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About tumbajamba

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    Skyrim, fallout 4, XCOM 2
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    Oblivion, Fallout 1234, Skyrim, XCOM

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  1. PM me, and if I find some spare time I could walk you through the process.
  2. I would use blender to remove underwear and add your leaf...
  3. Lol so funny that you ask for it, I actually created a couple of orcish armors a couple of days ago. Is what u are looking for? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/images/138788 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/images/138634
  4. here we are ;-) I fixed and improved the helmet: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/97409 here is the download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3dt4jzf6buykb33/extrimist_helmet.zip?dl=0
  5. Im currently working on 3 diffrent armor mod projects: 1) Spartan Batlle Suit http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1151/1196961-1454877553.jpg 2) Recon combat armor: http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1151/1196961-1453675159.jpg http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1151/1196961-1456007179.jpg 3) And new power armor for Strong http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1151/1196961-1455391710.jpg
  6. Check my Fallout 4 mods and you will find the tutorial which covers exactely what you are looking for....
  7. Bump. Its a pain in my *ss, just cant get some meshes work especially if many diffrent bones involved. Hope some one could fix this isssue in niftools.
  8. i use 2013 and sometimes the nif import sais - string to long , not a nif file or unsupported format - I make a box and export as nif , and import box back with nif i just make..... , but with jet pack doesnt work...? Cannot confirm, i created custom made jetpack. Just check my tutorial and then when you have questions let me know.
  9. I made a working tutorial. Just check my FO4 Mods... But it is an pdf document not a video tutorial.
  10. Check my Fallout mods guys, i already created workin tutorial.
  11. Well dude the collision issue can be easily fixed if the new mesh match the size of vanilla mesh. You can just copy Nitrishape(Fallout 4 name may differ) from fresh exported nif file and pste it in vanilla nif -> this will fix physics issue. By shiny appearence i belive it is because of materials used in the mesh, but not sure for 100%. If you need some more help just pm me. Check my FO4 files on nexus, you will find an tutorial for export/import an some nifskope magic.
  12. Well to answer this question i have to see the broken mesh. PM me if you need more help.
  13. Did you work thro my Import/Export tutorial? Check my fallout 4 files you might find it helpful.
  14. Well i think it wont happen any soon. We have no proper anymations for the bow for now, which means that we have to create: 1) custom animations in 3rd an 1st person 2) custom meshes for the bow, quiver, arrow and arrow projectile 3) advanced ESP file, which definitely will need working GECK With the tools we have now we could only create custom meshes and even here thera are only few who managed to implement working mesh in fallout 4. So this is much harder than it sounds.
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