Ignoring the glaring bugs that nearly made this DLC unplayable for me, I did enjoy it. I might actually rank this my favorite or second favorite non-essential (Read: Not Broken Steel which IMO should've been part of the game from the beginning... I mean come on, you can't play past the main quest? Give us a break Beth!) DLC, perhaps a hair behind Point Lookout.... Pros: cool enemies, cool weapons, cool new armors (SAMURAIIIIIIIIII!!!!111), got to meet people from the past, got to pretend to be Captain Picard at the end there.... Cons: Not enough of said cool stuff, quite linear, freaking doors lock behind you making most of the ship a one-shot deal... As stated above, of the thousands of people abducted over the centuries you're telling me you get to meet like 6 or 7 of them? Only one isn't an American? Such a cool chance to add lots of really wild & unique items was wasted IMO, as was a way to expand what we know about the post-war world through either speaking with other abductees from around the globe or simply being able to see more than just a low res earth from the windows... Also, since Star Trek was clearly a source of inspiration for some of this DLC, why didn't I see a HOLODECK!? SO many possibilities could've been explored with the inclusion of some sort of advanced alien simulation room... *sigh*