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  1. I want to make a quick report in case anyone in a similar situation finds this thread. Really doubt that will happen, but who knows. :) I have managed to important my old save into SSE and made a new one. Then I added all of the mods I wanted. My mod list is pretty small, only 36 of them, but that was the point. I only wanted to add the most essential mods. I also wanted to minimize the chance of stuff breaking. Plus, my PC is a bit outdated so I didn't want to overload my game performance wise. I've clocked in almost 80 hours into the game. And I had almost no issues with the game. The only mod that I couldn't get to work was Convenient Horses. Which is a shame because that's one of the mods I wanted to try out the most. That's okay though, as I have found a different mod that solved my problem that I originally wanted to solve with Convenient Horses. It has nothing to do with the horses themselves, but with loot management. I thought that using Convenient Horses would allow me to adventure for longer and carry more loot. The mod I ended up using instead is called "Rich Dremora Merchant", which increases the amount of gold that the Dremora Merchant you can summon carries. In those 80 hours I completed a lot of quests. I played through Dawnguard, completed most of the side quests of Dragoborn, a lot of vanilla side quests and I finally finished the main quest. Playing through the game, I found no issues or odd behavior. Apart from Convenient Horses, all my mods were playing nice together and were able to bring me a better and richer Skyrim experience. Which is what I was after. So in conclusion, I think it's safe to mod a vanilla Oldrim save. Just be careful when adding mods, create backups, and don't add too many content heavy mods just to be on the safe side.
  2. Okay, thanks. I thought the same but wasn't really sure about it, so I had to ask. I don't know how diffrent SSE is compared to Oldrim, so I'm not sure if doing something like this would a problem. I guess I can try it and see what happens. Worst case scenario, I complete my playthrough on Oldrim. If anyone else wants to chime in with their opinion, please do. I want to hear as many as I can before I make my decision.
  3. Thank you for the reply. To make it clear, the save file is 100% vanilla, no mods were used with it. I already know how to import my save into SSE. I don't have to worry about nuances of using modded Oldrim saves in SSE since I never modded Oldrim. However, you didn't answer my question. Is it safe to mod a vanilla Oldrim save in SSE?
  4. Just as the title says, I want to transfer my character from vanilla Oldrim to SSE and add some mods. How safe is this to do? I really don't want to start a fresh playtrough and I would rather install mods and continue playing SSE as it's more stable than Oldrim. I'm not planning to install any mods that add new content to the game. This includes followers, weapons, armors, new quests and lands. I want to save those types of mods for a new playtrough. The mods I'm looking to install are mostly graphical and gameplay ones. As far as graphic mods go, I remember being blown away by Skyrim's graphics when I first saw the gameplay footage and I want to return that feeling. I know that a lot of graphical mods can make the game look absolutely gorgeous. The gameplay mods I want to install are small, quality of life improvement mods. Like the Unofficial Patch and some other mods that improve existing gameplay mechanics. The one exception is "Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim". I want to install this mod as I'm playing as a Battlemage, and more spells to make me an indestructible God of Destruction would make me very happy. So, have safe is this to do? I tried to Google, but couldn't find any useful information, as most players moving to SSE will have a heavily modded game or be interested in starting fresh. My situation is a bit unique so that's why I'm asking here. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Time for me to win one of these giveaways? Probably not.
  6. Me? Pretty please with cheese on top?
  7. A gift card for me? Would be really nice. Yes, yes it would.
  8. I hope that Lady Luck smiles upon this Lord so He can expand His Steam Library a bit more.
  9. By the order of His Lordness LORD MJ, I hereby approve the entrance of me, LORD MJ, into this giveaway.
  10. I'm saying anything to enter this giveaway.
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