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Posts posted by oldnotweak

  1. http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thanks.gif The end is nearing. Right now I'm just taking a lil break, playing Dragon Age: Origins, killin darkspawn n stuff.. so stay tuned :biggrin:


    ive waited but its been a little over a year now and it seems your little break has become a full on retirement. or maybe you allready finished it and i just dont know where to find it?

  2. ahh yes wallow in your pain hazard as i once did! experience it embrace it learn all it has to teach you and then discard it in the shallow grave of sorrow you've made of it


    Fishy sticks are awards of great honour and prestige - given to those deserving.


    *Dark0ne is going to have to put something in the ToS about this, if this continues*


    *Dark0ne slaps cmac's wrists*


    *Dark0ne welcomes the newbie*

    But... but... but... it's become trademark newbie forum tradition! You can't just take it away with a wave of your h-*gets taken away by dark army and is returned 5 minutes later*


    Thank god you did that Dark0ne! It was really starting to annoy me too.


    A belated welcome to the forums Tyjet, have fun and don't spam ;)


    Glory to Dark0ne and his wonderous secret brainwashing program!


    im sure glad he stopped all that brainwashing before i joined.... or did he?!!

  4. I made a super heated cosmic knife and was ready to get excited then it was let down when it was just a regular cosmic knife model and texture that was a disapointment :( so i was wondering if someone could make one with a little hot plate stuck on it similar to the shiskebab maybe even shrink down the shishkebabs flames to fit it and if you position the hotplate just right its like a hand guard just an idea i thought would be cool :)
  5. I'm not even sure if it would be possible with this game engine and stuff BUT i have seen it done with Grand theft auto....a Mod that merges FO3 and FNV would be sooo beyond awesome...I feel there is soo much that is lacking in FNV that FO3 had...more like a feeling than actual things but to merge the two would be out of this world....plz reply if anyone even thinks this would be possible so i know.

    id have to say its definitely possible but it would require a lot of work plus you would have to own both games anyway

  6. Good news everyone! (yes futurama)


    After a bit of looking around all over the wastes and some testing I found some safe player housings.


    TLDR starts here.


    So the MINIMUM requirements for a player houseing (non hardcore) should be:

    Four (4) Safe tested containers.

    A Bed

    Yeah pretty short list. Now onto the real list.


    Minimum requirements for player housing on HARDCORE:

    Four (4) Safe tested containers.

    Easy Access to water preferably non-irradiated or dirty.

    Easy access to a doctor or medical supplies.

    Easy access to food.

    A bed.


    Preferable conditions for a player house:

    Four (4) or more (+) Safe tested containers.

    Easy Access to water preferably non-irradiated or dirty.

    Easy access to a doctor or medical supplies.

    Easy access to food.

    Easy access to Ammo/weapons.

    A bed.

    Centralized location in the Mojave. (So if you have an unmarked spot on the map it won't take 20 minutes to get to from the player housing.)

    Close access to a Mojave express box, or trader of some kind.



    Reloading bench

    Safe location away from enemys. (might be asking too much though...)


    If you're not playing on hardcore, a ton of buildings and non cycling cells can be used as stash points for the player. But once you make the transition, a safe stash is a must.


    So far what I know;

    Lucky 38

    Probably the most used player house in the game. Easy to get to, free, meets requirements (cept campfire), and has oodles and oodles of safe storage spots all through out the casino, And companions can be told to meet up in the presidential suite instead of scattering to the wastes. (I think the work around for this is just like in FO3 where when you tell a companion to wait in the player house, say megaton they will wait there indefinatly intill you went to say point lookout or mothership zeta, the pitt, or somewhere out of the wastes)


    But if you're like me and you're not really too trusting of Mr.house's rule, you often wonder if there's a better place you can go to that wouldn't involve a mostly dead man from hundreds of years ago, buddying up with the legion or one of the other major factions, or playing the wild card.


    The tops.


