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Everything posted by ghostfc3s

  1. I making a custom armour and was playing with spectral maps. I can make one for metals and gloss over them. However I seem to lose the texture colours that are not on the black grey and white scale. In using gimp to make the DDS files. Any suggestions?
  2. Hey guys, I ported the Kerberos armor from 3 to New Vegas, and I am currently attempting to do the same for 4. I am having a hard time, following through with this walk through http://wiki.nexusmods.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout_4._Part_1 I have cut up the armor, and scaled it it fit over armor in fallout 4, in doing so I lost alot of the weighting and skin that came with the newvegas nifs. I exported out of 3ds max, into blender, re weight export to a new nif, into max and then back out into fallout 4 format nif. Where I am running into problems is the nifscope, copy and pasting nodes. Specifically the nif nod naming sequence ( not sure what has to be named to match my doner/vanilla nif and what need to be named after my custom nods). But my models are connected to skeletons and weight right. Where I run into problems is in eliminating dismemberment, initially I could not edit bounding sphere as there were no options to do so. From the walk through The last part is editting some properties of each of the BSSubIndexTriShape nodes of your armour: Select one of the BSSubIndexTriShape nodes of your armour and in the Block Details: Change the value of Unknown Short 1 to 0 and the value of VF5 to 0, as shown in picture Editting properties. Then scroll down in the Block Details section: Expand the Bounding Sphere property and set to 0 the Center and Radius values as shown in picture Bounding Sphere set to 0, as clothes / armour don't use a bounding sphere. Change the value of Num A to 4 and of Num B to 4, too, as shown in picture Segments. Click on the green arrow at the right side of the Segments property: this will generate the 4 segments you've indicated in the Num A. Expand the 4 segments you've just generated. In all the segments, set the value of Unknown Hash to 429496729. In the last segment, set the value of the Triangle Count to the same number that is displayed in the Num Triangles 2 property that is just above the Num A property (in the example shown in theSegments picture, the value is 5856). Now if I save, and exit out, reopen my nif, I get a bunch of errors (see the screenshot). But the dismemberment segments are available. I would like to sort this out before I move onto learning the material process. (why is this so much more complicated then fo3 and skyrim?) Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. As the title says, any time I export my model as a fallout 3 model and open it in nifSkope I am missing my UV maps. I used the tutorial and updated Nifscope, python nifscrips pyffi. Now when I export, even previously made models for Fo3 or NV that worked and that I have previously released to the the community will be missing UV maps in the .nif it creates and the nif file has absolutely no nodes with any material information. Going through the tutorial a lot of the drop downs I would need to modify are grayed out and I can not modify them. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3790/? Any idea why this is happening? I don't even know if I can track down the old versions of Nifskope nifscrips to put blender back into working order to make Fallout mods.
  4. I think, I may need to do a fresh install of blender and the tools, however, I have made several models for myself and released using blender and .nifskope for Fo3 and NV. I was trying to play around with Skyrim. I followed along with a couple of the tutorials some which I found out later no longer are effect do to roll backs with Nifskope. My problem seems to be with blender. When I export a fallout 3 model, vanilla or ones I created it no longer applies the UV map to the models. In Nifskope if I select the NiTrishape and go to texture I receve "Could not load texture" It does this with models I made and save as .blends right before my finals export that have in the past worked correctly in nifscope, fo3 and NV. I did update nifscope and pyffi before attempting to mod Skyrim. On my old fo3 and Nv model I have nitristrips node, with bsshaderpplighting property nistencil nispeculaer and all the rest. But under my current export only bsdismember is there.
  5. Okay so how do I apply the impact set to a metal robot npc or metal armor set?
  6. I am trying to figure out where the settings are in the geck that determine the type of impact Fx. for example you shoot a wall and it gives it a bullet hole and the bullet ricochet is soft impact vs shooting a metal object and it generating a spark. If I have added custom objects in the game, where do I set this?
  7. So was doing everything right, but windows 7 and its admin rights was block changes and saves from my working dir, to the fallout3 dir, I got it worked out....
  8. I have modified other peoples modes before an never had an issue with nifskope section of the modding process. However I am doing a port of a model, rigged it myself and got it out of blender. I can see it Nifskope (1.1.3 Revision 36edbfd) Go to play with it in GECK, it is invisible. I used this tutorial, http://wiki.tesnexus...Fallout._Part_1 Blender export options are, Export Geometry only Force DDS Extensions Stitch Strips Smoothen inter-object seams Flatten Skins Export Skin Partition Collision options Wood Solid Shader options Default type z Buffer Shadow Map Empty Unknown 31 Export Dismember body parts (I made custom caps) I load it up into Nifskope, all the NItrishape have two blocks I never seen before Ni stencilProperty Ni SpecularProperty I can't for the life of me find Tspace flag, As well as my root is NINode not a BSFade node (never used that before) I tried the copy and past mentioned in the Tutorial but when I copy the block over it changes the the name in the value section to a bone rather then keeping the object name IE NinjaMainbody object name. I did make knee pads using the vanilla bandit model and never had to do that, just us nif scope to point it to the right texture files, or add gloweffects. So a little lost at this point, any suggestions?
