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Everything posted by xenosnake

  1. Uh um I noticed when dual wielding bound swords when the character sheath them, they flinch... Not sure if it was mine cause I was poking around on some animation mods... It only happens when dual wielding bound swords, using normal weapon does not flinches my charcter. Anyway I got an idea from that... Why do they need to act like they need to put them in a sheath or putting the bow on their back? Is it possible to make a mod, when switching from battle > non combat mode, makes the bound weapons just vaporize, as if the characters lets go of the weapon and it fades away. Like when pressing R triggers the time up limit for the weapons... d(' _' ) Thanks
  2. Cool I can't wait for the final version of this! d(*w*d) As for party friendly spells...Uh... I don't think it can be done in oblivion...XP I tried making a reyvateil spells...>_> Reyvateil spells has a really big area effects... But it keeps killing off my companions too...-_- There was one time in Kvatch, an imperial knight was fighting a mob of enemies, so yeah I had to sacrifice him to kill all the enemies at once...XP In short party friendly spells, are spell that can tell between friend and foe...-_- Then again it may cause a problem if I wanted to go on a killing spree in the imperial city...XD
  3. Haha oh wow I just gave up on making a Reyvateil race, cause I can't do any song spells... Then I find this...>_> Hmm... I'm not sure if its a good idea or maybe its already stated, but how about some spell eats up health or fatigue points instead of just mana... Casting charge spells stresses one's body in order to store up lots of mana then releasing it in one burst. That's just my theory... hehehe its not like real magic exists...<_< Oh since the spell is also consuming fatigue or health points, the consumption on the mana points can be lowered...>_> Maybe a casting pose too. XD All I need now is party friendly spells and the reyvateil race is complete! XD sorry for the bad english...-_-
  4. Hmm... I guess I'll post mine too...>_> http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y137/xeno102488/ScreenShot9.jpg Reverie my vampire half Mu elf... ^_^
  5. Of the armor? >_> http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=24087
  6. "I could definatly make white flames or blue flames, the problem is getting them into Oblivion. I suppose I might be able to replace the frost effect with the new blue or white flames, but I would kinda like to try to make a new spell effect (something I've never done before smile.gif ) I'll try to do this really quick." Oh wow cool! d(>_<d) I never really liked the frost effects in the game...XD I think I found a good mod that looks like a beta reyvateil armor...XD
  7. Reyvateils needs some tanks...XD Since some spells will leave them vulnerable to enemies after casting it....>_> (to balance out the damage reyvateils can give to the enemies...XD ) Yup needs Conjuration and Destruction are the main skills. Int and Willpower are the main stats. ^_^ Well since oblivion isn't really Ar tonelico I don't mind having male reyvateils...XD I also think a tower of Ar tonelico can be put in the game right? >_> They can make it into a simple quest... like freeing the tower from an evil reyvateil and rescuing the tower admin...XD and the player will get some armors and item, plus they can get to live in the tower with the admin. ^_^ I think I'll try again using the construction set and balance out the spells...XP I always get a weird bug with the eyes...>_< And can some one tell if I can change the flame colors for certain spells. >_< Or change some spell animation... like frost damage but with blue flames? >_< Thank you! >_<
  8. Hehe. XD Yup Reyvateils are really physically weak...>_> Since they can 1 hit kill a whole field of enemies...XP I guess it would be good if the have a tank character or summon monster with them...>_< Hmm does it need more int and wil? <_<
  9. Ok... Can somebody make this race? >_> Oh yeah bad english Reyvateils Reyvateils are a manufactured race who were originally created to maintain Ar tonelico. They are designed to resemble humans in every way except for their lifespan and their ability to communicate with the Tower. All Reyvateils are female regardless of their birth history. There are three different types of Reyvateils. Reyvateil Origins are the original Reyvateils who were created with a specific purpose in mind. They have a perfect connection to the Tower. They are considered the parents of all β-type and Third Generation Reyvateils because the lower class Reyvateils are in some way related to them. The second type, β-type Reyvateils, are clones of Reyvateil Origins. They are mortal, though they still live significantly longer than humans; approximately 150 year. The last type, Third Generation Reyvateils, are born from relationships between humans and Reyvateils. Due to the strain that the power of Ar tonelico puts on their bodies, they tend to have naturally short life spans of only 14 to 20 years. I did some stat calculation too... I'm not sure if its balanced...XP STR 10 INT 40 WIL 30 AGI 15 SPD 10 END 10 PER ?? LUK ?? I also tested some spells... Reyvateils are basically wide area nukers...XP Oh yeah I used fire damage cause its the only spell that explodes...XP can any one make different color flames? >_< Target spells Bang Fire damage 15pts 5ft 2sec, Cost 20 (normal flame) Boom fire damage 30pts 15ft 2sec, Paralyze 5sec, Cost 150/Damage self to fatigue 50pts (Blue flame) Big Bang Fire Damage 50pts 25ft 2sec, Damage to fatigue target 50 2sec, Cost 250/ Damage self to fatigue 50pts. (white flame) Hmm.... I'm not sure about this spell Diabolic Emission...>_> Diabolic Emission Damage health 500pts, Soultrap 50pts? Cost 500/ Damage to health self 20pts, Damage fatigue self 200 pts And can some one make some Origin reyvateil suits...XD http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2006/128/932632_20060509_screen076.jpg Armor ver. (it would be cool too if they can set this as a bound armor for the origin reyvateil) http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k109/LagunaWK/Ar%20tonelico/at-shurelia1.jpg Normal ver. Beta types http://i44.tinypic.com/qrajbb.jpg I love Jacqli...^_^ Third gen types http://tsukiokuhime.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/artonelico2.jpg Cloche and Luka Thank you very much for your time. ^_^
  10. I just like to share this idea...>_< Bad English...>_> Based on Elemental Gelade How about a mod quest that lets you search for an "Edel Raid" partner. Maybe they will be in some deep ruins inside a coffin like box or a giant crystal...>_> Edel raid are beings that can transform them selves into a weapon... Here hows it works... they can be equipped just like any weapon, but as long as the player isn't using the edel raid it will take the form of a human. And they can cast some healing support spells on their partner... ^_^ When the player use the "unison spell" the edel raid will "fuse" with the player and turn into the weapon... Aside from weapon itself the player will have a ghost like form of the edel raid floating close behind their shoulder. This "ghosts" can atk other enemy and support their partner. The unison mode eats the player's Magicka 1pt per second, once its all drain the unison mode will be broken and the edel raid will turn back to human form. I think its kinda cool cause you can avoid some friendly fire to either one of you now that the player and their companion are fused...XD As for the stats.... the edel raid's stats will be similar to the player but it will be 20% lower, but gives the player a 10% stat increase in weapon form. I already have an idea for some of the edel raid Yomi Class: Spell Caster Weapon type: A big black twin blade bow Element: Shock Supports: Marksman and agility School: Illusion and Restoration Normal atk bow form: long range rapid fire shock Special atk:When the player holds down the atk button for 10 sec the bow will fire a strong wide area shock. I also have ideas for onehand and twohand weapons too... >_> the abilities will be different with other edel raids but this is it for now. ^_^
  11. WOW thank you again! XD I can't wait to try this out! *w*
  12. I see. o_O Thank you very much! ^_^
  13. Um... sorry I'm kinda new at this... um whats a CS? o_O
  14. Is there a mod or a way to change a bound weapon... the regular bound sword into another kind of sword or a scythe? >_>
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