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Everything posted by llamaRCA

  1. I haven't done multiple convos back and forth, but I can answer the other part. The companions absolutely need to be triggered and supported to talk while following. They only talk to each other casually and without you doing something about it with regular NPC to NPC dialogue while sandboxing (and some other unhelpful and not useful packages like traveling, I can't remember exactly which ones right now; it's too early and I've not enough caffeine, but definitely not following). But that's no biggie. What I did with Charon to make him talk to Clover, Jericho and Sydney was do a script something like the force greet thing meets Cass' timer chat script and give him a dialogue package so that he would talk to them every so often (timer runs out, dialogue package gets put on him, he goes and initiates chat with one of the other followers then goes back onto follow package). In this setup they talk back and forth with regular NPC to NPC dialogue that is inititated with the HELLO.
  2. It's your birthday? (well, it's still your birthday here where I am) Happy Birthday, Ostro!
  3. Sorry, this is months old and I deleted it a long time ago I never put it up for download. :) llama
  4. Ugh! No gaming...I'm so sorry!
  5. Are they laying down like they are trying to sleep or are they flopping down as though unconscious? If it's laying down like they are going to sleep then I think it's Sexual Innuendo as that is known to be able to break Willow's following. I didn't know it could break Veronica as well. It could be AP as well, as that can cause problems too. If you are going to use the girls + SI I suggest you save before doing any activities with them so if they stop following immediately after any SI specific activity of any kind you can reload to when they were still working. Although, since I don't know exactly all ways in which SI can take them off of their own packages I don't know how often you might need to reload. You might be able to fix Willow by taking her journal away from her. That can fix it sometimes, at least until the next time SI messes up her packages. Removing SI from your load list should fix the problem, although you might need to either start over or go back to a time when they weren't broken, I'm not sure. :) llama
  6. Giant hugs, little bro. I'm SO, so, so, sorry about your hand. <3 <3 <3
  7. It's lucky I came back to look at the J.T. stuff again, if you have further issues you should come into my Willow thread :) Which versions of the game and Willow do you have? That might have some bearing on what's going on with J.T. as well. The easiest way to stop her doing that is to take her caps away. However, if you have an old version of the mod, because your game is an old version, this problem might persist. I've solved it in later versions. So, if you have an earlier version come talk to me in my thread, okay? I'll tell you what not to do to avoid the issue besides taking her caps away, because there may be a continuing problem, although you could try, as a trick that might work, taking her journal away from her when she's determined to go shopping. That can cure a lot of problems with her packages when the radio will not. :) llama
  8. Nevermind. I just remembered a tutorial I had completely forgotten about that had the missing piece of information I needed. Thanks.
  9. Yes, other users have had this happen, but I've never discovered a reason why it would be J.T. Although, I'm open to it being him, but I need some data to go on to solve any problem it could be. How long after you had him with you did the problem start? If you had no problems for a while when he was with you and then something else happened in your game (added another follower, added another mod, etc) and then the problem started it might not be him. Do you have no freezing at all when he's not in the party? Does it only happen in some cells and not others. Are you positive it's a follower problem and not related to anything else? Could it be related to ED-E? I recently had a player come back and tell me he had told me his freezing issues were Willow related but they turned out to be caused by ED-E. Any information you have that can help shed light on this would be helpful, but it's happened very rarely that I've heard about so I've been unable to solve it if it is indeed an issue with J.T. And, just so you know, the two followers I add absolutely do not affect your total, however, there is more strain on your PC the more followers you have with you when you enter areas with lots of spawns, etc. The more work your computer has to do the more likely you are to have a freeze or a crash. :) llama
  10. I'm putting in a house and there is an unfortunate set up of vanilla spawns very nearby. I am not sure what the best way would be to get rid of them. I know deleting isn't the right thing to do, but unlike a rock that's in my way, pulling it below the "floor" so that it's unseen doesn't seem like the right way to handle it. So, I'm wondering, what is the right way to get rid of these things? Thanks, :) llama
  11. Okay, so I'm a nooby Blender user. I started teaching myself how to use it about a month ago to do stuff with armor in FO3 (and have decided it's great fun and very, very useful) for a mod I'm working on. And as I'm wrapping up the armor stuff I am now trying to build a house kinda thing and it occurs to me as I'm putting it together that the things I'm working with are also nifs (I'm so smart!). And some of them I would love to change like I've done with the armor. I'm assuming that can be done with Blender. Is this right? I can see how the mesh can be taken into Blender and manipulated and changed, but how do I export it back out again so that it can be used in the game? I'm having trouble figuring that part out. Thanks so much, :biggrin: llama
  12. If you have Willow first and then go hire Veronica you have to take both of them away from the 188. Once you have done that Willow will get a dialogue topic about training with Veronica and you can talk to her about it. It works a little differently than Ranger Andy. You do not need to do Lucius if you have Willow train with Veronica. :) llama
  13. Oh, no! Take care of yourself. Big hugs and kisses. <3
  14. @Ostro - lol! You tell him. I'm glad he finally told us he's okay, I was getting worried.
  15. Hi, I see you've befriended a lot of the bouncy avatar types. It looks like you're friends with half my list. Nice to meetcha!