  9. I have modified other peoples modes before an never had an issue with nifskope section of the modding process. However I am doing a port of a model, rigged it myself and got it out of blender. I can see it Nifskope (1.1.3 Revision 36edbfd) Go to play with it in GECK, it is invisible. I used this tutorial, http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout._Part_1 Blender export options are, Export Geometry only Force DDS Extensions Stitch Strips Smoothen inter-object seams Flatten Skins Export Skin Partition Collision options Wood Solid Shader options Default type z Buffer Shadow Map Empty Unknown 31 Export Dismember body parts (I made custom caps) I load it up into Nifskope, all the NItrishape have two blocks I never seen before Ni stencilProperty Ni SpecularProperty I can't for the life of me find Tspace flag, As well as my root is NINode not a BSFade node (never used that before) I tried the copy and past mentioned in the Tutorial but when I copy the block over it changes the the name in the value section to a bone rather then keeping the object name IE NinjaMainbody object name. I did make knee pads using the vanilla bandit model and never had to do that, just us nif scope to point it to the right texture files, or add gloweffects. So a little lost at this point, any suggestions?
  10. I am porting over a model from a game. The model is in the standard T pose. I am having a hard time putting the model in to the default invert Y pose all the standard fallout models come in. Does my model have to be around the bones. Or can I leave it in the T pose and weight model in that pose. Or does it need to be in inverted Y pose?
  11. I posted this in mod trouble shoot as well but not getting any responses so reposting it here. I have the week off from work and I figured it was a good time to start playing around with a mod idea that I have been kicking around. For the most part I am going to be basing the mod off of Flyable Pilotable Vertibird by arlix 123. However I will be changing the plane. I have a model I made and have used it for other games (X3 the threat) It is the Swordfish II from an animated show Cowboy bebop. http://www.automopedia.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/spikes_ship07.jpg . Today I started chopping it up so that I could have various animations, landing gear deploying, take off jets ect. It dawned on me, I don't know how the animation system in F03 works. I have made armor sets before and played with bone rigging and weights in blender I understand the concept that the bone moves and the mesh moves with the bone. However I have no idea how to make new animations and export them for FO3. I know part of it will be playing with FOSE but one step at a time. 1 How do you make custom bones tha FO3 will read 2. What program is best to animate the bones in. A point in the right direction would be great! Some of my renders. http://img694.imageshack.us/img694/5838/swordfish1.jpg http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/2936/swordfish2.jpg http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/8016/swordfish3.jpg http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/4419/swordfish4z.jpg
  12. I am having the same problem only on nexus sites tho. Most of them get blocked but the ad filters, as well as the Java run requests that I deny. I have a screen shot of two the ads, who should I send them too?
  13. Just to add to my last, I found the world of new vegas much to open. Its a big city that wasn't nuked 50% of the map should have looked like freeside, not this forced cowboy western nonsense. Civi cloths ncr uniform and the ranger set was the only stuff that fit in the western setting. It just to mismatched ether do big city FO3 style or western cowboy but add the right cloths and armor to sell the feel.
  14. Ya Las Vegas was never directly hit by a nuke, which is why most water is safe no fallout. Spots with radiation are cause of contaminants such as barrels. Camp Searchlight was made radioactive by the barrels being opened in the fire station. My problem was quest order I always felt like I had missed so key plot point and that I am doing the quest out of order, even the stand alone side quests. Like I was in an area I shouldn't be YET. In FOR the sidequests were in or around where main plot points were. This lead to massive unused map, but I love exploring so that is fine by me.
  15. Thanks for the heads up. Personally I would inform the local Law Enforcement of this hack. Especially if this is a kid. They got learn young that your actions even on the interwebz have consequences. I say this because once you turn 18 everything sticks, there are no second chances. Lean the hard lessons young.
  16. So I want all of the DLC and on the live for windows games they are 12 bucks a pop, where as if i go get game of the year addition for 30 bucks I get another copy of the game plus all the DLC, am I missing something or Microsft missing something? Why isn't there a buy all dlc for 20 bucks option?
  17. Ya every play through I find something new that I missed. I find once I can no longer carry the loot from my kills, I rush to try and find a vendor or at least unload it and miss content trying to get back home. There is plenty to do and kill even if you are not evil! I highly recommend the DC interior and lighting mods, street lights internal lighting it adds so much in the way of atmosphere and scabbing. I use to play the stealth sniper, however finding that I am loving the power armor + mini gun + grenades combo, nothing unloading on a raider when he is the door way, better know as the fatal funnel.
