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About Snowman1944

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    Alien: Isolation, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4

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  1. I would like to request a new custom gun for New Vegas. I am both surprised and saddened to find that a mod adding the IMI Tavor (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMI_Tavor_TAR-21) to the game does not exist on the Nexus (or anywhere else that I can find, for that matter). Being a firearms enthusiast IRL and having a strong admiration for this gun, I would love to see it realized in game. I've worked on making one myself with Blender, but given the epic failure that was my attempt to add a custom M41A Pulse Rifle (from the movie Aliens with some creative additions such as picatinny rails and attachments), my model will just never be able to be converted over and added into the game. So, this is why I decided to ask if somebody out there would be interested in making one? I've done some searching and found there may have been one or possibly even two models previously available on the Nexus, but the users that had made them are now banned, so I can't get the ones they made (so frustrated I wasn't able to download them prior to their having been banned). Anyway, I just thought I'd make a request for it. For those of you that took the time to read through my request, thank you for your time.
  2. Wait a minute, I think I figured it out. I will post the solution for those that are seeking to do the same in the future. You have to extract all the voice sound files of those utilized by the specific NPC's you wish to change, alter them as you require, and then save them in a custom folder. Next, you need to create a custom version of the original voice type ("FemaleAdult02" for example) in the GECK under "Voice Type" sub-directory in the "Actor Data" directory. Name them the same as the folders your altered files are in. For example, with mine, I changed all the directories to include "Radio" in them to separate them from the original. So instead of having a directory of the files named "FemaleAdult02", it would be named "FemaleAdult02Radio". Then, you have to select the NPC's you want to change under the "NPC" sub-directory in the "Actors" directory and change the "Voice Type" to your custom version of the original. Hopefully that helps someone else that can't figure it out either in the future. EDIT: Unfortunately, due to the fact that the for the mod to work, I'd have to upload ALL of the files I extracted from the game in those directories for the mod to work, and not just the ones I changed, I will NOT be able to release the mod publicly. It would be a violation of the Terms and Conditions of the site as well as just a tad illegal and I'm not willing to get banned let alone get in legal trouble over a mod. Sorry if I got anybodies hopes up. Since I can't delete the whole topic anyway, I'll just leave this post up with the description for others that wish to make their own mods. Take care, all!
  3. Hey all, So I have an idea that I'd like to try to implement. That idea is to make a mod that changes the Brotherhood and possibly even NCR npcs death sounds to include the radio whine sound effect from Half-Life 2 from the Combine soldiers. I have the sound effect ready, but I have been unable to figure out how I can change an individual npc's death sound from others. In other words, what I need to do is change the default death sounds for Brotherhood and NCR npcs, which are just default human death sounds, and make them use a separate sound effect for their deaths, which I would create. I've been over the GECK left and right but can't seem to isolate the place where I can change what sounds they use for their death sounds. Maybe this idea is a bit too ambitious, and might not even be possible, but I thought I'd ask. I always LOVED the radio disconnect whine that accompanied a dying Combine soldier from Half-Life 2 and thought it would go great in this game with both Brotherhood and NCR soldiers as well as Fallout 3 with just the Brotherhood, which I would make a separate mod for. I figure they probably have some kind of radio on each of them, or at least you can role-play that they do, and when they die, it cuts out, just like in Half-Life 2. I figured I would ask in the New Vegas forum prior to the Fallout 3 forum first as more people most likely visit this place than the Fallout 3 one. If anybody can help me in figuring out what to do to accomplish this, I would be greatly appreciative. Thanks! :smile:
  4. Oh, I thought he was saying he had nifscripts for 2.7+ Blender. I have 2.71 Blender, but the 2.5.9 nifscripts don't work for the current Blender. My problem is converting models from Blender 2.49b to nif format that actually works. I've followed Millenia's online tuts to the T but when I go covert them to nif format, it either doesn't convert it right or the couple of times I did get it to work, I couldn't copy/past it in nifskope over a default weapon properly. Is there anybody that maybe knows how to do this for me? I would give all credits to you for your part. The model is ready and the UV maps are done. Got the Texture, normal map and specular maps done and it's ready to convert.
  5. Could you post a link for the 2.7+ nif script? I've been having a hell of a time with getting things right when converting from 2.71 to 2.49. I'd really appreciate it. :)
  6. The model and textures are FINALLY finished. All that needs to be done is for the model to be converted over to .nif format and then have it set up in NIFSkope. Otherwise it's game ready! Currently, I only have uploaded the .blend format files, but will add some other files in a bit in different formats. The .blend files were made in Blender version 2.71. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/57354/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D57354%26preview%3D&pUp=1 Feel free to download the file and get it working in game, I also included the 2D and 3D sound effects for the rifle. I really hope someone can get this working in game. I've been working on it since October of 2013, and really want to see it get put into the game. I just haven't been able to figure out NIFSkope yet. So until I get it working myself, please help yourself to doing it yourself! Enjoy all! :smile: If you wish to use another program other than Blender to convert the model over, I've added an optional file "M41A Pulse Rifle Plus UV's - Alternates" which includes the model converted to the following formats: OBJ/3DS/FBX/DAE The UV maps are included in this file as well. Hope this helps!
  7. Just wanted to pop in and let you know I haven't abandoned the gun, I just got busy with stuff, and am on vacation in California atm. Still working on it here and adjusting some last minute things and finishing the texture work. Shouldn't be too much longer. Thanks again for offering your help! :smile:
  8. Okay, once I finish up the last tidbits I'll toss them over to you. I've heard it's bad to use .obj format, but if it works, it works. Thanks so much. You should have them in the next day or so, if that is okay. :D
  9. I can export it to multiple different formats. Currently it's a .blend 2.71 file. But I can export it to the following formats: .dae .svg .stl .3ds .fbx .obj .x3d Usually, I save it using .dae to import it into blender 2.49, and from there I can further export it as .nif for nifskope.
  10. Hey all, it's been a while, but I'm finally at the end of the creation of my custom M41A Pulse Rifle. I've created the UV's and textures and am putting the finishing touches on them, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get the weapon to work in nifskope and in game. I've done tons of research and played around with it but it's just not working. I am looking for someone much more knowledgeable in this to get it to work for me if I supply them with the model and UV's/Textures. I can take over putting in game and setting all the values and stuff once it is working in the GECK. Credit will, of course, be given for the help! Thanks in advance to anyone that can help me with this!
  11. Okay, found it. The name in the geck is: nvdlc01starletclean It's under "Items -> Armor -> armor -> nvdlc01starletclean" Enjoy! :)
  12. Fighting raiders in a dress? LOL That is kind of disturbing. Let me see if I can find it for you.
  13. You probably already did this, but just in case, did you change the textures to your own in nifskope? Otherwise it will default to the original models textures (provided you are overwriting a default weapon). If you did that, then I'm not sure. I have yet to play around much with nifskope.
  14. Hmm. It also looks like it might be a problem with 3ds. How does it look when not in 3ds, like in nifskope or in game? Is the problem persistent? Unfortunately, I have zero experience when 3ds (I'm stuck with blender) and am fairly new to modeling, so this one might be out of my range. Hopefully it's just another issue with shaders or something.
  15. Looks like just a shader bug in max to me. As long as it doesn't show up in game then it should be fine so I wouldn't worry about atm. Coming along great! :smile:
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