    From what I've seen almost the same as the lucky 38 only at the tops, I have yet to play the wild card so I can't really tell you too much on the tops.


    Legion safe house.


    The legion ally leads a tough life. You have to bring back NCR dog-tags for fame, as well as other questionable acts, recieve little support from the legion, and be just about dawm near invincible.

    The perks are that you do end up with the legion eventually shareing there loot with you, a safe house, and a visitor to the safehouse ever 3 days if i remember right. Course you're being hunted down like a dog the whole time, the safe house is no where near any running water, infact it's next to the old nuclear testing site. So there's a high chance once you step outside you'll meet fearl ghouls from regular to rotten spam can (Revers). I have not been in this house yet but it's location is on the very southern part of the mojave and will require walking to get to anywhere.

    I'm not sure on a stash point for this one because well... it's a long ways away from everything.


    NCR safe house.


    Now I haven't really been in this one either and I haven't really unlocked the keys to the safehouse,

    the location is horriable. Deathclaws the second you walk outside, no water, and nearest trade is the gas and gulp (or w/e it is past boulder city). This should be used as a stash point.

    The only real plus side to this safe house is that it is just about smack dab in the middle of the mojave and everywhere is a good equal distance. the NCR main camp is just a ways up north so it's not a horriable long haul but inless you do have the perk "Long haul", if you're hauling 5 times your weight limit in goods, it's going to be awhile to get somewhere.


    Followers safe house


    This is north country. No real enemies around, (cept the occasional cazador encounter) but no real water either. needless to say jacobs town or west side or Vegas are your nearest neighbors.

    I have'nt been in here yet but I'd use it as a stash point.


    BOS safe house.


    North EAST country. Close to Rauls shack, semi-close to lake mead/lake las vegas, but also close to the gypsum train yard, and that means blind death claws, Giant ants, and cazador. Stash point.


    Needless to say... I think the safe houses are more... houses for safes.


    Then there's the settlements list,


    The gas station in good springs has a lot of containers, it's a short walk for water food or medicine, Reloading and Work benchs at the general store.

    And victors shack (which I don't believe he uses) is applicable here too.

    There are the good springs houses but more often then not I've caught a NPC living in them.


    In Primm, there's the old hotel... plenty of storage, beds and a campfire.

    I don't know if the convicts respawn or not but it's a mess and looks like an excellent place to forget where you put that fatman that you need to go nuke nelson with, or where you put that extra gun to repair the one your using.


    Course... nipton is a ghost town, I'm un-sure about water trade medicine or anything else on there for that matter...


    Novac, has the hotel of course which has access to (a not so hospitable doctor) a doctor, water, trade, bed and storage. sort of a secondary house over the mountains.


    boulder city. trade and water. I'm un-sure about anything else.


    Snipers nest.

    bed, some containers, trading if your friends with the legion, or neutral, there's a ranger station north of cotton cove for trading if you aren't. but for medicine, I haven't really looked, and water would require sneaking around the legion, inless your neutral/friends with them.


    Harpers shack.

    First, there's no NPC named harper, (checked the geck checked the wikia)

    Second, this place has plenty of storage, a bed, a reload bench, a work bench, a campfire right outside, losts of cactus for making water, a semi-central location, and is semi-hidden from the rest of the world. the only problem is a running source of water, medicine, and every now and again you'll get a nice surprize of either powder gangers, vipers, geckos or some variate along there.

    Over all this is the best stash point i've come across. ranger station charlie is just up the road, or Primm is just down the pass for trade,


    Prospectors den


    I dont know if anything respawns here but there's a lot of storage beds and its close to primm. I dont know about water or medicine.


    TLDR Over.


    Harpers shack makes a nice stash point/workshop but picking where you ultimately stay is up to you.