  18. 99.9% of what you modded will still work, if you change your load order so that your mod that changes world variables and stock companions load last. Your .ESP was save every file and variable you touched in it and change it back to it what you had. Even if the patch changed it to something else as long is it is last in your load order it SHOULD still work. Script changes and variables will not have changed to much from Stock tho, more you change the more you can break from a dev point of view.
  19. This is why developers pay for licensing fees for the software. A production license for 3ds max cost more then most houses, this is why your game cost 59.99 now and not 22.50. The GECK is freeware none production development tool. If you were to gut NV and make your own game using the geck and the NV engine then sell it, you would see the business end of a civil subpoena. If you look at license agreements anything you make in GECK you do not own, so the .esm file belongs to "Them" the resources you use, textures meshes animations are yours assuming you have legit production licenses or made on freeware software. Even with freeware it is difficult Blender and Gimp have clauses where what ever make with them can not be used for commercial use only personal, educational or free. Places like deviant art skirt around this all the time. I make a image of my favorite Ninja with GIMP and then deviant art sells posters of this image. This is technicaly illegal as I used a personal use license to make profit even though its through a third party. Look at it like tipping. You go to dinner you order meat and potatoes, you bill comes and pay for your meat and potatoes, nothing says you have to tip for the service, its just nice when you do. Modding can be seen as the service, and its optional to tip. Ultimately it comes down to the service that hosts your file, if your not doing it yourself. It is up to them if they will allow you to ask for "Change for in game Changes"
  20. DT is calculated first then the AR is taken from the remaining damaged that passes through the armor from the way I understand it.
  21. I found that on my play threw of new vegas on the way to putting my own two in Benny I got allot of quests I shouldn't have, as in there levels were to high. I feel like Freeside was created as the new megaton and all the quests there were give to advance your character's level and stats. However you never return to the areas on your way to New Vegas so I don't know. Like most of the missions and Mccarran are very combat heavy and I seemed ill equipped to do them at level 9-10. Until you hit freeside (for the energy weapons) and gunrunners your ammo and weapons are all off drops. Did anyone else feel like you were at the wrong level on hit way to vegas and once you were at Freeside to high level to be an earn boy/girl?
  22. Like I said before for me its the environment. I love power armor, and it seems very out of place and not in the right setting trekking across the desert with wind sand storms at your back, the only real set that fit was the NCR ranger stuff and that was imposable to get with mods or killing rangers. The sense of survival is lacking and the problems of the land are more supply and demand issues not who gets to live and who has to die (outside of the whole you need allies to fight the legion, when really you could have cleared out the camp solo). I think I might have enjoyed it more it they had built Vegas more to scale, and had more then just Freeside and the strip being New Vegas. Vegas is a big city, it was reduced in what 4 blocks in game? the DC ruins were huge by comparison and even at that DC was cut down from its real size. The inclusion of Germantown and surrounding areas was nice. Same way the Nipton, Primm are real locations, once again cut down to one street. I also find that I'm not as attached to my character in NV as in Fo3 no back story you have no idea who you are! I did however remember I the first time I came to Nipton and found the town slaughtered and my out rage at the legion. I let the lead fly there in after at ever moment I could until Cesar was died. NV did a job at making you hate them, and over looking the NCR's faults. I guess it comes down to Fo3 is a explore, scab, survive and shoot (special with the survival mod), where NV is run here talk shoot western?
  23. So after playing through New Vegas for the first time ending with the NCR,with an 80 hour save I find myself reinstalling Fo3. I think one of the main reasons why, the atmosphere. Fo3 was dark and gritty and mostly urban setting and some decent 50's flavor. That mixed with some nice mods for interiors and lighting effects I found it a much more immerse post apocalyptic environment. New Vegas seemed too alive for me, too many npcs doing nothing too much wide open spaces and brightness. New Vegas and Free side was pretty much the only urban setting, I really enjoyed those parts of the game. The open waste with it being mostly desert seemed off, more like Oblivion I guess. Not to mention all the power armor was very out of place in this western heavy new Vegas. I enjoyed the new story, the faction system, the crafting, hardcore mode, different ammo types, and yes more npc out in the waste with you. That being said 90% of that can be found in the Modding community for Fo3. I understand that New Vegas was the return to the roots of the game. Fo1 and Fo2 were in the western deserts I understand that. I just think that world they built in Fo3 was more complete more immerse and a more compelling world. Fo3 felt like the world had ended and everyone you meet was a meal away from death, where as New Vegas seem comfortable and the troubles and pearls seemed trivial in a day to day way. Wasn't about serviving with what ever you could find, it was about power and war true to fo1 and fo2. I just miss mowing down super mutties in my 45D and not saying "I feel like I need to be in a Duster to fit the rest fo the game." Just my 2 cents
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