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Everything posted by sardoukar

  1. In response to post #37342680. We are all in the same boat. top to bottom...look at the comments :( No can do bro.
  2. In response to post #37148135. #37168115, #37170040, #37187520, #37198900, #37222215, #37267055, #37282640, #37313595, #37319165 are all replies on the same post. This situation is so retarded. even with the "hotfix" its the same thing.
  3. PFfffff my game is done. Bethesda did it again. I can't load any of my saves, my mods deactivate (not always) in NMM when I try to load and on top of that the in-game mod menu apparently has change the load order of my mods. So I don't know what to do. I'm validating steam files right now but I don't know what else to do after that. I've read that someone deleted his entire game, reload it and ended up in the same situation so....yeah. I've survived FO3 and FNV quota of bugs, but this is just stupid. Every time they release an update for FO4, mod users have to deal with similar situations. ugh. In any case, thanks to NMM team for the effort, the report, everything. Not your fault at all. It just drives me MAD to deal with this again and again. Update: Validation did nothing :(
  4. To the creators of Wasteland Defence and RPG or who ever is willing to correct this situation, pls we NEED YOU. The current scrapping and building system needs some modding. 1. Scrapping outside settlements 100% urgency 2. Faster way to scrap items (currently you need to drop it point at it then select the scrapping option) 3. Whenever you build something the position and Level of some structures (like walls) needs to be modified. Some objects cannot move on vertical axis (Z)
  5. http://img-comment-lol.9cache.com/media/ba453d78141691046216831090_700wa_0.gif
  6. In response to post #25769769. #25769949, #25770174, #25770714 are all replies on the same post. well said brother.
  7. http://www.twitch.tv/bethesda I'm staying there for the next 22 days.
  8. In response to post #25769339. #25769514 is also a reply to the same post. :S No! they wouldn't.... why would you even ... shut up!!
  9. In response to post #25769854. why would they tweet about it if its maintenance?.
  10. In response to post #25769769. Of all the flavors , you had to choose bitter.
  11. Hi First of all. THANKS FOR THE REPLY. :laugh: I want to be sure I'm doing this correctly. by copy the face data you mean this right? http://i58.tinypic.com/142wyn4.jpg if this is correct, whenever I try to paste this into NV-GECK it crashes. They are both the same race. If this is not what you meant, could you be a little more specific on where to find the face data? (srry, again I'm kinda new at this) Also, I would like to point out that I can't run both FO3 geck and FN geck at the same time. I have to close one for the other to run. I'm just copying and pasting after closing. Thank you.
  12. Howdy, Well this might be just a simple request but I'm extremely new at this. So to the question, is there any way to import / copy / emulate the face of an NPC I created for FO3 to NV? I tried copying the values one by one in Geck which was what I used to create the NPC in the first place, but the values change every time I try to alter another one, I think it might got something to do with symmetry but I don't really know how to lock the values so they don't change whenever I alter a different one (or if this is even possible). I hope my question is clear. Thanks. Thanks :cool:
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