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About dylen816

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  1. this is a mod that is for morrowind but i would love to see it for oblivion great idea and very very fun so if anyone would be willing to try and do it here is the link so you can read about it http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=mods.detail&id=771 thank u
  2. could someone please make a whip for the game
  3. all right well thanks for the help
  4. o and for hidden blade maybe instant kill when sneaking or when u are behind them
  5. it slides in and out btw (hidden)
  6. ok i just thought of this some one should make it so u can do move like from assassin creed run up walls dive into hay stuff like that and second someone need to make a working hidden blade cuz the one from the assassin creed gear sucks u cant even use it its just for looks lame and then someone should make a few towns from assassin creed and a few templar to fight maybe even add some cool counters from the game
  7. ok i just got this idea last night now if somthing like this has already been made sorry but i couldnt seam to find it ok so i think someone should make a mod that makes npc's act more life like makes them go buy food at the store talk to friends go to a job just things like that to make them more human just a thought
  8. thanks lots lfact that it i owe u hella
  9. red trench coat like vash's from trigun a mod that digs a bodie size hole (with a spell or shovel) and then u put the bodies in and u can burie them and a tomb stone it put there maybe make it so u can dig them back up if u need items or somthing leave message if ur going to do one
  10. no this one had a underground town under the IC brige
  11. ok sorry if i didnt put this in the right place im looking for this old mod i had (not duner air ship) all i can remember is it had a bathroom a drop ship that would take u down what ever town ur over sorry i dont remember more i just would really like to find this mod again
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