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Everything posted by Katy420

  1. Uh, Haloform's pinup poser? That's the go to poser and there are a bazillion poses, I'd be surprised if the one you're looking for isn't in there, it's what he's using for this (and most) of his videos to show detail on characters and equipment. But they just get your character to stand that way for screenshots. If you're looking for idles to PLAY with, there's one kind of like that in Pretty Combat Animations, "ninja style" or something like that, with the 1h sword drawn behind the head, but it looks weird with a ton of weapons. Haloform's poser has its own website now- http://mod.dysintropi.me/mods/skyrim/ Sorry.
  2. Ooooooooooooooooooh OK, now I kind of get it. Like I said I know nothing about animations. It's called "idle", it shows up under "idle animations", I assumed it would work like anything else you find there. And yeah, that's all I did, I changed basically nothing. After all the mod has a custom NPC who just sits there smoking pot in perpetuity, and you can make NPCs do it manually, so I know it's POSSIBLE. So how would I go about attaching the animations in a way the CK would recognize as idles it can use? Edit, now that I reread it and think about it again, I'm confused again :sad: No I'm not using the animated objects instead of the animations. Objects are like things to use for an animation, say a pile of wood to carry (or joint to smoke) if I'm understanding right. Is that the same idea as idle objects? No, I'm only using idles, actual animations that show up in the same list as the vanilla idles (which DO work in markers). And if I was just missing the object wouldn't it just show the animation for the actor without the object? Smoking an invisible joint? It seems like this would be easier if I had something to read these file extensions, is there something free for that? I obviously don't plan on manipulating anything, the equivalent of a paint.net/gimp for animations would work. Behavior file= Not a concept Katy gets. I see the file, and now that I look through some other mods I see that they don't seem to have the same thing. But I have no clue what it means. How do I get them to use the one Skyrim understands? (Thanks for your patience)
  3. UGH. So I'm no closer to getting it to work, but a little bit validated that I'm not making a dumb mistake. I CAN add vanilla animations to idle markers and get NPCs to use them like they should. I CAN force NPCs to use the Cannabis Skyrim/Pipe Smoking animations with the console or the spell from the original mod/s. I CAN get NPCs to use idles in custom markers, although that's really something I want to avoid (cell edits). I CAN NOT get them to use Cannabis Skyrim or Pipe Smoking animations in a custom marker. I CAN NOT get NPCs to use them in a vanilla marker that they otherwise use. I think whatever jargon Fore was talking about up there ^^^^ might be my problem. It seems local to the mod. Thanks :smile: But I really specifically want to add these to vanilla idle markers. I know they don't like to use just any idle marker unless you force them to, but since I'm working on getting all NPCs to use them, not an NPC I made or a specific one, I try not to do it with AI packages. I've made it work by setting ownership, usually to the town faction the marker is in.... But the ones I'm working on are ones they readily use no problem, generic vanilla markers. They do every idle listed in the marker, EXCEPT these, and you can tell they're thinking about it because they stand there looking stupid during the time they SHOULD be using the idle. So that's good news for my overall bigger project I was thinking of, I can get the concept to work. But crappy news for the fun stupid simple mod I wanted as a first step. I guess I'd be happy with it if I could get them to use the animations in a custom idle marker, I'd just put them in rarely contested areas like outside taverns. But they won't do it then either. They recognize the marker I made and just stand there. If I take the EXACT SAME marker, and swap the animations with a vanilla idle, changing nothing else, they use it no problem. Could anyone maybe explain what he was talking about and how I fix it? Now I'm determined, it's the principal.
  4. Totally, I'm the first to admit I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to idle markers and animations in general :( Trying to fix that though. I WILL make this work, it's too stupid and simple for me to live with myself if I can't. EVEN if it means breaking out the CK. So that's what I'm doing today. So far same result :( There's really not much difference from TES5Edit as far as editing the fields in the idle markers, there's just not that much you can change. List the anims, then there's how they should play (random, in sequence, etc), the timer, and ownership. I haven't touched any packages and don't want to for compatibility. That's about it. But I still have no clue why it won't use these animations. I'm about to try just adding new vanilla anims and seeing if they use those, so I know if it's how I'm doing it or the way these particular animations are "looked up" (for lack of a better term) when they're used.
