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About yaleblor

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  1. coffee mugs , 16oz drinking glass , ashtray's , thinks like that i would buy . yes it's a good idea and could be a nice revenue source for you
  2. i dont mind your ads at all , the only ones that i find irritating are the ones that have loud audio .
  3. i like this , it's just what currie needs ,a anti-hippie rifle ! i'm looking forward to it's completion . if only the ck/geck were out to make things easier (would it make things easier ?)
  4. enb does not support sli or crossfire , you just got too much of the hd goin on
  5. wow, thanks a lot , i was beginning to think i had some sort of new " vista" nightmare brewing
  6. i'm not sure if this the right place to ask this but here goes when i click on a highlighted link in nexus in stead of going to the new page i get this , any idea's ? it started right after nexus added dark souls to the network , i'm using chrome (its up to date) i have ad block plus beta 1.2 enabled , os is vista 64bit sp2 basic . the server referenced in the error -is that my isp"s ,or the nexus network's ? i would really apprecietate any help, thankyou 404 Not Found The server can not find the requested page: www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40040 (port 80)Please forward this error screen to www.newvegasnexus.com's %20404%20Not%20Found%20for%20www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40040%20port%2080%20on%20Saturday,%2022-Sep-2012%2018:49:01%20BST"]WebMaster.
  7. well it was a bad patch as far as i can tell , it is a fun game ,too bad for some of us there's sooo many hurttles to jump ,thanks for the good posts on what could be wrong
  8. Sounds like maybe a patch went haywire at some point If you open the witcher 2 folder and hover your mouse over the launcher the version should read for the 1.2 patch and the witcher 2 exe found in the bin folder should read 1.2.6276.44681 I don`t know if trying to reapply the patch would fix anything or not . The 1.2 patch should be located in Documents>Witcher 2>downloads . If you do try reapplying the patch be sure and run as administrator and temporarily disable antivirus before running the patch...sometimes they can interfere with the patch updating properly . i'm having the same issue ,this is turning into a nightmare , i finally got the game to install by copying all the files to my desk top had to reinstall gpu drivers, and now i got the crazy menu text and no voices i am going to try one more time ,then i quit, oh and i cant register the game ,if i click on the "register game" in the luancher the launcher goes to task bar and does nothing ,i have to use task manager to close it out ,i'm starting to get pretty mad ,so many ass problems to just install the game , i play games to relax and enjoy myself , not to be tortured ,
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