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Everything posted by ridd9R

  1. Follow this type setup: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/1182?tab=files Select your own playlist. Convert the songs to correct type of file. Preferably stack them lengthwise, in case you have more songs you wanna play than the list accepts. Name them according to the songs you wish to overwrite (example ../classical radio/originalsong.filetype) add them in to a structure that is the same as the original files (../../../) add to archive2 save as yourradio.ba2 load Enjoy personal songs.
  2. FFDEC (JPEXS) for simple hacking. RABCDASM for exporting, splitting, merging and replacing Flash for those whom are interested. Programming languages of your choice for binary patching etc. Good luck!
  3. Shameless self-plug here, but: Ultrawide Reloaded is up to date and supports your desired functionality.
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