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AlienSlof last won the day on January 11

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About AlienSlof

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    United Kingdom
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    Baldur's Gate 3, Hogwarts Legacy, Horizon: Forbidden West, Deep Rock Galactic, No Man's Sky, Satisfactory, Morrowind, Dungeons & Dragons
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    Doom series, Quake series, Elder Scrolls series, Minecraft, Civ Series, Portal Series, Satisfactory

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  1. I love reading the ban/warning topic! There are so many brainless nincompoops in there it makes me wonder if the parents threw out the baby and kept the afterbirth.
  2. There seem to be rather a lot of these malware things at the moment. Is there nothing the site devs can do to keep these out? Some of them even seemed to have been banned twice today!
  3. This is not the right topic! Nexus feedback would have probably been a better place so the moderators/admins are more likely to see it!
  4. This is in the wrong place!
  5. October was when I lost Atherton, then a month later lost my other ragdoll. I was in bits. I have 2 other cats still soldiering on, though one of them isn't very well and has an appointment with the vet for some scans and the other is deaf and going senile. I also have a little dog and an ancient tortoise! Power Outlet is a great cat name! Sorry you lost him.
  6. Absolutely they are! Sometimes it can be illuminating to see what other people come up with, often stuff that didn't occur to the original devs. Modding also increases the longevity of a game. That majestic creature was the light of my life, my ragdoll, Atherton. Sadly, he died just before christmas and I am utterly heartbroken still. We had such a strong bond that we were like a single organism and I feel hollow without him around. We were joined at the hip!
  7. I like you already! Dogs and cats obsession is perfectly heathy! I think I have your game on my wishlist if 'oddsparks' is its name. I like automation games and having a blast with Satisfactory right now!
  8. I'm also British. Still a gross name.
  9. What a disgusting, despicable - and many other things beginning with 'd' - piece of human excrement this idiot is. Makes me ashamed to be of the same species as foul dross such as this. And this is not exactly an appropriate username. Blegh!
  10. Politics (outside of game related) do not belong in games. Real life politics are not relevant to any game's story. Games should be for a bit of harmless escapism, not a platform for pushing whatever political agenda is uppermost in the real world of planet earth and humans. Same applies to Nazi mods, I believe.
  11. You also don't need to make a separate account for the forums - just use your existing one. Having more than one account is frowned upon.
  12. All too often I see requests here from mod users asking for things (which is absolutely fine), but neglect to tell us WHAT GAME IT IS FOR! On top of this, many folks assume we know what they're talking about without giving us more details: for example: 'so-and-so's hair please' without telling us who 'so-and-so is, what game, film they're from, and preferably posting a picture or two! Most importantly: what game it's wanted for. We're modders, not mind readers! Please don't assume that because YOU know what you want, that we will, without providing us with more detail. A request or idea is more likely to be picked up if we are given more details and reference material. If you're too lazy to provide this for us, then we are too lazy to care to research it ourselves. Things to consider when making a request: What game it is for What you would like and provide reference material for us to work with I often peruse through this section looking for inspiration, but all too often I see no details at all, just 'I want this, this and this.' with no further clues! Maybe this post should be stickied for more visual impact.
  13. I didn't get into computers or gaming until I was in my 20's and my partner introduced me to them. Before that happened, I played tabletop D&D and Warhammer, (complete with fully painted armies!) - indeed, the wargaming club is where I met him and we're still together gaming and painting stuff 30 years on. I was the only woman there! He introduced me to his Commodore 64 when he moved in with me and we played games and he taught me how to program in Basic on it. Years later, I was running my own buisness and bought a 2nd-hand Apple Mac with Photoshop 2 on it and I learned how to paint digitally as well as with normal art media. I also became competent at Tetris, my first computer game! The rest is history. I used Photoshop through all its incarnations until it went subscription, at which point I stopped buying upgrades. Still using CS6 to this day and refuse to bow to Adobe's greed. I disagree with 'kids should not be on computers playing games' - my friend's son is autistic and online gaming has really helped him to learn the gentle art of socialising. As he's grown I've seen him go from an awkward kid into a functioning young man. Computer gaming did that for him. He didn't spend all his time indoors either - he loved playing football, though these days he prefers watching it to playing it! I wish I'd had access to a computerwhen I was growing up. I'm old now (60+) and still enjoying my gaming and art. I find it keeps my brain sharp - indeed, such activities can help avoid falling to dementia. 'Use it or lose it', as they say!
  14. I change my passwords every so often to avoid this kind of thing. I don't use social media, so at least I'm safe there! I'm assuming they then hold this data hostage to get money out of the account owner - has to be money involved somewhere, or they'd get a proper job. I doubt they'd do it just for the hell of it. Has to be money involved.
  15. This will more likely get an answer if you post it in the game's own section. More people who play will see it that way and perhaps have the answer you seek.
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