I have to say, that if you feel that the Army is 'squishy' compared to the Marines, then maybe you could not hack the Army at all. I served in the Army, so did two of my three brothers; one, in fact, returned from Iraq just recently. I hope that this forum question does not try to pit branch against branch, because WE ALL are vital to the protection and stability of this nation. I chose the Army, not because it was easy or hard, but, I had to prove something to not just friends and family, but to myself. And I did, proudly. I give a big 'Oh-Rah!' to any and all who served. But please do not state something that you may not have any knowledge about. If you prefer one branch to another, fine. But I strongly request that no one denigrate one branch to prop up another. Gregory T. Watson, '86-'89, US Army, Delta 227th Avn Regt, Ft. Hood, TX.