https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/7197?tab=description Took the better part of 2 months to setup and code.
  2. Not to necro again, but I will add my experience to the list. The idle timer seem to be controlled by the dialogue quest built for the NPC not so much the idlemin and max actor property, there is box labeled Hours Until Reset this controls when the NPC's can speak that line again. Now what we perceive as idle comments are actually Hello's that are triggered by a radius that the player breaks then the Npc will address the player and fire a random line (assuming you set it as random) , you can control how often a specific line is fire during that radius with the ours until rest, can also put in specific location triggers. True idle lines are spoke to no one, and example is Diamond City Shops that yell out random lines to grab your attention to buy stuff are a true idle lines. Lines talking about eating a Salisbury Stake for example are in fact a "hello" controlled by the radius. My problem, and I am going to assume other authors MAY have this problem too, was that once a quest that controls that dialogue fires, those variable are baked into the quest, and your save. To test your changes you need to revert to a save before that quest was active.
  3. Yes the throw distance is attached to your character and therefor baked onto your save. You will need to go back to a save before you activated the mod, or a new game.
  4. I have made a mod that's has a bunch of new quests. The issue some of my users who installed via mo2 have the quests not start. This only happens with mo2 users and not all of them. But it doesnt make sense because all the scripts are packed in ba2 archives.
  5. Any update on getting an ambush to respawn? I am trying to do a similar thing. I've had to use xmarkers with placeatme() to respawn my npcs on entry since rest() on load seems to mess up nav meshing, but if I could get Ambushes to respawn functionally that would be awesome.
  6. I'm trying to make a mod where you can go into a simulation and do the same quest over and over or repeat the cell. I've got the transition to the cell down but I can't get the cell to function the way I want. The easiest solution I thought would be to have the cell reset. For something so simple I'm having an issue actually getting it to fire. I followed this thread to get an idea but I couldn't get it to reset my cell. I have tried attaching the Self.GetParentCell().Reset() to a default activator, trigger box, npc, etc. and the cell does not reset upon traveling away and back. I have tried writing a script using Event OnCellAttach rather than OnLoad as it is more reliable. It will complie but I cannot figure out where to attach a script to the cell itself. Scriptname CellReset3 extends Cell Native Event OnCellAttach() Reset() endEvent I need to figure out how to do that or a way a reference object can refer to the parent cell like in the above but which will actually fire. I've tried making a repeatable quest out of it as a work around, the quest repeats but the npcs do not spawn the second time. The closest I've got is attaching the reset script to individual NPCs thusly: Scriptname MyCellResetScript extends ObjectReference Const Event OnCellAttach() Reset() EndEvent They do respawn but after 2 or 3 respawns their navmeshing gets wonky and they end up swimming or floating at me. Any advice on how to reset a cell on each entry, or respawn npcs properly, either on load or quest activation would be great.
  7. I am looking at making an insanity system like frost/Grim Both are nice mods but have some issues with them, however I like the concept of being in the wasteland having to kill for supplies and to stay alive will effect the SS's mental health. I put together this script that runs as quest on start. I am by no means a script person so this just kind of cobbled together with my limited knowlage. So i'm looking for some feedback on how to get this to work. \*I know how to make spells and magic effects to give visual layover of each effect its more about applying and removing the effects. int KillCount = 0 Event Actor.OnKill(Actor akSender, Actor akVictim) ; Increment the number of kills. KillCount += 1 EndEvent ; level one insanity Event Killcount =< 25 ActorREF.Addspell(Para) EndEvent ; Level two insanity Even killcount =< 50 ActorREF.Addspell(PTSD) EndEvent ; Level three insanity Even killcount =< 75 ActorREF.Addspell(Insanity) EndEvent The healing effect I want to apply via a consumable. Drink effect set killCount = 0 ActorRef.RemoveSpell (Para) ActorRef.RemoveSpell (PTSD) ActorRef.RemoveSpell (Insanity) Any thoughts and advice? Would this be better to be handled via quest stages, when kill counter hits (25 move the stage to 20, 50 stage 30 )have it move to those stage then have the effects added at those stages, then have the cure set the quest back at stage 10 being the base line?
  8. I am looking for 2-3 voice actors for some basic companion dialogue and vendor dialogue. Is there a place to try an recruit voice actors.
  9. To answer my own quest, and if other authors come here looking for the solution. Bethesda in true form broke the 32bit CK needed to generate lipsync. You can use this tool to build a patch https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42397?tab=files&file_id=172028 Or you can download this one I made using that tool. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ToVMcYIwSjYlYqKasPs9s3zjbqwbRDpF/view?usp=sharing
  10. Any one know how to use the dialogue camera? It flashes to the talking npc for about half a second then refocus on the player. Any advice on how to use it, so it stays focused on the talker?
  11. Yes once I got the script compiling properly and correctly written I was able to then select the item from the drop down and it is work as it should. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/41275
  12. GOT IT!!! thank you for holding my hand through this. Scriptname taunt extends ActiveMagicEffect Potion Property DontbeaPsycho Auto Const Mandatory Event OnEffectStart( Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster ) If( Game.GetPlayer() != akTarget ) return EndIf Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(DontbeaPsycho , 1, True) EndEvent The script was compiling even with the errors, it was adding { at the start and end of the script }
  13. When I add the script if I do not create a new property all of the options are grayed out https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/159949
  14. Under magic effect, right hand lower is script name, included is Taunt, click on that opens up properties for script taunt attached I click add properties and I get a whole wack of options, Using AFT as an example I attempted type Potion flag const name taunt in documentation included the script I received error mismatched "event" expecting script name And error script taunt:object reference not set to an instance of an object. I dont do any coding so this all chinese to me.