  5. Thanks :) It's on a new .esp. I don't like the CK (who does), I'm doing most of this in TES5Edit, just using the CK for reference and (was) using it to place markers. At first I had it using the forms from Cannabis.esp, but just on a whim I tried packaging it all together already.... So I now have a standalone version of the animations I can make play on my character with the console, just a stripped down resource. It doesn't seem to matter if I use the standalone .esp or the one that uses Cannabis.esp as a master, they act the same. There's nothing wrong with FNIS. Works for both sexes. It's just getting the derpy NPCs to use them in an idle marker that doesn't work. I can make them do it with the console, but they get to the marker and don't know what to do. So it's something I'm doing wrong with the marker, not something wrong with the animations, right? Maybe a different flag than play in sequence? Random didn't work either. The timer is set to 2.0, which seemed pretty normal compared to some other idle markers I looked at. And there's really not that much more to idle markers that I could screw up (but obviously I am somewhere). I know with custom ones I had to set up ownership to get anyone to use them and those particular vanilla idle markers don't have any set ownership, but the NPCs don't have any trouble drinking or being drunk so that doesn't seem to be it. I don't have any idea what that last couple of sentences means o.o Sorry, this is the first time I've tried to mess with animation in a mod of my own. Still (just a guess as to what that meant) it seems like if the animations work on NPCs and my character when forced to through the console then that wouldn't be the problem?
  6. So I have a cool idea that should be fairly simple. I want to get NPCs to smoke in taverns with the custom idles from Cannabis Skyrim (or Pipe Smoking, if you wanna count the SFW version), but really it's a proof of concept for a bunch of other stuff I could do. I got NPCs to use custom idle markers without too much trouble, but I want to avoid editing cells and conflicts in general. SO, I had the idea, what if I just added the animations to the list of idles that can play in vanilla idle markers? That way if someone makes a mod that uses those the custom animations would even play there. Plus I don't know of many mods that touch these at all, they mostly make their own. So I pulled up a couple of idle markers you see in/around taverns (drunkidlemarker, taverndrinkingmarker). I set them to play in sequence and added the cannabissmokejoinidle, cannabissmokedragonbongidle, etc. to their lists, and gave them a random timer setting (2.0, it doesn't really matter though). So in theory any place NPCs used to get drunk they should now use the custom animations mixed in with their normal drunk idles, right. NPCs don't seem to want to use the new animations though. I ran FNIS, of course. There's a pause where it seems like it should trigger the new animations, but they just stand there. Not frozen in T pose. Just standing there normally without doing the animations. Any advice much appreciated. If I can get this to work I was planning on adding more variety to other idle markers, which I think is a pretty cool idea for making sandboxing seem less repetitive without any of the normal compatibility concerns. Instead of just reading a book and flipping pages you could have the studyidlemarker read, stretch, yawn, read, then flip pages. Just an off the top of my head example. Once you start thinking of custom idles you could add it gets pretty cool. I'm testing it on a blank MO profile with nothing else running but all DLC, FNIS, Cannabis Skyrim (duh, that's where the animations are from) and the unoffficial patch.
  7. Try the USLEEP swap masters script from Mator, the same guy who wrote the merge plugins script. You'll need TES5Edit, Wrye Bash, the USLEEP swap masters script.... And that's about it. He has a YT channel with very basic but easy instructions for cleaning, merging (using his merge plugins script), and switching old mods' masters to USLEEP.
  8. And yes, I've tried checking the SKSE logs and the Tes5Edit logs, nothing seems to be weird to the programs. Just me :(
  9. <3 you so much, nonoodles. Your mods are awesoooome. (not a typo) However that's exactly the problem I have, there ARE no form IDs or anything but what I've copy/pasted, with all messages enabled all it says is found an MGEF reference, expected an NPC. So my only hope is to go through all my mods? Is there a way to fix errors without the CK (I'm boycotting STEAM after the Batman fiasco)?
  10. Can you elaborate? As I said, I'm FAR from an advanced modder. I would love to be able to find this stuff. And I've used the nexus xedit merge script. I recently updated to v 1.9. 1.72 worked great for me, actually. But I totally trust Mator, I'm sure it's my mods and not the script.
  11. My check for errors filter is going crazy with all the mods I have :( I mean, most of them are ghosted in WB, but almost every active mod I have gets at least one error message (because they're mostly merged). Most of them are harmless-- deleted navmeshes, etc. Things easily fixed in Tes5Edit. At this point, I'm about to delete all my merged plugins, reinstall everything, remerge everything, and rebuild my bashed/merged patches, step by step, testing everything. Will update if I find anything relevant to someone else.
