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About kgb5097

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  1. That's where my scary moment happened... It was at that power plant where you get the unique power fist, I had just wandered in there to escape the radioactive rain ( :) ) and figured I'd explore it fully. I found an inactive turrent in a room FULL of ghouls so I turned the turret on and let it take care of the ghoulies.... A few minutes later after all went quiet I turned off the turret and wandered in, searching a ghoul or 2 but generally ignoring them... than I hear "RAHHHHHHHH!" right behind me, I jump almost out of my skin and turn to see a ghoul missing an arm standing there. I unload into this thing with the pistol I had out... I'm thinking jeez, THAT was scary as hell... I than turned around to see 3 more ghouls standing there, having just got up off the floor, and they all go "RAHHHHHHHHH!" just as I turn around and look at them. I make a point of putting a few rounds into EVERY ghoul after its down now, no exceptions. Gotta love MMM though :P
  2. I was thinking that when I came across some vintage '96 bottles of Coke at a flea market a couple days ago... for a dollar I figured I'd see what some genuine warm, old & flat 'Nuka' tasted like... Stupid Fallout influencing what I do IRL :P Truth be told, it wasn't that bad. This is coming from someone who makes hardtack because he likes it though, so not everyone would agree I'm sure...
  3. I have like 150+ total hours played in this game and have STILL never been to Takoma lol...
  4. This is what I'm looking for, too...
  5. I knew America's Army was more than just a game, but that's taking the whole 'lol gamers leik ze army' think to a lolertastic extreme....
  6. I thought you were requesting a new perk lol.... I was thinking "Yes! If you ever get like, 3/4 of your health drained by insect attacks, perhaps in just a few seconds, you'll get the insectophobia perk that perhaps increases your running speed when under attack by radscorpians or something :P My suggestion; get yourself a modded double barreled shotgun that does 999 damage and hotkey it so when you DO see buggies they won't be scary at all since you have your boomstick...
  7. Conscript armor would be awesome, but I think I'd have a Charon-Desolatior following me if this got made :P
  8. Its in Maryland, actually... not too far either. Nothing close to DC to Pittsburgh, especially across the mountains.
  9. Wandered into Old Olney... my first ever game I played an amoral scavenger so I figured I'd loot the place clean. I soon found myself running and firing into the crowd of 3 deathclaws that ambushed me. I died about 10ft outside the city... After that, thinking the ambush was a fluke, I strolled right back into Old Olney after a reload... *sigh*
  10. I swear I saw a mod to fix this before.... it takes 2 months to travel to and from point lookout... this is TOO DAMNED LONG! The Pitt, on the other hand, despite being 400mi away and through a desolate wasteland (read: Pennsylvania) takes less than one minute to reach, according to my pipboy...
  11. it should be 'completequest xx0011ad' with 'xx' being the load order of broken steel. Download FOMM if you don't know the load order... for me its 05.
  12. In the main quest in point lookout I was helping to defend the mansion from the tribal attack with Desmond. I had laid some mines down on the stairs, near doors... pretty much anyplace I thought some crazies might come from. All goes well and the tribals fall. Desmond had stayed on the second story for the whole fight while I ended up at the bottom of the stairs. After the last tribals had fallen Desmond ran down the stairs to talk to me and BOOM! He trips a mine in the middle of the staircase, does that 'invincible falldown' thing that essentials tend to do and lands flat on his face at the bottom of the stairs. It made a really hilarious 'THUD' sound when he hit the ground too, and he went hostile for about a second between the time he tripped the mine and the time the explosion 'killed' him. It was like he was mad at himself for being so stupid :P
  13. *Edit* *Edit* Gee, the correct texture/mesh combo really does make things work better. Glad I figured that out before I asked for help. Also, please delete this topic. THank you!
  14. Ignoring the glaring bugs that nearly made this DLC unplayable for me, I did enjoy it. I might actually rank this my favorite or second favorite non-essential (Read: Not Broken Steel which IMO should've been part of the game from the beginning... I mean come on, you can't play past the main quest? Give us a break Beth!) DLC, perhaps a hair behind Point Lookout.... Pros: cool enemies, cool weapons, cool new armors (SAMURAIIIIIIIIII!!!!111), got to meet people from the past, got to pretend to be Captain Picard at the end there.... Cons: Not enough of said cool stuff, quite linear, freaking doors lock behind you making most of the ship a one-shot deal... As stated above, of the thousands of people abducted over the centuries you're telling me you get to meet like 6 or 7 of them? Only one isn't an American? Such a cool chance to add lots of really wild & unique items was wasted IMO, as was a way to expand what we know about the post-war world through either speaking with other abductees from around the globe or simply being able to see more than just a low res earth from the windows... Also, since Star Trek was clearly a source of inspiration for some of this DLC, why didn't I see a HOLODECK!? SO many possibilities could've been explored with the inclusion of some sort of advanced alien simulation room... *sigh*
  15. Its the fact that a bunch of nukes went off at once all across the world, heating up the atmosphere and whatnot and killing plant and animal life, disrupting the ecosystem... Part of the canon I believe talks about terrible cyclones in the midwest and other climatic nightmares that've disrupted normal weather patterns and thus, have not cleansed the land of radiation. Plus, you know, its a game based off '50s science fiction lore...
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