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About GTA44

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    United Kingdom
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    Left 4 Dead 2, Black Ops II, GTAV
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    Fallout 3, Left 4 Dead 2, Black Ops, GTAV

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  1. @Zaldiir You can't italicize nor use the [ line ] code for a straight horizontal line, nor to make a list, and a few other things. Example: test for italics test for line listtest1 listtest2 Ironically the closing code for [ list ] disappears, along with the [ line ] code. P.S. I wouldn't say it if I didn't know it was true!
  2. Any chance we'll be getting back basic BBCode? Also things like [ line ], etc.?
  3. Just one thing I would really like to see back, please implement a 'latest modified' files box like the last design's files page - one box with the Latest Uploaded, and one with Latest Modified. It really helped to see to see the recently modified files at a glance, and basically that there has obviously been some sort of update to it. Thanks.
  4. I have to agree with cookie133 and XTR3M368 below. Every point they've made. As the old saying goes, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". v.v
  5. One thing that I just have to say straight off, make the content area wider. It's not about wasted space or anything, just that the content area actually is too small for everything it contains. Another thing as a result of the current size, are the mod description/tab pages. They're even smaller than before, and they weren't that massive in the last design. For people who use graphic headers for their mod descriptions, like me, it is a major drawback what with the current size we have to use. Not only this, but the mod description/tabs should be the focus, the main part of the page and what we're seeing. Hopefully there'll be some kind of improvement or alteration in this area. Thanks GTA44
  6. Remember in Fallout 3, when you looted a dead NPC or container, you could take ALL their ammo in one go without an amount prompt appearing. I understand that it was implemented for Hardcore players who might not want to take all the ammo because of weight considerations, but personally I just find it annoying. Would someone be able to remove the amount prompt for looting ammo? I'm sure it's a very simple thing to do, just not sure myself. And it should be possible because it was in Fallout 3 and it probably was a small value change somewhere for New Vegas. Thanks! GTA44
  7. I've been working on patching up the Lucky 38 lights mesh for a mod of mine, and I've completed it and adjusted the normals correctly. Whenever I export as .NIF, it is successful, looks fine in NifSkope, but in game it doesn't appear to have any alpha (transparency) and the usual animation of it (the spinning lights on the base ring) don't play, just remain static. I can post some screens if that would help to show what I mean more clearly. I would really appreciate any help on this as it is vital for the mod I'm working on, before it can be released. Thanks, GTA44
  8. Edit the normal map for the window and make it 90% transparent. (10% opaque).
  9. Definitely, there is pretty much no reason to not be using it, and it solves a lot of common mod problems. Just try it, you can always use FNVMasterRestore should you ever wish to revert the changes.
  10. Thank you. And it's pretty much the same with me, but like I said in my previous post I'll be putting up some previews soon. Anyway maybe hit me up sometime and we can talk.
  11. Yep, just PM'ed you. Stuff will be happening soon.
  12. @ azron Hmm, sounds like a good idea but my main intention is to work on the worldspace rather than interiors. Maybe something like that will come in future versions. Also, some of that like the last part you mentioned would require scripting and that is past my current abilities right now, as I'm just working with objects and the like. @ DODZZ Umm, maybe, PM me the kind of things you can/want to help out with and maybe I can hook you up.
  13. Don't think there is a fix, it might be an engine problem. But maybe you could edit the stealth field script (Stealth Boy or other) to add and equip a hat or helmet upon using the Stealth boy or field. That way you wouldn't see if you were bald or not.
  14. Hmm, would you possibly be able to send me the files and I could have a look at them and attempt to fix it for you? You don't need to worry about me if you have any doubts. Of course, I'll explain what the problem was and how I fixed it when I have.
  15. Hmm, I'm not so sure coreypikes, I think it might be able to be done. You'd just have to blank out all the Pipboy textures. Screen, Screenglare, Scanlines, DistortEffect, etc. I saw another one of your posts regarding the PimpBoy 3000 female angle glitch, you said it couldn't be done, but someone has fixed it, as it was only a mesh problem. -coreypikes: "It's a hardcoded problem. No way to fix it unless Obsidian patches it. " -Me: "@ bethjunkie, Imp of the Perverse, coreypikes: The problem is not hardcoded, it is simply a mesh oversight. Lookn4Mods has uploaded a fix for this, here: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38773 "
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