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About DirtySteve666

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  1. I am writing this in a hope that somebody will make this mod. The in game map is really not good at all in my opinion, however it is such an important part of an rpg game, fortunately the modding community working on it to be a bit better. There are a few mods out there that improves the graphics quality of the map but not really its functionality. It is really annoying that you can only place one map marker (not even a map note) at the map and you are not even able to edit its description that why you even place that marker there. So my request is if anybody willing to do it to please make a mod for: - Possibility to place more map markers (not just one) - The ability to edit those map markers (editable descriptions to it) The reasons why do we need this: The ability to mark locations with custom descriptions is crucial in any RPG game, for a number of reasons to gameplay (you forget something there, you want to mark it for further exploration, you name it what can be the reason ...), but it seems like the developers these days always forget this little detail. Thx: Steve.
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