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Everything posted by ColOatmealman

  1. well i figured out it seemed to be that save possibly... i loaded an earlier one and then did that area all over again and it was fine... then i cleared corvega for the MILA and fast traveled to the next one under the pirate ship and i crashed 3 times there. first after i killed a mutant...second after i killed all of them...and third a second or two after i loaded in. so im not sure whats going on now.. any advice would be appreciated
  2. i was playing earlier and was fine, then i installed a few more mods and my game will crash after a few seconds. so i removed all the mods i had just installed and the crashes stayed. so i updated all my mods and removed a few... its still crashing. the crashes are all after i load and start walking away. is there somewhere i can find a crash log or something? im going to try a different save now.
  3. i did the tapes, killed eddie... and then nick says to follow him...buuuuutttt he doesnt go anywhere... anyone know of a fix? i tried killing him and sitting and waiting but he jsut follows me around
  4. im not sure if this is where to put this. but i just had a system lockup while playing FO4 and upon restarting NMM will not go pas tthye splash screen... even a reinstall of it. any ideas?
  5. i thought i saw a mod recently that allows you to add armor mods to clothes and vault suits and whatnot. im usign armorsmith extended, armorsmith legendary clothes compatability patch, ballistic underarmor. but when i try to mod regular clothes like...idk the sequin dress, i can only do the basic mods ( pockets asbestos) what am i looking for?
  6. i load fallout with fose but i cant use my save games...whats the point that was a waste
  7. ok well i figured out it was norepair needed that was causing problems, since i ahve 1.6 i guess i have to use the fose beta? "FOSE v1 does not have support for the latest 1.6 Fallout patch. To use this version, download FOSE v1.1 beta 8 or later." but i have the steam version will that matter? also i never got FOOK to work either
  8. i recently bought fallout 3 on steam and it has been updated to 1.6. now i can no longer start a new game with any mods. i turn them off and am about to start a enw game...i REALLY want to use these mods so is there somethign i need to do to get them to work i shall list the mods i want to use: accurate sniper rifles dogmeatbuff greener world longer days mega weight megaton closes no repair needed (and hotfix) pipboy 3000 shellsrain ultra pipboy light vats at longer distance i have fose and fook but neither have ever worked
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