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Everything posted by lilphucq

  1. Thank all at Nexusmods. 2FA activated. Two-factor authentication has been successfully activated on your account. This works.
  2. Hi Robin, Dave. Can't Imagine the frustration for Nexus staff this past year-plus, with an rebuilt site, Vortex. Managing compatibly for expiring mod managers. Cu-do's, job well done. And all in the wake of so much negative input from site users. Stagnation, "doing things the way it has always been done" is in fact counter productive. Though with "security", options do exist that do not alienate security conscious users. This topic is not one where one rolls there eyes, blindly dismissing concerns as "Venting". Security is an real problem that users, websites. the internet as a whole must take into account. To suggests that measures have been put in place to facilitate those who "do not" take serious their online safety at the cost of those who do is in fact stagnation as well as counter productive. To quote, "with all due respect - we don't need `a place to vent` but a solution to a usability problem" This is what needs to be addressed. Educate the careless who do not practice safe password implementation. Do Not Punish Those Who Take Their online safety seriously. (We've noticed in recent months a lot of malicious bot activity trying to gain access to people's accounts. They've succeeded in some places and stolen a lot of accounts in the process due to user's using the same logins and passwords across multiple sites that have been hacked and leaked online, and then not changing those passwords.). Also such thought less comments as this can come back to haunt you. ("having it to supplement our security outweigh the inconvenience to our users"). Just pointing out that an open mind on this topic is to the benefit of all. And for the readers; users of this forum, please try to be helpful with useful suggestions that implement practical solutions and do not consist of, or focus on the frustration that is built up do to the annoying logon. Fixed, sort of. See news 7-19-18 Thank all at Nexusmods. 2FA activated. Two-factor authentication has been successfully activated on your account. This works.
  3. In response to post #55388373. Yes, the search function often will not locate an mod by name, or find the mod using single words from mod name.
  4. In response to post #43832375. #43832715, #43833005 are all replies on the same post. you would think it should be dragonborn.
  5. In response to post #43832375. #43832715 is also a reply to the same post. Thank you, ya, just found that out as I looked for an answer to come. Though I just ticked all DLC and was going back to untick each to find the one and you saved me the trouble. Thanx Lots.
  6. Never mind, just load all DLC and there they are.
  7. Is any one having trouble finding "Dragonbone" weapons in CK or is it just me? used the filter and ticked all, ticked weapons, then went down the whole row and ticked each and nothing but armor! Never mind, I just load all DLC and bingo.
  8. In response to post #43643020. #43643130, #43650400 are all replies on the same post. If it has an esm file it WILL NOT WORK. Some, but not all esp files work ie. body mods. update; tiwa44s minidresses and spicegear work, though no console access.
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