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About aristotle99

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  1. More than 5 years after this post, it led me to the solution. I have over 1150 plugins, meticulously patched, sorted and put together. Game works perfectly. And then, suddenly, I came across this "infinite start screen", where the logo shows, but no music and no start menu. I have only ETaC Darkwater Crossing, not the whole mod. I disable one plugin, RSC ETaC DWC Patch, and BAMM! -- problem is solved. Hope this helps someone.
  2. Here is the latest Reddit discussion of SKSE64: What features is SKSE64 missing? "From what I understand, SKSE64 is fully complete, is stable and has all of its features. The only reason why it is still in Alpha is because of professionalism. The team keep it in Alpha for a minimum time (12 months, I think) for feedback and bug reporting. Of course, every time that Bethesda release an update, the SKSE64 team need to make tweaks to SKSE64 and because this resets the 12 month period. So essential, SKSE64 will stay in alpha until 12 months after the last Bethesda Skyrim update which might be years from now". 12 months? Seems a very long time .... EDIT: Happily, I am wrong. Later in the day, the Reddit thread was updated with the following quote from SKSE Developer "extrwi"; "Public testing, mainly. We really need one version to be out there with no major bugs for a while. Runtime updates 'reset the clock' on stability testing, which is unfortunate. Hopefully Bethesda won't release any more updates this year and this can be called a beta in early January. There aren't any internal features that need to be completed or figured out at this point".
  3. May I respectfully ask the powers-that-be if we can expect an SKSE64 Beta in the near future? I seem to recall reading that if there are no further updates to runtime 1.5.23, a Beta can be delivered / proclaimed / issued / announced by the end of January. True?
  4. The next best thing to SKSE64 may be coming. https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/6e9e7a/i_dont_want_to_get_your_hopes_up_but_windows_10/ The memory problems that were a big reason for CTDs in Oldrim may finally be addressed, by Microsoft no less. Specifically, the 4 GB VRAM cap. As one poster on Reddit put it:
  5. Completely true. But then their response to someone like me -- who tries to do something constructive like getting Bethesda to make an SKSE64, or set up a crowd funding site to pay a computer engineer -- is open mockery and contempt.
  6. The best post out of 84 pages. I've printed out and addressed the letter to Todd Howard I posted earlier, am sending it today. You are all welcome to send my letter word-for-word as well. The more that are sent, the more likely there will be a result.
  7. Here's my draft letter, which I'll be sending to Todd Howard shortly. _______________________________________________________________________ May 26th, 2017 Todd Howard Bethesda Game Studios 1370 Piccard Drive ROCKVILLE, Maryland 20850 Dear Sir: RE: Skyrim Special Edition Script Extender I write on behalf of many players and modders who have enjoyed the original Skyrim for many years, and who hope to enjoy Skyrim Special Edition (“SSE”) just as much. Sadly, SSE suffers from a major defect. As you will know, a tremendous enhancement to the original Skyrim was provided by the Script Extender (“SKSE”), developed at no cost to players by the Script Extender Team. Here is a description of their mission set out by ____________, the co-founder and lead developer of the project: “Extending the scripting capabilities of the various open world RPG's from Bethesda Softworks: Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim and Fallout 4. Each successive game from Bethesda has integrated functionality from the previous game's Script Extender that modders found useful. Downloaded by millions of users, the script extenders are considered essential modifications for PC installations of these popular games. SKSE downloads for 2015 alone topped 6 million, 3+ years after the game’s introduction. The Script Extenders are created by reverse engineering the game engines, and adding new capabilities at runtime by injecting code into the game without modifying the executable.” Unfortunately, gamers and modders are forced to conclude that the Script Extender team has abandoned the project. Mr. ____ last posted a video update on December 28th, 2016 and has been incommunicado since. The team’s official site at silverlock.org states in a brief note dated April 3rd, 2017 that: “Skyrim Special Edition has been released, and the original SKSE will not work with it. We are creating SKSE64 for the new 64-bit Special Edition. We appreciate your patience while work continues. Currently we don't have a[n] estimated time frame for a beta release of SKSE64." In a posting on Nexus Forums on March 31st, 2017, another team member, ___________, states: “I don't really have any good news. A large amount of the core code (papyrus support, scaleform support, etc) is ready, but the layout of most of the game data classes still needs to be verified as unchanged from the 32-bit version. I haven't had any time to work on this for the past few months due to work, and I assume the same is true for _______. Making time estimates for full-time professional engineering projects is very hard, and this is far from that. Again, sorry for getting people's hopes up.” The “team” appears to not communicate with each other at all. Many months have passed with no SKSE64 on the horizon and no concrete sign that it is forthcoming. My suggestion is that Bethesda Game Studios assume responsibility for the Script Extender project, ask the existing team for its work-to-date, and release an official Bethesda SSE Script Extender as a paid DLC. I would suggest US $10-$15, a sum that I and many other modders would gladly pay. One can see from Nexus that Skyrim mods currently number about 52,500 and SSE mods about 6,700. Over the past few months, the pace of new SSE mods has slowed considerably, in part due to the unavailability of a functional Script Extender. As a purely revenue-generating exercise, an official Bethesda Script Extender for SSE is a win-win for your company. It would cement the status of this game as one of the leading modded video games for years to come. It would continue to generate interest in the Elder Scrolls franchise until the release of Elder Scrolls 6 some years down the road. At $10 to $15 each, a Script Extender for SSE would generate some unanticipated revenue for Bethesda – at minimal development cost. This is so because much of the groundwork has already been done by the existing Script Extender Team. I hesitate to pull the rug out from under the existing team, but they truly appear to have abandoned SKSE64. Numerous threads and comments have been posted by modders on Reddit and on the Nexus Forums asking for an update on the current status of the Script Extender for SSE. From the team, there is only silence. I urge Bethesda to quickly develop an official SSE Script Extender, and to release it as a paid expansion no later than the one year anniversary of the original release of SSE, namely on October 28th, 2017. Yours truly,
  8. You shouldn't post something like that unless it's more than just speculation. Do you have firm, reliable information?
  9. The solution, then, is for people wanting to help in and join to submit their work to key contacts of the official team. Those would seem to be, first, Qazyhn and second, schlangster. An email sent directly to ianpatt or behippo might not get a timely, or any, response. Whereas Qazyhn and schlangster would have the clout to review the work and submit it higher up. I appreciate that schlangster is somewhat detached from this project at present, so best to contact Qazyhn. In additon, I want to quote from Zmhm from the Reddit thread I started earlier:
  10. Which would be true, if they followed this thread. But a poster previously said the last time behippo was on was in February.
  11. That's right, discourage people from contributing. Lack of communication from behippo (even a message sent to an intermediary) is evidence that he has lost interest.
  12. Outstanding :smile: I was hoping that some smart cookies would finally try their hand at this, hope there are more. I started a thread on Reddit 2 days ago on schlangster's recent post and the status of SKSE64. Here it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/6cbmw9/pc_skse64_update_of_sorts/ People might want to contact Qazyhn He / she seems to be a main contact, here is their post on that thread:
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