  12. The car always flips out for me. At first I heard this was a SoS issue (a mod I've never been into), the only way I've ever fixed it is by using Live another Life. There IS an option with that mod to play the vanilla intro scene. If there's not, you may be using the wrong race. If that's not it, then just give the mod a try. You go to an innkeeper (any innkeeper added or not), ask for rumors, then suddenly you're supposed to be at the cave exit with Hadvir and Ralof. They'll be injured. Just pick one. The short version: Skyrim's opening sequence is so heavily scripted, and so involved, that it's basically incompatible with everything. Even body mods. And even things that happen way later in game.
  13. Well it's pretty tough to have that amount of mods and make the game run stable lol. I don't think there's any other way to find out the culprit other than the process of elimination like I also mentioned above. I also don't think TES5Edit's merged patch will solve all your issues. I am a perfectionist when it comes to modding Skyrim too, but at every stage, I am greeted by yet another effing problem that I have to put up with. It has become so intense that I spend most of my time trying to fix the game rather than playing it, and I regret it. So my advice to you is, if your game is in a playable state at least for an extended period of time before it crashes, then I suggest you at least try to live with your problems. I know, you might think it's bad advice, since you so desperately want to fix the game, but the reality is, Skyrim is really poorly optimized in a lot of ways, and even more so when you mod it. So what I learned over time is, you either spend all your time trying to fix things and get frustrated, or you play the game and experience an awesome playthrough with a few bearable flaws. Other than that, I just want to make sure, do you have all the memory enhancing mods like SSME, Safety Load and/or ENBoost? As you probably already know, those mods will fix most of your crashes, and a huge chunk of them really ARE caused by memory issues. Just making sure. Yes, I have basic utilities installed and am capable with them. But I love the merge plugins script, it's been saving me for years :( And I doubt that's the problem, since I've played multiple playthroughs using it. Somehow, all of a sudden, things changed. This is code! It shouldn't "change"-- FFS people are still using FORTRAN. But I SO understand what you mean, modding is never "finished," it just gets closer to finished. It's probably a mental illness. SSME, as you know, is obsolete. The save game cleaner is extremely reliable. And yes, the only ENB I use is ENBoost, I'm happy with ELFX and COT on my mid range PC.
  14. I already tried updating Tes5Edit, and NO that's literally all it gives me, with all messages enabled. I'll post a SS if I have to, but I really thought it would be more obvious than this, simple fix, oops Katy was dumb. I do use 3dNPCs, but I've tried disabling both it and Inconsequential NPCs since they both hang out at the bottom of my load order, to no avail. If it's just a Tes5Edit issue, then that would be music to my ears. But my game IS less stable than I like, in any case. General advice is welcome :) I'm so n00b.
  15. This will happen to you over and over as you continue to mod your game..... Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong :tongue: But one red flag that sticks out to me is warzones. That mod is unsupported, has been for years, and if I remember correctly was made before the CK (meaning made with programs like Tesvsnip), therefor corrupted and (maybe not immediately, but eventually) save-breaking. I would say if you're a modding n00bz0r, check out the STEP guide. But if you don't want to do that I'll just make it very simple: Familiarize yourself with either a combination of NMM and Wrye Bash (what I still use) or Mod Organizer (what the cool kids use). Familiarize yourself with LOOT. BOSS is a passable substitute ONLY for experienced modders who know how and where and why to adjust their load order, as its masterlist is out of date. Familiarize yourself with Tes5Edit. There are tons of YT tutorials on this stuff. For something you might find useful I wish I had known when I'd started using Skyrim mods, google bashed patches and merged patches (edit, I know you already have a bashed patch, but make sure it's done properly. And merged patches, even though they're giving me a headache ATM, have saved me more trouble than bashed patches). They're very similar, very simple, and will save you a lot of time and/or heartache. In short, your mod list is fine. There's no reason it shouldn't work (With the possible exception of warzones)... And it's not very extensive. I have 346 plugins I use, (only 143 of which are active) thanks to the merge plugins script v 1.9. I have the odd CTD issue, but crashing every 10 minutes with only what you have installed is not right. Time for some googling/YTing. Also, you may want to try the Skyrim Performance Monitor, just IN CASE it's a memory/CPU/GPU issue.