    Here's hoping for a mini-hideout mod soon!


    you should check out my mod http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35663 it has (i thinkO) everything you mentioned plus a lot of fun stuff all around it its on top of a redrock plateau i made for it hence the name lol

  7. i just find it disturbing that most player homes are just tossed into Goodsprings I built my own house mod right next to hidden valley its a player home on top of a red plateau aptly named Redrock im currently working on a companion bunker for it
  8. Goodsprings a nice and westernish styled town its more of a starting line than a place to call home. so why is it that almost every modder can find no other source of inspiration for a home location? is it just an obvious place for low level character that have no sense of a challenge so much so that they are unwilling (or unable) to actually risk having to encounter an enemy before they get to there OP house. or does everyone really love that town that much?


    sorry for any/all grammar issues

  9. heck yeah sounds good but do you really think anyone will post a rating if they have to write a 100 word comment? I know I cant cause I tend to over condense everything plus I never learned how to write very well (like no punctuation almost at all) :)


    also a simple idea dont know if its any good but if you could set up the rating system so that when you have 9 people giving it a 8-10 and 1 person (a troll maybe) giving it 1 that one wont force the rating to average out based on that single 1

  10. what new vegas needs the most but im almost certain it wont have is vehicles for you and your enemies to drive into combat with each other and a vertibird dropping soldiers off doesnt count! seriously i hated how i couldnt repair and drive a motorcycle in 3 all those parts and no mechanics survived :(
  11. first off thanks for reading this. my request is if someone could make it so i can use the construction set to flip trees upside down and turn them on there sides (when i say that i dont mean the leaves i mean the whole tree so i can make it grow out of the ceiling, wall. etc) and all that good stuff i dont even know if thats possible if it isnt ill have to scrap a few mods :( and thats all thanks :)
  12. well i knew that they spun on there own and all that i have noticed that but my problem was that i wanted to turn some upside down and link them together and other things similar to that but now i realise some of those things are out the window. however ill still try flipping them around  and see how it goes thanks guys <img src="http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" alt=":)"><br><br>EDIT: i tried flipping the the trees upside down and all it did was move the tree around in circles so i guess i am the only one who thinks it would be cool to have trees coming out of the ceiling the walls  and make a whole upside down island in the sky (of course it wouldnt really be upside down i would just use a fake texture of the ground and paste it above you) that had a top and a bottom two different world cells linked through an interior of the island giving the illusion of going dwon into the island and coming out the bottom and looking "up" at the ground<br>
  13. ive been modding oblivion and its been driving me crazy that i cant adjust the rotation/pitch/whatever of any trees they are only usable as is could this be a problem with my cs or is there a program out there that will allow me to do this and if not why? is it some kind of limitation with the game engine?
  14. I cannot wait for the next game I literally cried (a little) when there was no news from E3 but I read somewhere that they trademarked the name Skyrim so it might take place there but im hoping its set in Valenwood and you can travel into Hircines realm of oblivion and I would love it if they used the description from "The Infernal City" as inspiration for the design. the god of the hunts realm would be so amazing
  15. Another problem I hope they solve in New Vegas, I really really really REALLY hope they get more voice actors for the voice acting instead of having the same person doing voices over and over again. :glare:


    Mel Blanc voiced most of the Looney Toons characters by himself. ;)


    I myself can do around 30 voices that are unique and sound completely different from each other and can improvise to sound like almost anyone

  16. Well, it'd be an insanely time-consuming thing to make all trees like that, but you could certainly make a door in the shape of a branch and have them connect. Might be something to add to a treehouse mod.


    But there are just too many trees in Oblivion to change that way.


    well i didnt mean all trees just a few spread across each cell or something like that you could tell which ones by the way the limbs looked or coloration :)

  17. i was wandering around as my wood elf hunter south of bravil when i realised that i couldnt climb trees and that seems pretty important to a hunter maybe it could be a simple thing like making the tree a door that puts you up on a limb or even better a row of limbs you jump up to get higher in the tree

    im just puttin this idea out there I looked for anything similar and found nothing


    sorry for my lack of punctuation and possible bad grammar :)

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