  15. I added the item, added the construction receipt so I can craft it. When activating it item does what I want however the activator still wont return to the player. The script is identical to your script just the item name is changed. Event OnEffectStart( Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster ) If( Game.GetPlayer() != akTarget ) return EndIf Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(DontbeaPyscho , 1, True) EndEvent The script is attached to the magic effect named Taunt Property name = playerconsumetaunt type = keyword Value = playerconsumetaunt That's is the same setup as the psycho Not sure what I'm doing wrong here.
  16. I am curious on how these items work, like Aft command item, or the gas mask clean item. They are defined as consumables but return to, or I am assuming a new version is placed in the players inventory. Anyone have a tutorial on how those items work?
  17. The only *legal* way is to find a donor collision mesh, find a vanilla item that has the closest shape and dementions of your custom 3dmodel. Using Nifscope copy your model into the model nodes of the donor file.
  18. I am trying to make an effect that only activates when the targets legs are damaged to cripple. The conditions work when the player shoots an NPC, However when the player is hit and the limb is crippled the effect does not start. In Fo4edit Object effect attached to weapon Base effect Moderateinjury Cast type: Fire and Forget Target: Touch TYPE: Equal to COMPARISON: 1 FUNCTION: LastCrippledCondition ACTORVALUE: LEFTMOBILITY CONDITON RUN ON:Target <---- If this is<subject> the player is effected by any hit not just ones that crippled If set as target on NPC is damaged over time when crippled. But the player is not I have also tried TYPE: Less than COMPARISON: .1 FUNCTION: GET VALUE ACTOR VALUE: LEFTMOBILITY CONDITON RUN ON: Subject and target effect is applied regardless of the less than and applies every hit I don't no what Parameter #3 does and leave it at 0. Any advice or tips?
  19. Hello fellow authors, one of my first thoughs with the announcement of 76 was well there goes modding! These are my thoughts on the state of modding or potential to mod 76.(only my thoughts on it based on fo4 modding and modding other online games). I do think in its current nonprivate server format we will be unable to do rebalances Ie damage mods, health mods, level lists. Nor will be able to do *new* asset mods Ie orginal armor original weapons. As all players connecting to a server will need to have the same file sets. Once private servers go up, to play on them the player will need to have the same file set and load order "client side" to link up and play on that server. What we will be able to do until the CK and private servers will be reskins(textures) and potentially nif file swaps (new armor/body types) provided collision detection is not altered. This generally achieved by replacing the vanilla file with authors custom file (renamed and place in the same file structure as the vanilla) Comparable to the way you mod COD or Counter Strike back in the day. 3D models/.nif and custom animation/custom weapons These we will be difficult to achieve for an online game. Current Nif structure for armour and clothing includes collision data and dismemberment date (meatcaps/segments). This where the engine register hits on the players. In the early days of FO4 modding we couldn't have armor that had dismemberment, with the improvement of nifscope and bodslide later additions had "segments" that allowed for dismemberment and vats targetting. This will have to be discovered and new models will have to have the same values and collision as vanilla to work properly. Keep in mind the cosmetic changes will only be client side and will replace all instances of the armor you are replacing. The affects will only be visible to you. Weapons, and animation will also be client side "replacers" and be cosmetic only (until private servers). Replacers/weapon "skins" for weapons will be very difficult to achieve specifically for functioning iron sights/scopes. As the values for pov are kept in the .esm/.esp file sets which once again will need to be universally the same for all players. This means mod authors will have to attempt to line up sights as 3d models which will may or may not work based on custom weapon being made. Ie replacing the combat rifle with a M4/service rifle. The animations, replacement animations will work as long as animation time is identical to the vanilla original. Once again that data of how long it takes to reload a combat rifle is kept in the .esm files. So authors will need to keep animation times identical. Once again changes effect client side only. Those are my thoughts on it. I see that some users have managed to get new body types into the game with limited success so that is promising!!
  20. Sorry to revive a dead thread but this was all I could find. How did you go about copying the collision data? I was able to inject the collision data from on npc to another. It destroyed the animations however the "hit boxes" and bumping into the npc were the same as an unmodified file.
  21. Anyone have any luck using this to modify collisions for npcs? Specifically removing collision from NPC's giving them a ghost effect.
  22. I am trying to apply the crippled head effect to a perk. I can't seem to find the vanilla "crippled head" effect, I can find the heal head and heal crippled head effect to remove and restore the health but not the damaging effect. Any suggestions or guidance?
  23. I am tying to texture the synth armor, when I save my dds in gimp or paint.net the alpha channel that is meant for the meat caps, does not change color to my new color set. This cause the "torn" section to stay white. Anyone know how to correct this?
  24. I started a new game, originally with the same mods as my previous play through, I get to the museum kill the raiders out front, Preston does't wave for help or engage. The old quest fails to end and " when freedom calls" does not start. Console commands will move the quest along however the quest is still broken and the death claw will not spawn. Now normally I wouldn't care as its the MM and I don't touch them, however I suspect this is what caused scripts to stop working in my previous 10 day save that caused it to completely die and become unplayable. I disabled all the mods and DLC started a fresh unmodded game. Exact same results. I'm currently reinstalling, to see if maybe something happened with the original master files as I authored a "no minute men mod", that acts very close to what is going on now. I am hesitant to delete the file folders of all my mods as some are made by me and I would have to dig through them all to find the one offs to backup (minor armor changes to fix clipping, colors, textures custom enb's). Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen, or anything similar?
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