  16. Textures are definitely not your problem. Missing textures will retain the mesh ("shape"?) of an object/person/etc, but will have a color mismatch-- in NPCs it's usually the grey face bug or the darker face bug. In objects or equipment it's usually a purple or black matte color. It sounds (forgive me if I'm wrong) like you're not very well acquainted with your skyrim/data folder. If a mod just plain doesn't show up, start there. Sorry if this is an idiotic question but have you checked your actual skyrim.exe launcher (not SKSE), and seen what plugins you have enabled?
  17. :/ Thanks guys. But I was really hoping there was some functionality to Wrye Bash or Tes5Edit that I didn't know about that would help me figure this out. Through the process of elimination, I've come to understand only that my mods have errors (read: Are made by humans). There are so many, again 99.9999999% harmless, that it's impossible to filter through them all (at least for me-- I'm FAR from an advanced modder). But I feel like there's something obvious I'm missing. Like, a toggle I could turn on that would tell me where this error is and in what context, but I don't know about it because I'm so N00b. But I appreciate the replies <3 you, nexus
  18. (I don't use MO either, I use Wrye Bash for management and NMM for installs)
  19. If your character was invisible, that's not a missing texture. A missing texture has the correct mesh ("shape"?) but is either purple or black. An invisible suit of armor suggests conflicting records. Is this happening on a naked character or with a particular armor set?
  20. Looks very much like the triangular boob bug. There are a ton of fixes for that one, although I've never encountered it myself (I use CBBE), googling it in terms of boobs might help. I've never seen it in butts before o.o I assume you've tried a clean save+reinstall? As it's only a body mod, it wouldn't hurt your save, especially if you used the save cleaner just to be safe.
  21. NOT a bump >.> But I still haven't found anything on how to figure this out. I resorted to trying to go through my retardedly long mod list one by one, I'm not all the way done yet but it's even harder than I thought. It's normal for some mods to have errors from time to time, so the check for errors filter is going nuts with all the mods I have. They're 99.9999999% harmless.... But it sure makes it hard to find the references I'm looking for. I also tried applying good ol fashioned human logic-- Anything that adds magic effects and/or NPCs, that narrows the list a bit. But the pieces I'm looking for remain illusive. Now it's war, I'm GONNA find this sonbitch. Any advice from someone more savvy than me would be so awesome.
  22. Revenge of the enemies http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40491/? Not sure if this is still supported but tons of people still use it Deadly Monsters/Deadly Dragons http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3829/? (they're uploaded as one file, Deadly Monsters is now an add-on to DD you'll see in the installer) This allows you to increase the stats on various types of NPCs (a setting for humanoids, a setting for creatures, a setting for undead, etc) You can extend their damage, increase their base stats, their magic resistance, armor rating, etc. Must have mod for anyone with fun, OP mods Ultimate Combat http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36006/? Kind of an acquired taste but it does make all combat in the game much harder Combat Evolved http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56147/? Similar in concept to Ultimate Combat I use all of these together except revenge of the enemies (I used to). Maybe the closest thing to what you're looking for is Deadly Dragons (which includes Deadly Monsters, the mod you want). Just crank the health on humanoids way, way up and you'll get your kill cam. (Edit, you'll need SkyUI if you don't have it, all this is done through an easy MCM menu in game)
  23. You can tell if a mod is scripted by looking through its files. Go to its page, download manually (even if you already have it), don't save it, just open it with whatever unzipper you use and snoop around. Anything in a Scripts folder? Anything with a .pex file extension? It's scripted. It's a pretty good practice to do that anyway, before you download. But your question-- you're probably fine. The cleaner is very reliable.
  24. Hmmmm. I assume your mods have been cleaned with Tes5Edit? You might be interested in trying a merged patch. It's very similar to a bashed patch, but instead of dealing only with leveled lists it deals with everything. It's just as easy to do, and there are a few YT tutorials to choose from. You don't seem to have anything that modifies the college itself or Solitude, but I'm not 100% familiar with some of your NPC mods so I don't know if they add anyone to the college area or courtyard, maybe a problem with one of them? You might want to try replicating the crash while running Skyrim through Skyrim Performance Monitor ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6491/? ), in case it's a memory issue or something like that.
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