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Posts posted by GrimReapers1

  1. Ya know, that pic is pretty much my mind's eye concept of how the Adamantium Skeleton perk works and the "awesomeness" of the skeletal limbs would scale up with the perk levels but the over all concept remains the same:


    Sure the CORE of the limbs themselves take reduced --> no damage but the "meat" covering them can be stripped away until regenerated via the usual means of healing.


    Way too complicated to actually work in game...I'm just saying this is how I always pictured that particular perk as working.


    I blame the first Terminator movie for this mindset. :wink:

  2. Upon completing their quest line I'd like this location to become a settlement seeing as how I'm now The Cat's Meow and all that.


    Ideally this could be implemented even after having already completed their quest line.

  3. Simply to see what would happen, I had my character drink 17 bottles of vodka, 4 bottles of bourbon, 8 bottles of whiskey, 5 bottles of wine and (because effit why not?) 1 bottle of stout.


    Other than offsetting her alcohol addiction penalties Nothing Happened.


    'schkewze me??


    Assuming it were actually at all possible to consume that much alcohol within such a short period of time without dying (it totally isn't) shouldn't there be SOME kind of consequences for this kind of behavior?


    Back in The Day there was a mod for FNV https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35979 which gave consequences via the perk Where's My Pants?


    Makes more sense to me than having no consequences at all.



  4. From: Your General


    To: All Command Staff


    Subj: Radio Freedom Format Changes


    Body: Effective immediately Radio Freedom is to no longer broadcast its content via the loudspeakers adorning the courtyard radio tower. Radio broadcasting should continue as normal.


    Comments / Notes:


    1) Our garrisoned troops NEED SLEEP which the 24 / 7 public blasting of martial music and "updates" makes nearly impossible for them to get. Such data are best radioed to our soldiers out in the field since they are in the best position to assist those in need in a timely manner.


    2) The aforementioned 24 / 7 public blasting of martial music and "updates" not only serves to draw potentially hostile attention to our existence and / or location but also affords these potential hostiles a possible tactical advantage of amassing and / or approaching us undetected. This needs to be avoided.

  5. Having used (and LOVED) this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/10613/* back in my FO3 days I just kinda assumed that such a thing was not really feasible in FO4 or it would have been done already.


    I hope I'm wrong though because I'd sure love to see it.


    *I used nifskope to remove the non-functional pieces of the weapon for my personal use such as the laser sight / flashlight and vertical grip but I'm just OCD like that.

  6. My idea involves crafting a terminal which would be placed nearby and assigned to the artillery piece(s) in lieu of actual settlers.


    Power requirements for said terminal(s) would make sense and not just for the terminal itself but also to power the control servos which adjust the aim.


    Also maybe make the servos themselves part of the recipe for crafting this; e.g. Gears, Copper, etc.


    Presumably I'd be "uploading" the coordinates via some sort of GPS type beacon rather than a smoke grenade.


    I've no idea if any of this is actually possible, much less feasible. I'm just tossing it out and hoping for the best.

  7. Specifically I'm trying to craft



    reactor coolant for Proctor Ingram



    and part of the recipe calls for antifreeze bottles but inexplicably, coolant bottles are not treated as the same thing even though logically coolant makes MORE sense than antifreeze since pre-war cars ran on nuclear power.


    Additionally, IRL, coolant and antifreeze are the SAME FKING THING so lore friendly or not, this makes no sense to me.

  8. Word.



    In addition to not wanting unlimited range I'm also adverse to the "no cool down" period.



    Basically I just wanted to be able to craft artillery without having to join The Minutemen* but wasn't looking to "cheat" ¹ to this level.



    *So named because a life expectancy of 60 seconds in battle is noteworthy to them. Bah.


    ¹ The definition of "cheating" being totally subjective within the parameters of a Single Player Game.

  9. I realize that the expansion possibilities of this request be could limitless so, for now, let's just focus on the basic U.S. weaponry of the era that I'm casually aware of.


    1) Browning Automatic Rifle - (Although IRL the BAR used/s .30-06 ammo I could totally live with it using vanilla .308 ammo as a "close enough" kinda thing since, as far as I can tell, the difference is negligible so why not keep it simpleish?


    I find it odd that the Thompson .45 SMG is present in the vanilla version of the game but the BAR is not (changing the Combat Rifle receiver to .308 ammo precludes auto fire capability for some reason) despite the fact that they share virtually the same time line and history...e.g. Al Capone vs. Bonnie and Clyde.



    2) Colt M1911A1 - The first U.S. made semi-auto pistol which was developed in, as the moniker suggests, 1911 which predates the Prohibition Era by nearly 9 years.


    That said..


    I realize that there are already mods which address the M1911A1 so this one is secondary as I can simply find the one I prefer so long as the BAR thing is compatible with it.

  10. Removing them as Overboss was what I had in mind but the weird thing is that, without installing the above mentioned mod, the traders were naked and collar-less.


    Entering console mode, selecting the Trader and typing "resurrect" clothed them back in their rags.


    Perhaps another mod I'm running does this.


    OK, so once Shank started talking about expanding into The Commonwealth I was like "oh HELL no!" and exterminated the Raiders.


    So now the Traders have been freed yet they still wear their collars. I would like to be able to remove them.


  12. So it seems that whilst under the effects of a Stealth Boy weapon sights other than scopes become invisible as well.


    OK as far as iron sights go, fair nuff.


    But I figure any "electronic" sights (Reflex, Dot, EO Tech, etc.) should have a cabled and / or (heavily encrypted) wireless connection to the soldier's Goggles / Helmet / Cybernetic Implant / Whatever in order to bypass this deficiency.

  13. Rabbit, I think you've missed the point.


    In my interpretation of the OP's intent is that s/he wishes encumbrance to be more of an interactive experience (than vanilla provides) based upon game mechanical feedback results (i.e. the more I carry beyond a certain point the slower I go until I can move no more).


    I don't think Fast Travel would even be a factor for someone patient enough to play an incredibly patient character.


    I'm nowhere near that patient.


    Not only do I Fast Travel but I've also modav'd my carry weight and often COC...so while I CLEARLY don't play by his/her standards I think I understand the nature of the request and it's this...


    "I just wanna play my game my way for reasons of my own."



  14. Ideally with options for BOTH Those Of Us Using Power Armor (helm integrated) AND Those Of Us NOT Using Power Armor (goggles / eyepiece(s) / cyber-eyes / whatever, etc.)


    Or perhaps the means to overwrite an existing NVG color scheme with the afore-requested B&W option.


    After all, with the various color options available, why isn't this one of them?

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