  16. The NPC saying things that isn't caused by the PC or another NPC talking directly to the NPC is usually handled through some amount of scripting with or without a dialogue package helping it happen. The best example for the most chattering by a vanilla are probably the two scripts that handle Cass' chattering she does when you walk around with her. The scripts sets up when and where she chats. Her generic chatter is handled there as well. Those two scripts are: VCassTimerGeneralBarkScript VCassTimerRegionBarkScript However, I know there are bits of scripting for handling other yakking by the other vanillas for various things, although it might not be what you need as they may all be force greets to the player. If you search in the GECK by the name of the vanilla you find the stuff they've done with them and you can hunt up stuff (packages, scripts, etc) that way too.
  17. Here's the link to Miax's training manual which makes it accessible. You can make some changes in it that are GECK like (changing the DT of an armor say) without having to know how to use the GECK or every having it. But for me, because I'm not terribly sophisticated with it, the most important thing I use it for as a modder is cleaning my mod and checking in it for errors as I'm modding. Also, just as a player it is very useful for checking for conflicts between mods, for getting object IDs so you can console things into your game (I rarely go hunting for clothing mod containers) or copying faces of NPCs and fun/good stuff like that. Re: 4am lol!
  18. No, the GECK is it and like Quetzl said earlier in the thread one of the best ways to learn how to use it is to take a look at other companions and companion mods and see how they were made. You can learn a lot by studying the esm and other mods. At first it is a little overwhelming and you aren't even sure what you are looking at, but the more you look at them the more it makes sense. I'd also recommend that you search through the forums whenever you have to do something with packages, dialogue, etc and look to see what others are asking questions about and the answers they get. That helps. You might want to take a look at this tut to help you understand the scripting done in FO3 and FNV. This is a helpful tut for dialogue. And the GECK wiki is your friend. It has a lot of good material. The search sucks but the front page has a directory on the front page on the right side and it matches up with the GECK by GECK section. It has lists of things like packages, what kinds there are and what they are good for; not everything you need to know about packages is there, but it's a good start so you have some idea. There's a good tut for a simple quest and you could get started doing a quest with that and between that and using a quest you were familiar with in the esm you could build a quest, etc.
  19. Are they lying down on their sides like they are sleeping or are they falling over like they are unconscious? (I have no solution to the problem, I'm just curious about the symptom because it might reveal where the problem is coming from). :) llama
  20. Well, those are the minimum things I do and it should work for a basic companion that you've created from scratch. Sometimes getting things to work requires more, but for the basics, it shouldn't. And, you might not have dropped the ball. You can do everything "right" and something might not be working for some reason. The GECK can be extremely frustrating at times and can require great persistence to power through those times. The problem with that, is when you first start out, you don't always know the difference between when you've made a mistake and when you need to keep trying different approaches because what you've done is right but just not working this time/in this particular circumstance. If you run into something like that feel free to send me a PM, I might have an idea what the problem might be.
  21. drakeelvin has put together a follower template esp here: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=43133 It has the wheel, packages, etc and is meant to be used by a more advanced modder that understands the fundamentals because you'd need to be able to navigate your way through the esp to know what to replace to make it your own. The idea is you change the things in this esp that make it the default follower so that it becomes your follower so you don't need to make your esp dependent on another one as a master. You might use the documentation he provides to see if you can figure out how things work rather than struggling to work from scratch with examples from varied sources. I remember trying to learn to do this stuff in the beginning and I think a template with documentation would have been a godsend. @geekminxen - The variables in the script alone and YourCompanionRef.setplayerteammate to 1 won't get your companion doing what you want. In addition to that, to see what you need to get done, you would need to look at the vNPCFollowers quest (if you were going to use the vanilla followers as an example) which is where all the vanilla followers basic wheel dialogue is and in the results scripts of that dialogue are the commands needed to make things happen. So for instance for the trade segment of the wheel, in your trade dialogue topic, in the results script, you'd have to put YourCompanionRef.OpenTeammateContainer and then that will happen when the wheel is up and the trade part is activated. The other part that needs to be done, say, for following, is that you need to copy what is in the results script, into your close distance following topic, Set YourCompanionRef.IsFollowingDefault to 1 YourCompanionRef.evp But you also have to create the follow package for the follower. And you need a package for waiting and long follow as well. But the esp that drakeelvin has made has all those things and some scripting as well so I believe the only parts you have to do are the NPC creation, NPC placement in the world, changing the dialogue to suit you, and any other above and beyond the basics kinds of things. :) llama
  22. You and Quetzl are right. You cannot prove it, especially if the site has no interest in you proving it so that you can remove your content from the site. I do NOT give permission for any mod of mine, or anything associated with any mod of mine, or anything created by me that is on Nexus to be uploaded anywhere other than Nexus. So if this is done it's without my consent and without the consent of the mod authors who are telling you not to do it and probably most of the others who don't know about this too. Actually this directive (do not upload this mod onto another site) is already contained in my mod description and on a lot of mod authors' descriptions so I'm wondering why I even need to tell you this again. You are way out of line thinking this is okay.
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